Finding Shirk-Wordings

Finding Shirk, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

How to find shirk? 6

4.Allah is rubb

12/41— O my two companions of the prison! (The interpretation of the dream of) one of you (is that he) will serve wine to his master (the king)….

12/42— And Yusuf (Joseph) said to the one whom he believed to be released: ‘Mention me to your king

12/42—-……. But Satan made him forget to mention (him) to his king, and consequently,

Yusuf(as) is saying rabb to the king of Egypt.

even allah himself is refering word rabb to the king of egypt . allah himself started quran with alhamdu illaahi rabbil alamin. He himself is saying rabb to the king of egpyt.

Allah and his nabi both said rub to the king of egpyt -do you think its shirk?

its not shirk . so these kind of ayats should be taken metmorphically/majazi not haqiqatan/literary .

If just by saying rabb no one becomes haqiqi rabb same way if you call some one maula/ghouse/daata sahib/mushkil kushan etc will not become shirk.

When you say ya rasoolallah(saws) help me /save me its not shirk.with allah’s help/permission anbiya/aulia helps the creation .calling them for help is not shirk.

muslims believe allah alone is fullfiller of needs and calling the aulia/anbiya is just a zariya/means of finding allah’s help.

Allah himself has provided his help in form angels/quranic ayats/anbiya /aulia etc

5.Guidance and misguidance

2/26– (In this way) Allah holds many astray, and guides many aright with the same example. …..

71/24– And truly, they(idols) have misled many people. So, (O my Lord,) do not increase these wrongdoers (in anything) except misguidance.’

the idols were  means/zarriya for misguidance .but we know its allah who gives guidance and misguidance but here misguidance is metmorphically /mazazi referred to idols.This is the quranic way of explaining things.

6.Allah brings age differences

73/17– (the torment of) that Day which will turn the children old….

But here day of judgement is said to be making children old.

7.Allah makes eman increases and decreases 

8/2– ….. And when His Revelations are recited to them, they (the ecstatic, delightful, sweet and sublime Words of the Beloved) increase their faith…..

But allah says ayats increases the eman.

8.Allah takes the lives

39/42— Allah takes away souls at the time of their death ….

32/11— Say: ‘The angel of death, that is appointed over you, will terminate your life…..

But angel of death takes the life.meaning with the permission of allah he takes the life.

In ibadat there is no metmorphical/mazazi—-literal/haqiqatan meanings

Difference is atayi/temporary/non eternal/limited  for creation and its zaati/permanent/eternal/ unlimited  for allah. metmorphical/majazi or  haqiqatan/literary meaning.

biz zaat and kamil/perfect-Allah alone is our ilah(fullfiller of needs) ,khaliq/khadir(powerfull) .Allah alone is responsible for health and wealth . Allah alone is responsible for profit and loss .Allah alone gives hidayat/guidance. Allah alone gives rizq .Allah alone gives ilm.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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