People-Day Of Judgement

people, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Rab/sustainer =rahman/rahim/maliki youm middeen

Rahman –soft hearted /forgiving


Malik of the day of judgement-jaza/reward (fazal/grace) or saza/punishment(unpleasant).

2/3rd is rahmat/mercy and 1/3rd is azab/anger/unhappiness. jannat

2.janaat with hisaab

3.shafaat on punishment (announced)

4.shafaat on punished people.

5.eternal hell for kuffar

Fazal/grace of Allah gives janaat and rahmat/mercy of Allah gives darjaat.


Punishment is of 3 types

1.punishment announced

2.after punishment

3.eternal punishment

Allah will forgive his rights ,if your lives are under taklif/difficulties.

Magfirah/Forgiveness means elimination of sins

Pleasure/raza of Allah means desires are eliminated(free from duniya)

Toufiq/guidance = for those who does deeds only for Allah’s pleasure .

Open sinner/fasiq =no guidance .

If you give importance to nafs than ahkirat = punishment.

If you don’t Raise voice against oppressors/zalims = punishment.

If you love duniya than deen=punishment

1.People must present balance–complete –moderate deen (ahle sunnat wal jamaat) to avoid punishments from Allah 

2.Pious people from ahle sunnat wal jamaat must increase their worship /connectivity with Allah to prevent descending of punishments. 

3.Subject nafs to sharia and keep ahkirat in your sight

Kuffar =hell for ever

Muslim=hell after punishment heaven through shafaat/intercession (iman of grain size/khair or well wishing iman) (Sign of khair/well wishing iman =darood o salaam on prohet ﷺ

Momin= heaven/jannah with hisaab (accountability) through shafaat /forgiveness

Mohsin=heaven without hisaab (no azab no hisaab) ,first to enter jannah.

Muslim (people of islam) ,momin (people of iman) ,mohsin(people of ihsan) are blessed with fazal/grace of Allah and shafaat/intercession of rasoolAllahﷺ .

Mohsin e ajmal and mohsin e akmal(Rafaqat/rafiq/spiritual companions)

No azab and no hisaab +rights to take spiritual companions with them +chain by chain they enter jannah (their leader entering jannah at last). Allah will increase rewards of small deeds because of sohbate awliya.

Shafaat =is a grace from Allah to muslims .shafaat /right to intercession is given to anbiya ,awliya angels ,shuhada ,alims,saleheen, hafiz, siddiqeen ,ahle e ihsan etc etc .shafat increases darjaat/grades in jannah.Allah seeks pleasure of his beloved servants on the day of judgement.

Assalukas shafaattahu ya rasoolAllahﷺ , amen.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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