Dua-Selected Names

Dua, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Before entering the toilet: -Allahumma innee aoozu bika minal khubusi wal khabaa-es. -“O Allah! I seek refuge with You from all wicked male and female jinns.”

Upon coming out of the toilet: Gufranaka – AlHamdu lillaahillazee azhaba annil azaa wa aafaanee. “All praise is due to Allah alone, who has removed the distress from me and given me comfort.”


When removing one’s clothes -Recite “Bismillah” Shareef when taking off the clothes, as this creates a veil from humans and devils.

When putting on a new dress: AlHamdu lillaahil-lazee kasaanee maa uwaariya bihi auraatee wa atajam-malu bihi fee hayaatee. “All praise is due to Allah, who has clothed me so that I may hide my nakedness and so that I may adorn myself while I am alive.”

On looking into the mirror: -AIlaahumma hassanta khalqee fa hassin khuluqee. “O Allah! You have made me good-looking; make my characater good too.”

When seated on a mount or a vehicle: -AlHamdu lillah – Subhaanallazee sakh-khara lanaa haaza wa maa kun-naa lahoo muqrineena wa innaa ilaa rabbenaa lamunqaliboon. -“All Praise is for Allah – Pure is He Who has put this (mount) in our control whereas we could not have subjugated it, and indeed we are to return to our Lord.”

When visiting a market: (4th kalima)-Laa ilaaha Ill-Allahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lah – lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyul-laa yamootu beyadehil-Khair; wa huwa alaa kulle shaeyin qadeer. “There is none worthy of worship (God) except Allah, He is One, He has no partner – for Him is the kingdom and all praise – it is He Who gives life and it is He Who gives death, and He is Alive by Himself, He will never die; in His Hands lies all goodness and He is Able to do all things.”


Do not visit the sick person for a long period. You should make Du’a and then take leave. Ask the sick person to make Du’a for you since their Dua’s are readily accepted.

To say “o allah, heal so and so…..is sunnah.

“Whoever visits the sick whose time was not written and says seven times: Asalullaah al-‘Adheem, Rubb al-‘Arsh il-‘Adheem an yashfiyak.(I beseech Allah, the Magnificent, the Rubb of the Magnificent Throne, that He cures you) And Allah will cure him of that sickness.” [Abu Dawood & at-Tirmidhi]

Good health and free time is a reward/bounty from allah to his slave. Don’t waste it. Ask allah for certainty of faith and good health.


1.avoiding what might cause harm

2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)

PSYCHOLOGY—- refresh the body with good scent(itr/perfume/wudh) and listen to good news. happy feelings relax the heart and fill the veins with blood. encourage the patient to get well .reliving the anxiety will bring relief to the heart. Patient must be visited by his loved ones/relatives. be kind with the patient and say inshallah you will be cured at the earliest.

 DIET —Eat to gain strength and use that strength for worshipping  allah.

Donot force the patients to eat and drink. allah feeds them and gives them drink. supply from allah to the patient depends on submission and humbleness/yakeen /raza before allah.

pateint must believe in the medicine and the doctor. quran benefits those who believe in its value.

sometime patients don’t like to eat and drink its because their body is fighting the illness.

Patient passes through 4 stages-beginning, intense, fading and ending of illness.  eat only to gain strength and avoid things that will aggrevate the conditions.

Eat sensibly and moderately for good health(1/3 food,1/3 water and 1/3 for breathing).

Fight certain illnesses with nourishment and diet rather than with medicines.

Use single ingredient than using mixture of medicines as much as possible.Stick to regular day to day diet you will suffer less with diseases. Compound/mixture of medicines is for those whose diet is compound/mixture (like eating heavily different things at a time on regular basis)

neutralizs hot with cold ,cold with hot, dry  with wet and wet with dry as a preventive measure.Like dates are hot neutralize with watermelon.

Honey and quran are best remedies for illnesses. drink honey with water on empty stomach its sunnah.

Body accepts that food which is liked by the patient.

sex involves body ,heart and soul. body gets heated up and heart acquires lust and pleasure. soul will follow the body and heart. connected to the soul is the heart and heart affects rest of the body. submit your heart before allah. true sustainance is spiritual sustenance not material sustenance.

