
people, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Aim of the life = Islah e nafs (CONNECTION WITH NAFS E MUHAMMADI ﷺ)

Character/ahklaq is the reflection of nafs.

General nafs (ammara/temperament of self /inciting evil) =desires , gazab/anger, zulm/oppression, shawat/lust and orientation(NAFS E AMMARA/TEMPERAMENT OF SELF)

Prone to sins and good deeds commits which ever comes easy (NAFS E LAWAMA/SELF BLAMING SOUL)

Guiding nafs for doing good deeds (NAFS E MULHIMA /INSPIRED SOUL)

Ruh has occupied heart –heart is like ruh now (NAFS E MUTMAINAH/SATISFIED SOUL)

Good ahklaq and pleased with Allah (NAFS E RADIYA/PLEASED WITH ALLAH)

He is like a baby/soft hearted with good ahklaq (NAFS E MARDIYA /ALLAH IS PLEASED WITH HIM)

Perfect slave/abd -protection from sins(NAFS E SAFIYA/KAMILA/PERFECTION)

TREATMENT-keep reciting and practicing surah fathiha AND Poverty/faqr =no hawas/gazab/shahwat.

Sin=stop at the initial stage( ie thought, when it arises)


Remove DUNIYA from heart when meeting PEOPLE.

Remove I/MYSELF from heart when meeting ALLAH.

Sin=stop at the initial stage( ie thought, when it arises)

Taqwa =avoiding sins(thoughts and actions)

Wara = abstention from prohibited things (haraam)

Nearness/Qurb e elahi=Avoiding sins(taqwa/piety) + ibadat with iqlas/sincerity(only for Allah)

Sin gives ghaflat/heedlessness (no remoarse for sins)

Dead=love for duniya /no remorse(nadamat) for sins

Alive=no love for duniya /remorse for sins.

Fearing Allah means avoiding sins /disobedience.

Loving Allah means following sunnah of rasoolAllahﷺ

Mujahid =striving hard for obedience /itaat of Allah

Muhajir=away from sins (taqwa)

Peace/sukoon of heart =avoid sins (connect to Allah and disconnect with duniya)

Momin’s ruh loves to meet Allah and sinner’s ruh loves duniya.

Good ibadat=filled with sidq and iqlas +avoiding sins(taqwa)

For example kauf /fear of Allah will not allow you to sin or oppress humanity.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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