
people, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


1.dont do it for ahkirat(They don’t even ask for themselves)

2.dont deny the favours(They left everything for Allah and Allah gave everything for them)

3.just for the pleasure of Allah(Irada is fani,They want Allah alone)

Ask seekers of raza to do dua for you (accepeted immediately).

Husn e bandage/beauty of worship =no irada/desire/will of self

Magfirat/rahmat/qurbiat/fazal its not our rights ,its his wish.

Just keep asking forgiveness/taubah and worship him out of love .(darjaat)

Ambiya/prophets are abduhu o rasulahu(slave and messengers)

Abdiat is more lovable gift than messengership because risalat is for ummah and worship/abdiat is for Allah alone.

Iman ,sohbat and softening of heart   =increases kaifiyat

Kaifiyat via toubah  to haal/state

haal via toubah to maqam/station

maqam via toubah  to urooj/ascend

Turning towards Allah (tawajuaillallaah -asking forgiveness) =toubah(servant is taib)

Allah turning towards servant (for forgiving servant)=tawwaab

Momin =Cry/fear Allah in salaah (done with sidq o iqlas)


Mothers love the child whether baby is sleeping or awake.become a chid (no irada of self).

Adl/justice =limited gifts based on deeds (normal person)

Fazal/grace =no irada of self so no limitation on rewards/gifts (mahboob/beloved)

fana = irada of Allah gives mahbubiat/beloved and fazal/pleasure

People will be tested based on their caliber.

Be dutiful and ask for Allah alone .(accepting/rejecting ibadat is Allah’s wish)

Try to know first what is Allah’s irada ? then seek the raza/pleasure of Allah.

Every moment there is irada/pleasure of Allah happening.

For example sleeping is ibadat (instead gossiping/backbiting better to sleep because you are away from sins than doing gooddeeds) avoiding sins is difficult than doing a good raza/pleasure of Allah lies in sleeping than gossiping.

Eating/sleeping/working for living but living is for Allah

Eating –to gain strength for worship

Sleeping-body needs rest for further worship.

Working- sunnat e Mustapha ﷺ  for rendering huqooq ul ibad(rights of creation)

Quality of ibadat matters than quantity of ibadat.

Ilm e nafae +amal e saleh =haqiqate ibadat(devotional )

For example state of heart(baatin) and state of body(zaahir) remains same inside or outside salaah/namaz.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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