Spend more time in treating the ills of heart and soul ie  be spiritually strong by doing zikrullah. this is more important and final goal of a human.

Professional Doctor must have heart and soul knowledge not just physical (must use medicinal and spiritual cures). Should even give divine remedies  in form of zikrullah/ruqya.Should be trustworthy,lenient and forbearing/show patiency (sabr) .

Search for a best doctor how you search for best deeni solution(best deeni solution is with a sunni alim who is also a sufi ).

preserving good health is by

1.avoiding what might cause harm

2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)

Diseases are of 2 types——1.Diseases that attack the heart  a. Doubt/error-2/10,74/31,24/48-50   b. Lust/desire—33/32   AND  2. Physical diseases that attack the body–48/17

Sickness, PAINS or Evil Eye: YA SHAAFI /YA SALAAMU /YA BARRU / YA MUEEDU –Abundant Knowledge and Wisdom: YA ALEEMU YA HAKÎMU /YA KHABIRU-Honor and Respect: YA MU’IZZU / YA ZAL JALÂLI WAL IKRÂM –Spiritual Guidance from Allah (Istakhara): YA RASHÎDU / YA KHABIRU /YA ALEEMU–Destroying Evil Magic, JINN or Enemies:YA MUMEETU /YA AZIZ UL JABBAR –Protection against all evils, accidents and calamities: YA HAFEEZU / YA RAQEEBU –Peace and happiness: YA SALAAMU/YA LATEEFU –overcome any difficulty/need:YA FATTAAHU / Ya Musabbi bal Asbaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat –Defeating the Enemies: YA QAHAARU / YA QAWIYYU/YA AZIZ UL JABBAR –Wealth, Richness, Job’s or Employment: YA WAHHABU YA RAZZAQU –Purification of your Soul or for obedient children:YA QUDDOOSU-Forgiveness:YA GHAFURU /YA GHAFURUR RAHEEM –Allah’s Mercy and Blessings:YA RAHMAANU YA RAHEEMU –creating love between two people:YA WADUDU /Ya Muqalli bal Qulub –overcome bad habits like alcoholism, adultery, drugs..etc: YA BARRU /YA QUDDOSU –find lost items or to call back missing or a lost people: YA JAA-ME-O –Removing Sterility and for barren women to have children:YA BAARIUL MUSAWWERU. –resolving disputes or fights among family members or friends: YA JAA-ME-O/ YA WADUDU –remove fear/phobia of any thing from weak hearted people, for people who’s have weak limbs and to gain strength, sexually weak people, to drive out laziness: YA QUWATIL MATEEN/ YA AZIZ UL JABBAR –Win Court Case or Judgment: YA Malik Ul Mulk / YA FATTAAHU (The Opener)-Spiritual success :Ya Raafi-ad Darajaat  /YA GHAFURUR RAHEEM –Dozakh se hifazat – “Allahumma Ajirni’ minan naar”-Dunia mei faqa se bachao k liye :Yaa Wahabuu”-Ager koi Qaidi rihayi chahta hoo-Surah Jin

Shaitaan k shar se mehfooz rahe ga “HuuWallaahurraheem” –Martaba mei bulandi k liye “Al Aliyu”-Rozee mei aisi barket -“SubhanAllahiwabiha mdihi subhanAllahil Azeem”/”ya Azizu” –Gunaahon ki aadat chhurwane k liye -“Yaa Mo’minuu”/”Yaa Hameedu/”Yaa Fattaahuu”-Sharaab noshi /zinakari/ badkaari mei giriftar ho “Al barro” –Jinnat ko dafa karna ho – Surah Fatiha, Ayatul Kursi aur Sura Jin ki shuru ki 5 ayaat –Dunia ki mohabbat se nijaat k liye “AlQahharo”-Nek Aulad k liye “Yaa Mateeno” –Biwi ya Shohar naraz hojaye to yeh parhen -“Yaa Maneo”/”Ya Wadoodo/ “al Waliyuu” –Zaalim se peechha churane k liye “Yaa Raufu”/”Yaa Qadiru”-zaalimon k zulm o qehar se mehfooz rahe ga-“Al Jabbaru” –Mushkil Asaan karne k liye “Yaa Qadiru”-her aafat o bala se mehfooz rahe ga-“Yaa Muhaiminu”-Tanhai mei dar lagta ho to “Yaa Wahiduu”/”yaa Mo’minu”-Ghussa door karne k liye “Yaa Raufu” –Jaduu se hifazat k liye “Yaa Mumeeto”-Makhlooq ki mohtaji se bachne k liye “Yaa Hakeemo” –Shaitaani waswason se nijat k liye “Al Muqsitu” Ibadat mei dil na lagta ho – “Yaa Allahu Yaa Ghaffaru Yaa Qadiru” –Aulad k  liye “Yaa Khaaliqu Yaa Bariyu Yaa Musawwiru”-Larkion ki shadi k liye wazeefa “YA Lateefu”

