Tauheed-Kuffar Answering

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


… Allah alone is your true Lord. So what else can there be apart from (this) truth except going astray? …10/32

….Say: ‘Benefit (a few days’) gain; surely, you will end up in the Fire.’14/30

3/131. And fear the Fire, which has been prepared for those who reject faith.

And I created the jinn and human beings solely to adopt My servitude.51/56

And We did not send any Messenger before you, but We frequented the same revelation to him: ‘There is no God but I, so worship Me (alone).’ 21/25

Surely, those who offend Allah and His Prophet, Allah curses them in the world and in the Hereafter and He has prepared for them a disgraceful torment.33/57

Assuredly, Satan is your enemy, so keep treating him as an enemy (being his adversary). He only calls his party to make them join the denizens of Hell.35/6

And, (O people,) the life of this world is nothing but sport and pastime and the Home of the Hereafter is the only (true) life. Would that they knew (this secret)!29/64

Surely, Allah is the One Who is your Lord and my Lord (as well). So worship Him alone. That is the only straight path.’43/64

Did he not know that Allah had indeed destroyed before him many communities who were far stronger than him in might and far ahead in accumulating (wealth and manpower)? ….28/78

Say: ‘The Most Kind (Lord also) grants respite in age and luxury to the one who is lost in error until, when they see what they have been promised…19/75

And Allah will neither speak to them nor purify them on the Day of Resurrection. And for them is painful torment.2/174

6/88. … But, if (supposedly) they had associated partners with Allah, all their (pious) deeds that they performed would have been seized (i.e., become void).

17/36. And, (O man,) do not follow that of which you have no (authentic) knowledge. Indeed the ear, the eye and the heart—each of them will be questioned.

22/68-69. And if they dispute with you, then say: ‘Allah knows best whatever you are doing.’ Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection all those matters in which you used to disagree.

24/24. On the Day when their (own) tongues and their hands and their feet will bear witness against them for whatever they used to do,

4/48. Surely, Allah does not forgive setting up of partners with Him, and He forgives (any other sin) lesser in degree for whom He wills.

4/48…And whoever sets up partners with Allah certainly fabricates a horrible sin.

3/179… And, (O common people,) it is not Allah’s Glory that He reveals to you the unseen. However, Allah chooses from amongst His Messengers whom He wills (for the knowledge of the unseen).

3/10. Indeed, those who reject faith, neither their wealth nor their children shall be able to save them anyway from (the torment of) Allah. It is they who are the fuel of Hell.

They gained a paltry price (in terms of worldly interests) for the Revelations of Allah and then started hindering (people) from His path (of the Din [Religion]). Indeed, it is extremely evil what they keep doing.9/9

Indeed, those who conceal (those verses of the Torah) which Allah has revealed, and take in exchange for that a small price, eat nothing but fill their bellies with Fire. 2/174

And do not mix up the truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth deliberately.2/42

That no bearer of a burden will carry the burden of (the sins) of another; …53/38-39

…Indeed, they made friends with satans, leaving Allah aside, and think that they are the rightly guided.7/30

And on the Day of Resurrection, We shall set up balances of fairness and justice. So no soul will be wronged in the least. …21/47

Have they not travelled in the land that (perhaps by seeing these ruins) their hearts should become (such) as to understand, or the ears (such) as to hear (the truth)? So the fact is that it is not the eyes (of such people) that are blind, but the hearts, which are in the breasts, turn blind.22/46

Verily, Allah is my Lord and your Lord too. So worship Him alone. This is the straight path.’3/51

… And they will say: ‘O our Lord, surely we followed what our chiefs and the influential ones directed, so they turned us away from the (straight) path. O our Lord! Afflict them with double torment and lay on them a mighty curse.’33/66-68

He will set (all) your deeds right for you and will forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Holy Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) will surely achieve a great success.33/71

And say: ‘The truth has come and falsehood has fled. Surely, falsehood has to perish.’17/81

So he(satan) has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. It is they who are Satan’s army.58/19

Allah has destined: ‘Most certainly, I and My Messengers will dominate.’ …58/21

And they have fabricated a blood relationship between Allah and the jinn (as well), whereas the jinn know that they (too) will be made to appear (before the presence of Allah) Holy is Allah, Transcendent of what they utter.37/158-159

And the entire mankind was one Umma ([Community] in the beginning). Then they (differed amongst themselves and) disintegrated. ..10/18-19

Your greed for massive wealth and the superiority complex has made you negligent (of the Hereafter), Until you go down to the graves. 102/1

