Islam Iman Ihsan-Ihsan Salik

Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Zuhd=rahbat/seclusion  of the heart from  worldly things and focusing of the heart towards ahkirat.

The more you use worldly things more your answerable to allah.

If you use haraam you will punished And if you use halaal you will be accountable.

Keep you heart away from the world and connect your heart with allah =rahbat

Zuhd and sabr(to stop) = deeds are rewarded 2 times (1.for going away from duniya 2.give importance to ahkirat ).

Reward here and hereafter if you give importance to ahkirat than to duniya (for any deed)

Because what is with allah is better and everlasting .allah has praised people who give importance to  ahkirat

Don’t feel bad/sarrow about losing anything  and don’t be very happy if you gain anything =zuhd

Heart must be free from profit and loss of this world =zuhd(zahid)

don’t be sad if you don’t have anything and if you have something in excess give it to others =zuhd

Mureed /saalik(seeker) –one who makes irada/intention  in the heart to seek allah alone.

al jue/hunger –  not to please nafs ( don’t make nafs to enjoy from its desires )

use the world as nesseciety but don’t love the world.

Al jue — donot please your nafs

Zuhd- don’t keep world in your heart 

Tawadu-Think others are better than you

If elder – he has more rewarding deeds

If younger –he has less sins than you

If same age –he is having more rewardings deeds and less sins

Always fear losing iman

Adopt – mujahida  ,nawafil  (xtra efforts)

Don’t enjoy comfort .

think your present before allah 24/7 or think allah is watching 24/7

No one will go to jannah with amal its allah’s fazal that takes you to jannah.

Fazal gives jannah and Amal gives grades in jannah

Amal are governed with law so either there will be jaza /saza(ie reward or punishment)

Amal/deeds  are governed with justice/adl

Adl/justice is islam  and fazal is ihsan

Fazal= is not governed with law its wish of allah

–allah shows hidayat/istijabat

Allah either selects(chosen) or gives guidance (guided)

Selection is allah’s wish and guidance /inabat  is irada/will of servant to gain allah’s nearness.

Islam –iman-taqwa-ihsan

Allah’s sohbat/companionship  is gained with taqwa and ihsan

Alhusna +zyada  is for those who have =more iman + taqwa +amaal

Jannah= iman + amaal

Jannah =fazl e ilahi

Ibadat /kafiyat  should be as if your seeing allah or maintaing a status/hal  that allah is watching me

Kafiyat = tasawur /thinking or concentrating

24/7 keep tasawur/think about allah asif your watching him or he is watching you.

When allah loves a person he makes the entire creation to love that person (but in case of humans allah selects the hearts for that mohsins love ie why we love awliya allah)

Ahkirat =talib e deedar e elahi and talib e jannat (eager to see face of Allah and being getting settled in heaven eternally)

Worship the creator(Allah) not creation sameway aim for creator not the creation (jannah).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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