Arif-Heart Soul

Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Man’s  spiritual heart is the throne of God.

The spiritual heart is function of feeling, placed in the midst of the body and soul.

The heart of flesh is the instrument which first receives the feeling of the soul, and transmits its effect through the whole body.

There are four aspects of the heart:

1. ‘Arsh — the exaltation of the will

2. Kursi — the seat of justice and distinction

3. Lawh — the fount of inspiration

4. Kalam — the source of intuition

Breath keeps body, heart, and soul connected. It consists of astral vibrations, and has much influence upon the physical and spiritual existence.

Breath connects material existence with the spiritual.

Every breath which is inhaled prolongs life, and when exhaled it quickens the frame. In every breath, therefore, two blessings are contained, and for every blessing a separate thanksgiving is due’ (Sa’di).

The first thing a Sufi undertakes in order to harmonize the entire existence (devotion)

1.Purification of nafs

2.Purification of heart

3.Purification of soul


Dreams and inspirations/ilham are open proofs of the higher world. The past, present, and future are frequently seen in a dream, and may also be revealed through inspiration. The righteous person sees more clearly than the unrighteous.

There are five kinds of dreams:

 1. Khayali — in which the actions and thoughts of the day are reproduced in sleep.

2. Qalbi — in which the dream is opposite to the real happening.

3. Naqshi — in which the real meaning is disguised by as symbolic representation which only the wise can understand.

4. Ruhi — in which the real happening is literally shown.

5. Elhami — in which divine messages are given in letters or by an angelic voice.

The ability to be conscious of dreams and their meaning varies with the degree of development attained.

The dream seen at midnight is realized within one year, and the dream of the latter part of night within six months; the dream of the early morning is realized soon after. Depend on good or bad actions of the dreamer.


Inspiration is the inner light which reflects itself upon the heart of man.

The purer the heart is from rust, like a clean mirror, the more clearly inspiration can be reflected in it.

There are five kinds of inspiration/elham:  ilm/ husn/ ishq/ ruh/ ghayb

1. Elham-e-‘Ilm — inspiration of an artist and scientist

2. Elham-e-Husn — inspiration of a musician and poet

3. Elham-e-‘Ishq — inspiration of a devotee

4. Elbam-e-Ruh — inspiration of a mystic

5. Elham-e-Ghayb — inspiration of a prophet

Inspirations are reflected upon mankind in five ways: in the wave of thought, in emotions and feelings, in the sufferings of the heart, in the flow of wisdom, in the divine voice and vision

Some are born with an inspirational gift, and to some it appears after their development.

The higher the development in spirituality, the greater the capacity for inspiration.

Inspirations are enclosed as well as disclosed at times; they appear according to the will of Allah. 

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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