Say: ‘The angel of death, that is appointed over you, will terminate your life. Then you will be sent back to your Lord.’32/11

….‘O party of jinn (satans), certainly you misguided many a human being,’ …’6/128

… We sent towards her Our Spirit (the angel, Gabriel), who appeared before her in complete form of a human being. 19/17-18

Until when death comes to any of them, (then) he will say: ‘O my Lord, send me back (to the world), So that I may do some righteous works in that (world) which I have left behind.’ No way! He will be saying this (only in despair). And ahead of them is a barrier (erected) till the Day (when) they will be raised up (from the graves).23/99-100

.. And no bearer of burden will bear the burden (of the sins) of any other. 17/15

And We do not torment (any people) at all until We send a Messenger (to them)(prophet muhammed peace be upon him is the last messeneger).17/15

On that Day, no intercession shall be fruitful except his (intercession) whom the Most Kind (Lord) has granted leave (and permission) and with whose word He is pleased (such as Prophets and Messengers, Allah’s chosen and pious servants, Godwary slaves, innocent children, and many other devoted servants of Allah whose intercession is validated).20/109

And they say: ‘The Most Kind (Lord) has taken (angels as His) children.’ Holy is He. Nay, (the angels whom they consider His children) are but (Allah’s) esteemed servants…21/26-27

And no intercession with His presence will be of any benefit except from someone He has granted permission, until when fright is removed from their hearts and they will say, (inquiring): ‘What has your Lord said?’ They will say (in reply): ‘He has said the truth,’ (i.e., has granted the permission)…34/22-23

And do not be like those who said (by way of betraying): ‘We have heard,’ whereas they do not hear.8/21

Surely, the worst of the living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb who (neither listen to nor speak the truth and) also do not understand (the truth).8/22

…The weak ones (the followers) will ask the (powerful) arrogant ones: ‘We obeyed you (the whole life). So can you now manage for us some degree of rescue from Allah’s torment?’ Those (affluent ones) will reply (to their poor followers): ‘Had Allah guided us, we would also have shown you the path of guidance (i.e., we were ourselves misguided so we misguided you too). ..14/21

Thus have We made the conduct of every sect (and faction) seem attractive to (their own eyes and they regard only that as truth). Then all have to return to their Lord, and He will inform them of (the results of) their deeds which they used to do.6/108

The Messiah feels no embarrassment in being a servant of Allah. Nor do the closest angels (ever feel ashamed). …4/172

Indeed, those who conceal (those verses of the Torah) which Allah has revealed, and take in exchange for that a small price, eat nothing but fill their bellies with Fire…2/174

They gained a paltry price (in terms of worldly interests) for the Revelations of Allah and then started hindering (people) from His path (of the Din [Religion]). …9/9

….Do you say about (the Essence of) Allah such things as you do not know (even) yourselves?’7/28

… O Children of Adam! Did I not take this covenant from you not to worship Satan; no doubt he is your open enemy; And that you keep worshipping Me alone? That is the straight path.36/59-61

Allah has given an example of such a (slave) person that is owned by many partners who are ill-mannered and mutually quarrelsome as well. And (on the other side) there is a person who is a slave only to one master. Can they both be alike? (Not at all!) All praise belongs to Allah alone. But most of them do not know (the truth of the Oneness of Allah). 39/29

He is the One Who sent His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) with guidance and the Din (Religion) of truth to make it prevail over all other religions. ….48/28

..So they should worship the Lord of this (Sacred) House (Ka‘ba, to give Him thanks) 106/1-3

Every soul is to taste death and then to Us you will be returned.29/57

And (when) the Trumpet will be blown (again) they will come out of the graves at once and run towards their Lord. 36/51

.. and when He wills to (originate) a thing, He only says to it: ‘Be,’ and it becomes.2/117

Surely, many a people, devoid of (concrete) learning, lead (others) astray consistently by means of their own lusts (and fantasies). And surely, your Lord knows well the transgressors.6/119

Surely, the worst of the living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb who (neither listen to nor speak the truth and) also do not understand (the truth).8/22

And, (O man,) if some evil impulse from Satan provokes you (against these matters), seek refuge with Allah…7/200

And We have exalted them(children of Adam) above most of Our creation by conferring on them superiority.17/70

Allah is He besides Whom there is none worthy of worship. He shall certainly gather you on the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. 4/87

And who is more truthful in word than Allah?4/87

The nature (made) by Allah is (Islam) on which He has created mankind. (Adopt it. The instinct) created by Allah will never be changed. 30/30

