Insaniyat-Awliya allah 3

Insaniyat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Wilayat= tawajuh illalah /focus is on allah not on creation (when turned  towards creation they bless/faiz them)

Nabuwat = tawajuh illalah to tawajuh illal khalq /focus is on creation (Taking it from allah and giving it to creation)

Raza/pleasure (from allah)+ love/muhabbat (of allah) + qurbani/sacrifice(nafs) (for allah)=isme azam (Now ask allah and your dua is instantly answered)

When allah loves someone he makes his creation to love that slave of allah.

Allah loves to meet him, who loves to meet allah.

When allah loves someone he makes his creation partner in this love (this is not shirk ,its tauheed).

Allah’s heavenly creations love (awliya allah) but only selected hearts of earthly creations are blessed with awliya allah’s love (Like quran is on the tonque but not in the heart of so many people)

First allah loves awliya/mahaboob , then duniya/creation start loving him.

When awliya allah’s love is selective ,then how can his own love be in all the hearts?

Allah’s esteem slaves are blessed with khauf e elahi+ghame maula+mohabbat e elahi

1.Khuaf/fear e duniya and khauf e elahi can’t be their in one heart .

2.Gham/sorrow e duniya and gham e ahkirat/maula can’t be their in one heart.

3.Mohabbat/love e ilahi and mohabbat e nafs can’t be their in one heart.

Allah has blessed awliya with his khauf and gham.

Allah has removed khauf and gham of duniya from awliya.

Allah has removed Khauf(future) and gham(past) of duniya from awliya.

Be in duniya but don’t keep duniya in your heart.

Only allah nothing else(from allah to allah)

Allah will test indiviuals based on his nearness to allah(strength of iman).

Allah loves first — then wali loves allah —-then creation starts loving that wali.

Fear and gham

Sufi has knowledge of shariat and tariqat.

No myself/I =fana (what remains is baqa)

Allah loves those who are soft hearted (makes others feel comfortable).soft hearted people are forgiven because his/her good nature itself is kafara(repentence).

Allah is gentle and loves gentleness (softness).

Always overlook the faults of others and allah will overlook your faults.

Ilm and ahklaq are esteem/azeem rewards from allah to prophet muhammed (saws).

Soul of namaz is khusho wa khuzu (No riya/show off)

Soul of shahadat/saqawat/tabligh/imamat/ibadat/talim is for allah(not name and fame)

Everything should be for the pleasure/raza of allah.

Ilm e aqidah/belief =ilm ul yaqeen example death

Ilm e mushahida/witnessing=ain ul yaqeen example witnessing others dieing

Ilm e haqiqat/truth= haqq ul yaqeen example experiencing death on himself.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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