Tauheed-Deeds Permission Of Allah

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


“Who is he that can intercede with Him, except by His command?” (2/255)

Almighty Allah is quite clearly stating to us that not everyone will be given permission to intercede except those to whom He has given permission. It is also a warning to the idol worshippers, in that they should not believe and hold high esteem of their idols considering that their idols have never been given permission to intercede for their worshippers. This clearly proves that their idols are totally useless.

The beloved slaves of Allah, on the other hand, have been given permission to intercede. The first to intercede will be the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) as proven by many authentic sources. After him, other prophets, martyrs (Shuhada), saints, etc.

If the belief is that anyone can perform miracles without the permission of Allah, then this belief would be considered Shirk, whereas if a duty has been allocated, then this cannot be considered Shirk.

“I heal him who was born blind and the leper and I revive the dead by Allah’s command.” (3/49)

We know that to perform amazing duties as explained by Prophet ‘Isa (peace be upon him) is indeed  by the Grace of Almighty Allah.

When he has said, “these duties are performed through the permission of Allah”, the issue of Shirk is dismissed and the entire concept becomes one of Tawheed.

Keeping this in mind, when Muslims state that great prophets and saints can perform miracles and do so with the permission of Allah, how can any sensible person call this action Shirk? This belief is purely Tawheed.


Every creation of Almighty Allah has been created for some specific reason and purpose, for example the sun, the trees, water, the wind. Explaining the purpose for the creation of man, Almighty Allah states: “And I have created Jinns and Men, only for them to worship Me.” ( 51/56)

Worship can only be performed if there is recognition. In other words, mankind and jinn have been created to recognize Almighty Allah.

More we recognize Allah, the more we worship Him.

Mankind has been created to recognize Allah, and by doing so we become closer. In other words, closeness to Allah is the pinnacle of glory in the life of mankind.

There is a Hadeeth-e-Qudsi found in the Saheeh Bukhari explaining this: The Holy Prophet (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) has explained that Almighty Allah has stated: “Anyone who has enmity with My Wali (Friend) –so I declare war against such. Among those acts through which My slave achieves My closeness, the most beloved are the Fard (Compulsory) acts. My slave also achieves My closeness through the Nafil (optional – additional) deeds, till I make him My beloved. When he becomes My beloved, I become his ears through which he listens, his eyes through which he sees, his hands by which he holds, his feet by which he walks. When he pleads to Me for anything I definitely bestow it on him. When he seeks refuge in Me from any evil, then I definitely save him from it.”

“Proclaim, (O dear Prophet Mohammed – blessings and peace be upon him), “O mankind! If you love Allah, follow me – Allah will love you and forgive you your sins “ (3/31)

In other words, only after we have adopted piety & abstinence and in followed the Holy Prophet (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him), will we stand any chance of becoming a beloved.

The slave first refrains from bad deeds and actions. He then performs the Fard and Nafil acts continuously. Then only does he become a beloved. It is not possible for him to continue performing evil deeds and still feel he can become the beloved servant of Allah.

Imam Fakhrudeen Raazi (May Allah be pleased with him) in his “Tafseer Kabeer”, explains the above Hadeeth: “In the same manner, if the slave continuously adopts good deeds, then he indeed reaches that stage of which Almighty Allah states that He becomes the slave’s eyes and ears. When the magnificent Noor (Light) of Allah becomes the eye of the slave, then the slave perceives things near and distant. When this Light becomes the hand of the slave, then he, the slave, is then able to dispense with things easy and difficult, near and far.”

Beloved slaves of Allah have been given the power to help and assist.

The slave, on the other hand, possesses these attributes after it has been given to him by Almighty Allah, and we still believe that the slave is the servant of Allah and is still subservient to Him. This is the belief of all Muslims.

It also seems to be the habit of these “believers” to relate verses meant for the disbelievers (Kuffaar) and apply them upon Muslims .

It is recorded in Saheeh Bukhari, that Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Omar (May Allah be pleased with them) used to despise the Khaariji sect the most. He considered them the worst of creation. He used to say that “these people have made it a practice of theirs, that whatever verse has been revealed against the idol worshippers, they relate these verses towards the Muslims.”

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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