Truly, Islam is the only Din (Religion) in Allah’s sight. And the People of the Book disagreed, after knowledge had come to them, only on account of their mutual jealousy and contention. ….3/19

But those who have done injustice follow the desires of their (ill-commanding) selves without any knowledge (and guidance). So who can guide him whom Allah has held astray? And there are no helpers for them. 30/30

(Also be not) of those (Jews and Christians) who divided up their religion and became sects and subsects—every sect rejoicing over what is with them.30/32

That Day Gabriel (the Spirit of peace and security) and (all) angels will stand in ranks, none able to speak except he whom the Most Kind (Lord) would already have awarded sanction (to intercede) and who also said the right thing (in keeping with the teachings of Islam, during his life of the world).78/38

Had there not been Allah’s favour to you and His mercy, certainly you would (all) have followed Satan except only a few.4/83

And do not mix up the truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth deliberately.2/42

17/81- And say: ‘The truth has come and falsehood has fled. Surely, falsehood has to perish.’

86/13,14- This is indeed a decisive (i.e., absolute) commandment. And it is no joke!

33/40- Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last of the Prophets (ending the chain of the Prophets). And Allah is the Perfect Knower of everything.

17/95 Say: ‘Had there been angels (instead of human beings) walking about, residing in the earth, then We (too) would have certainly sent down from heaven some angel as a Messenger.’

33/21- In truth, in (the sacred person of) Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) there is for you a most perfect and beautiful model (of life) for every such person that expects and aspires to (meeting) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah abundantly.

And if We had made the Messenger an angel, even then We would have made him (the form of) a man, and (even in that case) We would have put them in the same doubt which they are (already) in (i.e., confused over his physical appearance, they would say: ‘He is a human being like us.’)6/9

…And whoever is in the heavens and the earth has embraced His obedience (whether) by choice or by constraint, and to Him shall they all be returned.3/83

…Every time Zakariyya (Zacharias) entered her chamber of worship, he found with her (novel and uncommon) food items. He inquired: ‘O Maryam, wherefrom have these things come for you?’ She replied: ‘This (sustenance) comes from Allah. Verily, Allah provides sustenance without measure to whom He wills.’ 3/38

At the same place, Zakariyya (Zacharias) supplicated his Lord. He submitted: ‘O my Lord, bless me, out of Your Grace, with a virtuous and pure offspring. Surely, You alone hear the supplication.’ Whilst he was still standing in the chamber offering the Prayer (or supplicating), the angels called out to him: ‘Indeed, Allah gives you the good news of (a son) Yahya (John), who shall confirm Allah’s Word (i.e., ‘Isa [Jesus]), and he will be a leader, well-protected against (temptation for) women, and a Prophet from amongst (Our) exceptionally pious servants.’ 3/39

(Zakariyya [Zacharias]) submitted: ‘O my Lord, how shall I have a son when old age has already overtaken me, and my wife is (also) barren?’ He said: ‘The same way as Allah does whatever He wills.’ 3/40

Zakariyya (Zacharias) submitted: ‘O my Lord, fix a sign for me.’ Allah said: ‘The sign for you is that for three days you will not be able to communicate to the people except by gestures. And remember your Lord abundantly and glorify Him persistently, evening and morning.’3/37-41

And (recall) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am about to place My vicegerent on the earth.’ They submitted: ‘Will You put Your (vicegerent) on the earth such as will do mischief in it and shed blood, whilst we are engaged in glorifying You with celebrating Your Praise and extolling Your Holiness (all the time)?’ (Allah) said: ‘I know that which you do not know.’ 2/30

(Jibra’il [Gabriel]) said: ‘I am only a messenger from your Lord. (I have come) to bestow upon you a pure son.’19/19

All embraced faith (from the core of their hearts) in Allah, His angels, His Books and His Messengers. (They also say:) ‘We do not differentiate between any of His Messengers (in believing).’2/285

48/29- Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah.