surah fathiha-cure for all illnesses,entire quran is in surah fathiha

surah baqarah-the first part of Surah al Baqarah, the verse of the Throne, two verses after the verse of the Throne and three verses from the last part of Surah al Baqarah,recite atleast 10 ayats of this surah at night.

surah imran-verse26and 27(to pay your loans),recite this sura in your isha prayers.

surah anaam-recite over sick for cure

surah yousuf-prevents painfull death and envying a fellow muslim

surah kahf-recite on friday for noor and peace/sukoon

surah muminun-verse115-118 (sickness)

sura as sajdah-protection in grave and forgiveness .good deeds are recorded with grades in jannah.

sura yasin-equals 10 quran shariff in recitation and forgiveness.

read all the suras starting with ha-meem (7suras)

surah fath-(verse1-5)dearest sura of rasoolallah saws.

surah rahman-the bride of the Quran is Surah ar Rahman

surah waqiah- for wealth recite at night(free from poverty)

recite suras of glorification Al-Hadid, Al-Hashr, As-Saf, Al-Juma and At-Tagabun

sura hashr-3verses from last part of this sura 70000 angels pray and if you die then will be among martyrs

Surah Al Mulk- protection from the torment of the grave

2times Adiyat-1 quran

2 Times Sura Zilzalah-1 quran

4Sura Kafiroon-1 quran(free from shrik)

3 Sura Ikhlas-1quran

1 Sura Takasur-equalent to reading 1000 verses of quran

Sura falaq and nass– protection from jinn and evileye.

Ayat ul kursi (baqarah255)-read after every farz namaz and before sleeping.

(proven from various ahadith)

Wazifa Aayat e Sajdah-its must that you do sajdah when you hear ayat of sajdah .(so when reading don’t be loud because if any person hears the ayat then it becomes wajib for him to do sajdah or else he will be sinner) one can read this Wazifa everyday, every week or every month. Even when performing Haj, Itikaaf and on Auspicious Blessed Nights.

Ayats (verses) Surah Al A’Raf( 7/206) Surah Al Ra’d (13/15) Surah Al Nahl (16/ 50) Surah Bani Israil (17/109) Surah Maryum (19/58) Surah Al Haj (22/18) Surah Al Farqan( 25/60) Surah Al Naml (27/26) Surah As Sajdah(32/15) Surah Sa’d (38/24) Surah Hamim Sajdah (41/38) Surah Al Najam (53/62) Surah Inshiqaq (84/21) Surah Al Alaq (96/19)

HOW TO PERFORM SAJDA-E-TILAWAT—Sajda Tilaawat will be performed like a normal Sajda. Wudhu is a condition.Face the Qiblah and without raising the hands, recite Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar), going down in the Sajda position. In Sajda, recite Subhaana rabbiyal a’alaa at least 3 times. Thereafter, reciting the Takbeer if you wish to. If you wish, you may arise from the Sajda position into the Tashahhud position. The Sajdah Tilaawat is now complete. Although it is better to begin and end this Sajdah from a standing position, it is also correct to commence and terminate it from the Jalsa (sitting) position.

There is no need for Salaam.Sajdatut Tilawat is prohibited whilst the sun is rising, precisely at noon, and from the time the colour of the sun changes before sunset until the sun has fully set.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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