Tauheed-Iman And Kufr Idols

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

20/130 and 93/5 –From this verse we learn that Allah Azawajal is informing Rasulullah (saws) that in order to please his beloved Prophet, He will grant him what he (saws) desires. When Allah Azawajal grants us anything in this world, He does not do it with the purpose to please us, although He does it with the purpose to provide for us as He is the Lord of the worlds as He tells us in the Quran:

1/2 All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

SubhanAllah However, when Allah wanted to fulfill the desire of His beloved Rasulullah (saws) it was in order to please His Messenger (saws). From this we learn that Allah Azawajal wants to see Hs beloved Rasuullah (saws) pleased and Allah Azawajal will continue bestowing His blessings upon Rasuullah (saws) until he is pleased. So in future when you do recite, It is no concern at all of thee (Muhammad), do not forget to recite all the verses I have just mentioned, they all interlink!

39/3 –You think that because the polytheists of Makkah used their idols as intermediaries between Allah and mankind, the Ahl al-Sunna Wa al-Jamaa are following the same practice as the polytheists of Makkah by using the Prophets and pious as intermediaries between Allah and mankind.

Firstly, the polytheists of Makkah used to worship their idols, and we most definitely do not worship the Prophets and pious. Their idols have been cursed and have been said to be the fuel of hell fire by Allah. In contradistinction, the Prophets and pious have been praised, have been promised the highest ranks in paradise and have been said to be intermediaries, as Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

10/62-64In these verses the friends of Allah have been praised, whereas the idols have been cursed in many places in the Quran.

3/79 -80—Neither of the verses presented even mentions wasila! What the verses are telling us is that the Prophets have never commanded the people to worship them or the angels. The only form of worship they ever commanded was worshipping Allah Almighty alone. However, wasila is not shirk anyway, and if it was then you would have to accept that all forms of wasila is shirk, even wasila of your own good deeds, e.g, Salat, Zakat..etc. Let me explain to you the reality of the verses presented, If you did not take the verses out of context and read the verses before it, you would have come to understand that these verses are referring to the Jews and Christians, as Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

3/61 and  3/64 and 3/78 —These verses make it absolutley clear that they are not addressing Muslims at all: they are addressing non-Muslims. Sadly, you are once again directing the verses that speak of non-Muslims, to Muslims.


3/79 -80—These verses are actually referring back to when the Christians came to the blessed Prophet Muhammad (saws), whilst they were worshipping Jesus. When they came to the Prophet Muhamamd (saws), he invited the Christians to embrace Islam, although they refused the invitation of Islam, they asked that if they embraced Islam, would they have to worship the Prophet Muhammad (saws) just as they were worshipping Jesus (peace be upon him)? It  was then that these verses were revealed, which explained that the Prophets will never command the worship of anyone other than Allah Almighty alone.

16/89 and 6/38 Only the central principles and laws have been mentioned in the Quran. e.g. Salat, Zakat.The real details are in the hadith. Here are some examples:

The amount of Rakahs (units) in Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha are not mentioned in the Quran.Even though the words Sajda & Ruku have been mentioned in the Quran, to find out how to implement both these actions into Salat can only be found in hadith; for example, the amount of Rukus in each Rakah and amount of Sujud in each Rakah are not mentioned in the Quran, yet are mentioned in hadith.

What is to be recited in each rukuh and sajda is not in the Quran

The difference between congregational (jammat) prayer and praying individually is not mentioned in the Quran.

If someone was to turn up in the middle of the congregational salat, after two or three rakahs have been read, what is this person to do? This is not mentioned in the Qur?an.

Details of Tashahud and salutation e.g. when to read this, is not mentioned in the Quran

If one was to forget how many rakahs to read in salat, what would one do? This is not brought up in the Quran

When one dies we dress them in white, wash them and perform all the necessary rituals?These details are not in the Quran

The percentage of Zakat, has not been announced in the Quran

If one breaks their fast what should he do, this is not pointed out in the Quran

What to do on Hajj for example, stoning Iblis, how long to stay in mina and arafa, this is not revealed in the Quran

After Hajj, people go to the Prophet’s (saws) grave and perform the 40 salat as the Muslim ummah is doing; this is not written in the Quran

When you sacrifice an animal in Allah’s way, whether one animal is acceptable for a whole household, or individual sacrifices are to be carried out is not mentioned in the Quran

Which sins are major and minor are not mentioned in the Quran

The punishment for major sins and punishment for minor sins are also not mentioned in the Quran

The punishment for a Muslim drinking wine is not mentioned in the Quran

The detail of why monkeys and donkeys are unlawful meat, is not mentioned in the Quran

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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