Islam Iman Ihsan-Worship As If You See Him

Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Understanding —“Worship Allah as if you see Him” and  “For if you do not see Him, He sees you,” (haal/kafiyat/perfection)

1.”Fear Allah according to the measure of His power over you, and be modest before Allah according to the measure of His nearness to you.”

2.Which is bearing in his consciousness(tasawur) His nearness and that he is in front of Him as if he sees Him, and that requires that one have fear, awe and exaltation [of Allah] should be cut off from others for the sake of your Lord, and at ease with Him with your heart and consciousness and all of your limbs so much so that you hope for nothing but your Lord over his private and his public lives, his inward and his outward, and that nothing of him is hidden from Him.

5.The perpetual fixing of the gaze of his inner sight on the nearness of Allah to His slave and His ‘withness’ [the fact that He is ‘with’ His slave when he remembers Him] so that it is AS IF  he sees Him.

1.the station of sincerity/iklas- should act keeping in consciousness His witnessing of him, watching over him and nearness to him.

2.the station of witnessing/mushahada – acts according to the requirements of his witnessing of Allah in his heart, and it is that the heart is illuminated by iman, and the inner sight pierces through to gnosis, so much so that the Unseen becomes as if it were right in front of the eyes.

The people of these stations have different degrees according to the strength of penetration of their inner sight.

(30/27) (24/35) —What is meant by “the metaphor of His Light” is “in the heart of the mumin”.

“The best [part] of iman is that you know that Allah is with you wherever you are,”

“What is a man’s purification of himself?”

“That he knows that Allah is with him wherever he is.”

(At-Tabarani) “Three [people] will be in the shade of Allah, ….: a man who knows that Allah is with him wherever he turns…”

The iman of the siddiqun [the completely truthful people who unhesitatingly affirm the truth]to whose hearts the Unseen manifests itself so much that it becomes AS IF direct witnessing, in so much as it does not admit of any kind of doubt, is not the same as the iman of others who have not reached this degree, since if something causes them doubt they come to doubt.

The degree of ihsan as that the slave should worship and serve his Lord as if he sees him, and this is not obtained by the generality of the muminun.

Ihsan with Islam – (2/111),  (31/21)

Ihsan with iman —- (5/93), (18/30)

Ihsan with taqwa — (16/128)

Ihsan alone by itself — (10/26) , (83/15)

Muraqaba -1.concentration 2.contemplation 3.meditation

Mushahada -Unveiling of beauty

Beautify your innerself =true beauty will be unveiled.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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