Surely, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and seek to discriminate between Allah and His Messengers and say: ‘We believe in some and deny the others,’ and intend to find a way in between (belief and disbelief) 4/150

And who can be a greater wrongdoer than one who invents a lie against Allah or who belies His Revelations? Surely, the wrongdoers will not prosper.6/21

…All embraced faith (from the core of their hearts) in Allah, His angels, His Books and His Messengers. (They also say:) ‘We do not differentiate between any of His Messengers (in believing).’ And they submit (before His holy presence): ‘We have heard (Your command) and (accepted to) obey. ‘O our Lord! We seek Your forgiveness and to You (we all) have to return.’ 2/285

And do not be the first to deny it, nor trade My Revelations for a small (worldly) price. …2/41

(O Beloved!) Surely, you make neither the dead (i.e., the disbelievers deprived of the vitality of faith) hear your call nor the deaf (i.e., deprived of hearing the call of truth) whilst they are getting away (from you) turning their backs. Nor can you turn (these) blind (i.e., wanting in insight) from misguidance to the path of guidance. You recite (with the essential understanding and competence of acceptability) only to those people who believe in Our Revelations. So it is they who are Muslims. (You recite to none except them.)30/52-53

…but when came to them the same Prophet (Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him] along with the Book revealed to him, the Qur’an) whom they had (already) recognized, they denied him. So Allah’s curse is upon such (deliberate) disbelievers.2/89

And when the Book (the Qur’an) came to them from Allah which (originally) validates that Book (the Torah) which was with them, whereas, before this, they themselves used to pray for victory over the disbelievers (through the intermediation of the Last Prophet, Muhammad, [blessings and peace be upon him] and the Holy Qur’an revealed to him), …2/89

And this is (that) Book which We have sent down, the most blessed one. It (authentically) confirms those revealed Books that preceded it. ..6/92

but Allah has cursed them(jews) owing to their disbelief. So they do not believe except a few.4/46

… those who disbelieved before you and tasted the punishment …. because their Messengers brought them clear signs, but they said: ‘Shall a human being (who is our like and from our kind) guide us?’ So they became disbelievers and turned away (from the truth). ..64/5-6

Say: ‘Can the blind and the seeing be equal? So do you not ponder?’ And warn by means of this (Qur’an) those who fear that they will be assembled before their Lord whilst they are without (any) helper or intercessor apart from Him so that they may become pious.6/50-51

And in this way, We put to the test some of them by means of some others so that these (affluent disbelievers seeing the poor Muslims) say (mockingly): ‘Are these the ones from amongst us upon whom Allah has bestowed His favours?’…6/53

If there are twenty of you firm and steadfast (in the event of war), they will overpower two hundred (combating disbelievers), and if (one) hundred of you are (steadfast), they will overpower (one) thousand of the (invading) disbelievers …..6/65

Surely, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and readied for them the Blazing Fire (of Hell).33/63-64

And when it is said to them: ‘Believe as (other) people have believed,’ they say: ‘Shall we also believe (as those) fools have believed?’ Beware! (Certainly) they are themselves fools, ….2/13

Indeed, those who believe, then disbelieve and then believe again and reject faith once more and then advance further in denying faith, Allah will never (incline to) forgive them, nor guide them to the straight road.4/137

… and (in view of their evil intentions) We have wrapped their hearts in veils. …. And even if they see all signs (naked), they (still) will not believe in them, so much so that when they approach you and quarrel with you, the disbelievers say (at that time): ‘This (Qur’an) is nothing but fabricated stories of the old folk.’6/25

…Indeed, he (satan) and his clan keep watching you (from such positions where) you cannot catch sight of them. Verily, We have made the satans friends of those who do not believe.7/27

And if We had revealed this (Book) as a Qur’an in a non-Arabic language, they would certainly have said: ‘Why have its Verses not been expounded expressly? Is the Book non-Arabic and the Prophet an Arab?’ (So, O Esteemed Beloved, We have revealed the Qur’an also in your language.) 41/44

 (Watching the scenes of Allah’s mercy on the believers in the Hereafter,) the disbelievers will persistently aspire: would that they were Muslims! 15/2

…Leave them. Let them eat (and drink) and make merry and let (their) false hopes keep them negligent (of the Hereafter). Then they will come to know (their end) soon.15/2-3

 (Comparing himself with the Prophet,) he(shaitan) said: ‘I am better than he. You have created me from fire and You have created him from clay.’ …38/80

(shaitan) He said: ‘By Your Honour, I shall certainly turn all of them away from the straight path with persistence, Except those of Your servants who are chosen and exalted ones.’’….38/83

They seek to deceive Allah (i.e., the Messenger) and the believers, but (in fact) they deceive only themselves and they are not aware of it.2/9

He who is an enemy to Allah, His angels, His Messengers and Gabriel and Michael, verily Allah (too) is an enemy to (these) disbelievers.’2/97-98

