Arif-Auliya Allah

Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



Consider yourself to be the most inferior.should think, I’m sure he/she is better than me.I don’t know what is going to happen to me at the end (death).Be As in the state of death

Tazkiyay-i-nafs (burning the nafs): To save nafs from bad habits, e.g., lying, lust, gossip, greed, passion, abusive behavior, etc.

Tasviyay-i-qalb (heart being pure): Cleaning the heart so that the light of the truth enters there. The person can then see Haqq’s wisdom.

Tajliyay-i-ruh (shining of the soul): Shining of the ruh with the divine light. The people who are on this path don’t pay attention to karama (miracles). They have no direction other than “die before you die.”

1.Tawba (repentance): he has to remove the intention of sinning from his nafs, and then he must wipe the sin off his heart.

2.Zuhd (highest asceticism): to distance yourself from the world, the love of the world, the material of the world, and lust.

3.Tawakkul (trust in Allah, giving oneself over to His care): to ignore seemingly worldly causes and reasons, and be with Allah.

4.Kana’a (contentment): to distance yourself from the lust and pleasure of the world, and be happy with your situation,

5.Uzlat (devotional seclusion): to cut your relation with the created, and living in seclusion,

6.Tawajjuh (turning towards): to turn your face to Allah, leaving other than Allah behind you. It is to fall in love with Haqq and His messenger, and to be annihilated in Allah. Whoever turns to the Messenger (PEACE BE UPON HIM) will be happy in both worlds.

7.Sabur (patience): To be patient against the desires and pleasures of nafs. Allah tests human beings in this world for patience and endurance.

8.Ridza (cheerful acceptance): To leave your nafs, accept Allah’s decrees, to surrender to things that have been decided from the beginning, and not to object to Allah’s doings.

9.Zikr (remembrance of Allah): Allah the Most High says, ” I am closer to the person who makes zikr of Me much.” The only thing is that you have to do it in the proper way.

10.Muraqaba (vigilant contemplation): To leave your supposed power, strength, and what you know behind, to be in the presence of the divine, where there is no trace of you in you, and contemplate Haqq, as you are annihilated in It. The state between the archangelic world and the divine world is the state of Haqqiqa. Whoever reaches to that degree will attain the secret of the universe.


Khwaja Moin ud-Deen Chisti (rahmatullahi alaihi) said that in the human body there are ten latifas (subtle spiritual places) which are mentioned below: The heart was made by Allah (S.W.T) to be the place for reasoning, contemplation, peace, calm, belief, pity, mercy.Consider yourself to be the most inferior.Be As in the state of death

Qalb (heart) – muraqaba of tawba (meditation of repentance).

Ruh (spirit) – muraqaba of inabat (meditation of returning towards Allah).

Sirr – muraqaba of maqam Zuhd (meditation of ascetism, worldlessness).

Khafi – muraqaba of Maqam warr’a (meditation of piety).

Akhfa – muraqaba of maqam-e-shukur (meditation of gratefulness).

Nafs – muraqaba of tawwakul (meditation of reliance on Allah).

Abb (water) – muraqaba of muqam qana’at (meditation of contentment).

Atesh (fire) – muraqaba of maqam taslim (meditation of surrender to Allah).

Khakh (earth) – muraqaba of rida (meditation of satisfaction, pleasure of Allah).

Badh (air) – muraqaba of maqam sabr (meditiaion of patience).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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