
Shariath, Tauheed Wasila

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



TAUHEED— O people! Worship your Lord, Who created you and (also) those who were before you, so that you become Godwary. (He is the One) Who spread out the earth for you as a floor, and erected the sky as a mansion, and showered water from the sky and brought forth with that (a variety of) fruits for your nourishment. So, do not set up equals with Allah whilst you know (the truth of the matter).2/21-22

RISALAT— And if you are in doubt about this (Book) which We have revealed to Our (exalted) servant, then produce only one chapter like this. And (for this task) you may call upon (all) your helpers apart from Allah if you are true (in your doubt and denial). But if you fail to do it—and you shall never be able to do it—then guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is human beings (the disbelievers) and stones (their idols), prepared for disbelievers.2/23-24

AHKIRAT —- And, (O Beloved Prophet,) give glad tidings to those who believe and keep doing pious deeds that for them there are Gardens (of Paradise) beneath which streams flow. When some fruit will be given to them from these Gardens to eat, they will say (looking at its appearance): ‘This is the same fruit that was provided to us (in the world) before,’ whereas they will be given fruits resembling (only in appearance). In Paradise, there will (also) be chaste spouses for them, and they shall abide there for ever.2/25

First their should not be any doubt regarding the holy status of rasoolallah (saws) if you need to reach tauheed .through risalat you will reach tauheed. dont doubt on the status of rasoolallah(saws) about his for eg—ilm/authority/help/intercession/physical and spiritual status etc etc .As allah revealed his tauheed to his beloved rasool(saws) (qul in surah iklas suggests risalat leads to tauheed).

In acceptance –risalat first then tauheed

In merit/status/greatness -tauheed first then risalat.

Huqooq e tauheed—includes obedience/itaat,ibadat/worship, calling towards good and forbidding wrong,friendship/rivalry/justice/pleasure only for the sake of allah, trust/tawakkal on allah,

adl /justice v/s zulm/injustice—And (recall) when Luqman said to his son as he was advising him: ‘O my son, do not set up partners with Allah. Verily, associating partners with Allah is a very grave injustice.’31/13

TAWAKKAL /trust this is the exclusive right of allah (haqiqatan).

TAWASSUL / intermediation(wasila)—faiz/blessings—nisbat/association– belongs to the creations (only for those to whom allah has given permission like anbiya/shuhada/awaliya etc) ultimate decision rests with allah alone. Wasila is majazi/metmorphically  .haqiqatan its only allah they final decision maker.

For eg- anbiya/shuhada/awaliya  they remove difficulties /help by 

1.praying to allah

2.they send blessings on us

3.allah’s help is with them .

Like 19/17-19 and 9/62

Kuffar/Mushrikeen e makka used to do shirk .they used to do shirk more in Tawheed al-Uloohiyah(worship) than compare to Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyah (lordship).they said idols are partners with allah(mazallah) and also they claimed siffats of allah are with idols.

For eg-12/106,23/84-89,10/22-23,29/61-65,30/30-35,3/103,16/53-54,6/63/64

BIZ ZAAT AND KAMIL/PERFECT -Allah alone is our ilah(fullfiller of needs) ,khaliq/khadir(powerfull) .Allah alone is responsible for health and wealth . Allah alone is responsible for profit and loss .Allah alone gives hidayat/guidance. Allah alone gives rizq .Allah alone gives ilm.

GHAIRULLAH (other than allah ) is of 2 types

1.with respect to nisbat/relation and hukum/order–it is hezbulllah (auliya/friends of allah) and hizboz shaitan(friends of shaitan)

2. with respect to zaat-entire creation is ghairullah.

Ilm e nafae=zuhd (no duniya)+ibadat with love/adab.

Taufiq /guidance=ibadat

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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