Dieseases Of The Heart-Sins Donts

Dieseases Of The Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Shirk: associating partners in worship with Allaah,Allowing what Allaah has forbidden and forbidding what Allaah has allowed,Magic, fortune-telling and divination,Astrology, or believing that the stars and planets have an influence on people’s lives and events,Showing off in worship,Superstitious belief in omens,Swearing by something other than Allaah,Sitting with hypocrites and wrongdoers to enjoy their company or to keep them company,Lack of composure in prayer,Fidgeting and making unnecessary movements in prayer,Deliberately anticipating the movements of the imaam (when praying in congregation),Coming to the mosque after eating onions or garlic, or anything that has an offensive smell,Zinaa – fornication and adultery,Sodomy (homosexuality),Asking one’s husband for a divorce for no legitimate reason,Having intercourse with one’s wife during her period,Having intercourse with one’s wife in her rectum,Not treating co-wives fairly,Being alone with a non-mahram woman,Shaking hands with a non-mahram woman,A woman wearing perfume when going out or passing by non-mahram men,A woman travelling without a mahram,Deliberately looking at a non-mahram woman,Seeing one’s womenfolk behaving in an immoral fashion and keeping silent,Making false claims about a child’s lineage, or denying one’s own child,Consuming riba (usury or interest),Concealing a product’s faults at the time of sale,Artificially inflating prices,Trading after the second call to prayer on Friday,Gambling,Theft,Offering or accepting bribes,Seizing land by force,Accepting a gift in return for interceding,Hiring someone and benefitting from his labour, then not paying him his wages,Not giving gifts equally to one’s children,Asking people for money when one is not in need,Seeking a loan with no intention of repaying it,Consuming haraam wealth,Bearing false witness,Gossip and backbiting,Slander,Looking into people’s houses without their permission,Two people conversing privately to the exclusion of a third,Men wearing gold in any shape or form,Women wearing short, tight or see-through clothes,Wearing wigs and hairpieces, whether made from natural or artificial hair, for men and women,Men resembling women and women resembling men, in dress, speech and appearance,Dyeing one’s hair black,Having pictures of animate beings on clothing, walls or paper, etc.,Lying about one’s dreams,Sitting or walking on graves, or answering the call of nature in a graveyard,Not cleaning oneself properly after going to toilet,Being a bad neighbor,Cursing a believer or someone who does not deserve to be cursed,Wailing (at time of bereavement),Striking or branding the face,Abandoning a Muslim brother for more than three days with no legitimate reason.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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