Tauheed Vows-Black Magic Treatment

Shariath, Tauheed Vows

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Worst diseases that attack heart are shirk, sins and forgetting allah.

Signs of Weak iman — don’t remember allah much— don’t take refuge with allah—- don’t use prophetic supplications and remedies).weakness is because they are prone to evil wishes/desires.

Effects those with weak heart/faith (lustful/desires heart).

Dont practice black magic its haraam and punishable to death. sorcery is punishable to death.

Worst  magic is that which effects the senses of the affected organ. drawing blood from the effected organ is the best cure.

EVIL SPELLS aggravate nature and produce harmful substances affecting the mood.

EVIL EYE starts when a person likes something and he adds his evil thoughts and desire to gain it.

Evil eye is true .its like when you don’t like some one suddenly your face colour changes .

Evil eye is the effect exerted  by the soul on the victim. souls vary in essence,qualities,powers and characteristics.

Evil eye is caused by contact,sight,soul directing its power to the victim through imagination and evil omens.

Evil eye comes from heart and soul of a person and it gets directed to the concerned person.if the opposite person is strong spiritually, evil eye will return back to the same person and will harm him.

Protection depends on strength of the soul ,eman, tawakkal on allah. forgive everyone allah will forgive you. every one has a right to live and their standards are different accordingly with allah’s will .leave them you concentrated on your ahkirat.


Get  it treated from a good practising muslim amil/spiritual healer (people of taqwa/zikr –people of knowledge).dont go to those who have made business(negative purposes) out of it and scare people.

spiritual healer’s works in accordance with allah’s will then it works .so merge your will/irada –work/deed with the will/irada of allah. Allah’s irada/will is stronger than our irada/will.Good servant always sacrifices his will/irada for allah’s will/irada.

Taweez is permissable with quranic ayah,allah’s names ,nabi’s (saws)names,dua to recite to protect from shatanic effects to receive barakah/khair/shifa.

Taweez is a wasila just like pills for curing dieases .This world is alam e asbab(sources).Allah is musabibul asbab.Remove the covered /cased taweez when you enter washroom (its adab )

Keep tawakkal(trust/reliance) on allah.Nothing can happen with out allah’s permission/irada.Be happy with whatever allah does.No one can challenge the decision of allah.

This world is a place of examination .our bad deeds cause our downfall.Put your efforts and don’t lose your hope on allah Always be pleased/happy with allah (he knows whats best for his slave). Works of allah are full of wisdom/hikmat

Be happy with allah pleasure/irada by leading life accordingly with sharia

Keep yourself busy with namaz and quran (surah baqarah,4 quls,atal kursi )to counter blackmagic.always be in the state of wazu.keep reciting tawooz and la hawla.

Eyes of the heart =baseerat (inner eye/spirituality)

Eyes of the head=basarat(seeing)

Jalwa(witnessing)/khabar(news) given to selected people.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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