Tauheed Finding Shirk-Zaat

Shariath, Tauheed Finding Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

How to find shirk? 2

Tawheed, is the belief of unity of  Allah (swt) and it means; Allah (swt) is unique in His being, attributes and actions and no one equal to Him in these aspects.

Shirk mean association of a equal partner in being, attributes, or actions of Allah (swt). Associating, joining, ascribing a god-partner with Allah (swt) in absolute [or perfectly like] or relative [or partialy like] terms, is Shirk. Ascribing in absolute terms  a partner with Allah (swt) in His attributes or actions, is Shirk.

All sins will be forgiven by Allah (swt) but the sin of Shirk will be punished eternally in the fire of hell.

1.plz check whether the difference is atayi/temporary/non eternal/limited  for creation and its zaati/permanent/eternal/unlimited  for allah .

2. Meanings differ with respect to allah and his creation.see whether its metmorphical/mazazi or literally/haqiqatan with respect to meanings

3.ask what type and category of shirk is it?

4. if its shirk ask him to prove tauheed on that grounds(it must be exclusive right of allah ie tauheed)

biz zaat and kamil/perfect-Allah alone is our ilah(fullfiller of needs) ,khaliq/khadir(powerfull) .Allah alone is responsible for health and wealth . Allah alone is responsible for profit and loss .Allah alone gives hidayat/guidance. Allah alone gives rizq .Allah alone gives ilm.

Shirk in zaat- essentially is ascribing to Allah (swt) a being as a god partner. Commonly the associated god partner is in the form of a idol, either as daughters, son, parent, or wife. when ever Shirk of Sifaat or Shirk of A’fal occurs Shirk of Zaat is automatically warranted.

Shirk In Sifat Of Allah (swt): attributes/attribute of Allah (swt) are/is ascribed to a creation of Allah (swt) in absolute sense – or in other words, ascribed to a creation in same capacity as it is believed for Allah (swt). Seeing, hearing, knowing, these are all attributes of Allah (swt). The creation of Allah does shares with Allah (swt) these attributes. Allah (swt) as out of His will as confered these atributes to His creation and the ability of these attributes is restricted in creation. Creation’s attributes varie some can see/hear more clearly then the other, some are blind/deaf, some become blind/deaf in old age, some become blind/deaf because of exidents.

Shirk In Actions Of Allah (swt):Shirk of A’faal is, when a god-partner is said to perform a action instead of Allah (swt). In other words, when any aspecting of managing affairs of the creation are attributed to a idol-god who is taken as partner of Allah (swt) then Shirk of A’faal has occurred.

The true Creator is Allah (swt) and all other creators/creations are dependant upon the material to create with and dependant upon knowledge, power, permission of Allah (swt).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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