Tauheed Vows-Black Magic

Shariath, Tauheed Vows

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Black magic is a hidden thing ,exist ,cursed,haraam and kufr.black magician is a jahannami.phychological problems are more than compared to black magic so try to differentiate before treating the problems.

Black magic is done with kalimate kufr (shrik),unclean things(haraam) ,unclean bodies ,illusion,chanting kufr /shirk

hazrat sulaiman (as) had controll over the books of black magic.after the passing away of hazrath sulaiman(as) shaitan whispered the bani isreal saying the secreat of sulaiman’s(as) kingdom, are those magic books which are under his chair so bani isreal got hold of those books and started using them for destructive purposes.

Black magician  call on to kaafir jinns .allah gives time to blackmagians and finally he will hold them strong for punishment.(try to know the uttered words their meaning and understand)

Be spiritually strong.black magic/negative forces are not opposite to allah.Awliya allah pray for us (duniya) and grant their shafaat on the day of judgement.

Dont learn black magic even to counter balck magic,keep tawakkal on allah.

Bani isreal were expert in black magic they use to cause rift between husband and wife.Black magic of pharoah’people  was nothing but illusion that made ropes look like snakes.

a shatanic(kafir jinn) act touches/asraat  human being .keep reciting azoobillah and la hawla .no jinn entry in human body(no hulool)

there is no concept of bandish(to close /cover) because allah has decided initially about all the affairs of his servants/creation even before creation of heaven and earth.So no one can change or challenge the decision/words of allah.

No concept of hulool (ruh entering someother body or ruh wandering)

With allah’s permission ruh’s visit eachother, visit their houses and family.

Jinnat are hidden but can be felt .in them are muslims and kafirs(iblis and co/shaiteen). They are created from fire. Some from amongst them have been given the power to take whichever form they wish. Their life spans are very lengthy. The mischievous ones amongst them are called Shaitaan. Like humans, they have intelligence, souls and bodies. They even have children. They eat, drink, live and die.There are also Muslims and Kaafirs amongst them, but in comparison to humans, their kaafirs are much more in number.

Names vary from place to place like deo/budh/pari etc etc they are all kafir jinnat.

Kafir jinnat attack by touch(like electric shock),illusion,hyponosis,by breathing/respiration,by waswasa

Syptoms– induce uncontrol movement fits/epilepcy type .


The cause,its removal and those who remove it are all part of allah’s appointed destiny/qadr/taqdir.

Doctor is the servant of nature( means for getting cured). First seek the medicine and then keep tawakkal/reliance on allah.

Doctor must have heart and soul knowledge not just physical (must use medicinal and spiritual cures). Should even give divine remedies  in form of zikrullah/ruqya.

preserving good health is by

1.avoiding what might cause harm

2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)

Removal of Ana/I is called fana

Baqa- you will subsist in him/by him/for him (creator and creation both are present)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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