(kuffar)…Should they get the better of you, then (you will see that) they will be your open enemies. … have the earnest desire that you disbelieve (somehow)…..60/1-3

he (Satan) says: ‘I feel sick of you. Surely, I fear Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.’59/16

( hypocrites) …consider the (hostile) disbelievers instead of the believers as their supporters. …4/138

Had the People of the Book also embraced faith, that would certainly have been in their favour. There are some amongst them who believe, whilst the majority of them are disobedient….3/110

Surely, this (informer) is Satan alone who threatens (you) through his friends. Therefore, do not fear them and fear Me alone, if you are the believers.3/175

Many of the People of the Book desire to turn you back to disbelief after you have believed because of the jealousy they have in their hearts, despite the fact that the truth has become evident to them.…2/109

In their hearts is a disease. So Allah has worsened their disease….because they used to tell lies. When it is said to them: ‘Do not spread disorder in the land,’ they say: ‘It is we who reform.’ …… And when it is said to them: ‘Believe as (other) people have believed,’ they say: ‘Shall we also believe (as those) fools have believed?’ Beware! (Certainly) they are themselves fools, but they do not know (their foolishness and low level).2/8-13

And most of them do not believe in Allah, but that they are polytheists.12/106

… He has taken for Himself neither any wife nor any children. And that only a fool from amongst us(jinns) used to utter things about Allah far from the truth, crossing bounds. 72/4

….Pharaoh’s wife (Asiya, the daughter of Mazahim) when she submitted: ‘O my Lord, build a house for me in Paradise in Your presence, and deliver me from Pharaoh and his (evil) conduct, and also rescue me from the wrongdoing people.’66/11

Allah has described for disbelievers the example of Nuh’s (Noah’s) wife (Wahila) and Lut’s (Lot’s) wife (Wa‘ila). They were married to two of Our pious servants. But both of them betrayed them. ….66/10

 (in the Hell):  ‘By Allah, we were in manifest error, When we held you equal to the Lord of all the worlds. And no other than (these) evildoers led us astray. So we do not have any intercessor (Today). Nor do we have any passionate friend. Alas! If once we could have (a chance to) return (to the world), we would become believers.’ 26/96-102

And the Day when the Last Hour is established, the evildoers will lose hope. And none of their (self-made) partners will intercede for them, and (ultimately) they will deny their very same partners. …30/12-15

And when it is said to them: ‘Turn towards this (Qur’an) revealed by Allah and towards the (most venerable) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him),’ they say: ‘Sufficient for us is (the way) on which we found our fathers,’ though their fathers did not have any knowledge (of Din [Religion]), nor were they rightly guided.5/103-104

…they cannot harm anyone by this(sorcery) except under the command of Allah. ….2/102

And those who disbelieved will say: ‘O our Lord, show us those of the jinn and men who led us astray, so that we may (crush) them under our feet…..41/29

… Indeed, he (satan) and his clan keep watching you (from such positions where) you cannot catch sight of them. Verily, We have made the satans friends of those who do not believe.7/27

And those who believe and whose children follow them in faith, We shall also unite their children with them (in the ranks of Paradise even if their actions would not fall in that grade. It would be in the honour of their pious fathers)…..52/21

….he (Satan) certainly commands to practise (and promotes) immorality and sinful deeds. 24/21

And that some of the men used to take shelter with some of the jinn. So they increased defiance amongst the jinn.72/1-6

 (kuffar)..They will say: ‘Surely, it is you who used to come to us from the right side (i.e., asserting on oath of being right).’ (Their misleading leaders) will say: ‘The truth is that it was you yourselves who did not believe. Nor did we have any authority (and control) over you. But you yourselves were a rebellious people. ….37/27-33

The humble will then say to the conceited: ‘Nay, it was (your) deceptive scheming night and day (that hindered us) when you used to order us to disbelieve in Allah and assign equals to Him.’ And they will hide their pangs of guilt (from one another) when they will see the torment…….34/33

The case of those who were burdened with (the commandments and teachings of) the Torah (but) then did not bear it (i.e., this Messenger was mentioned in it, but they disbelieved in him) is like that of a donkey loaded with heavy books on its back. How evil is the example of those who have rejected Allah’s Revelations! And Allah does not guide the wrongdoers.62/5

And the disbeliever is (always) a helper (of Satan) in (disobeying) his Lord.25/55

And those who hurt the Messenger of Allah (by means of their evil beliefs, doubts and foul statements), for them there is grievous torment.’9/61

And that is because Allah alone is the truth, and whatever they (the disbelievers) worship besides Him is certainly falsehood, and verily Allah is Most High, Most Great.22/62

And, (O people,) the life of this world is nothing but sport and pastime and the Home of the Hereafter is the only (true) life. Would that they knew (this secret)!29/60-64

Say: ‘O People of the Book, come to that matter which is common between us and you (namely that): we shall worship none other than Allah, and we shall not associate any partner with Him. …3/64

..say: Bear witness that we are but Allah’s obedient servants (Muslims).3/64

Ibrahim (Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was a (true) Muslim, far detached from all heresy and falsehood. Nor was he one of the polytheists. 3/64

And the Jews said: ‘Our hearts are wrapped up in covers.’ (Nay) but Allah has cursed them for their revolt against faith. So, little do they believe.2/88

Say: ‘(O disbeliever,) profit a little (worldly gain) from your disbelief; you are certainly of the inmates of Hell.39/8

And, (O Beloved, recall) when Allah took a firm covenant from the Prophets: ‘When I give you the Book and Wisdom, and then there comes to you the Messenger (who is exalted in glory above all and) who shall validate the Books you will have with you, you shall then, most certainly, believe in him and most surely help him.’ Allah said: ‘Do you affirm, and on this (condition) hold fast to My heavy covenant?’ All submitted: ‘We affirm.’ Allah said: ‘Bear witness then, and I am also with you amongst the witnesses.’3/81

Nor would that Messenger ever command you to take the angels and the Prophets as Lords. Would he command you (now) to disbelieve after you have become Muslims?3/80

Those (misguided people) will say whilst disputing amongst themselves (in the Hell): ‘By Allah, we were in manifest error, When we held you equal to the Lord of all the worlds. And no other than (these) evildoers led us astrays. And no other than (these) evildoers led us astray.  Nor do we have any passionate friend. Alas! If once we could have (a chance to) return (to the world), we would become believers.’26/92-102

…So we do not have any intercessor (Today). Nor do we have any passionate friend. Alas! If once we could have (a chance to) return (to the world), we would become believers.’26/96-102

And We did not send any Messenger before you, but We frequented the same revelation to him: ‘There is no God but I, so worship Me (alone).’21/25

19/96 Surely, those who believed and did pious deeds, the Most Kind (Lord) will create love for them in the hearts (of the people).

4/150-Surely, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and seek to discriminate between Allah and His Messengers and say: ‘We believe in some and deny the others,’ and intend to find a way in between (belief and disbelief), They are the ones who are in fact the disbelievers.

2/170- And when it is said to them (the disbelievers): ‘Follow that which Allah has sent down,’ they say: ‘(Nay) we shall rather follow the same (path) on which we found our ancestors,’ even though their ancestors had neither any sense nor any guidance.

2/212- The worldly life has been quite adorned and beautified for the disbelievers. And they make fun of the believers.

3/91. Surely, those who disbelieved and died whilst they were disbelievers, if any of them offers an earthful of gold as ransom (for his salvation), that shall not be accepted from him at all.

4/150,151. … ‘We believe in some and deny the others,’ and intend to find a way in between (belief and disbelief), They are the ones who are in fact the disbelievers.

6/8,9. And these (disbelievers) say: ‘Why was an angel (whom we could physically see and who would verify him) not sent down to this (glorious Messenger)?’ Had We sent down an angel, (their) affair would have been settled once and for all, and they would not have been granted (any) respite. And if We had made the Messenger an angel, even then We would have made him (the form of) a man, and (even in that case) We would have put them in the same doubt which they are (already) in (i.e., confused over his physical appearance, they would say: ‘He is a human being like us.’)

2/6,7- Verily, those who have adopted disbelief, it is the same for them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe. Allah (as a result of their own choice) has set a seal on their hearts and their ears, and there is a blindfold (set) over their eyes.

(In the beginning) all the people agreed upon the same Din .. Allah sent His Messengers as Bearers of good news and Warners and sent down with them the Book based on truth, so that it might judge those matters amongst the people in which they had developed differences. Then, only those very people whom the Book was given differed about it, despite the fact that the clear signs had come to them. (And they differed also) because of mere jealousy and malice amongst themselves. Then Allah, by His command, made the believers understand that matter of truth about which they had differed. ….2/213

10/99,100. And had Allah so willed, certainly all inhabitants on the earth would have believed. (When your Lord has not made them believe by force,) will you coerce the people until they become believers? And no soul has the capability to believe (on its own) without Allah’s leave. He (Allah) places the impurity of disbelief on those who do not put their reason to work (to grasp the truth).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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