Practising Islam

Practising Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

PRACTISING ISLAM —-guarding against evil ,fearing Allah,believe in the unseen,humble (submissive) and guarding Prayers with punctuality/persistence,pray to seek his nearness(qurb) and his pleasure, Spending for allah’s pleasure on parents and family ,close relatives , orphans , needy, wayfarers and liberating slaves,believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book (revealed by Allah) and the Messengers, paying Zakat (the Alms-due) , fulfilling promises/trust/pledges ,steadfast in hardship (i.e., poverty) and suffering (i.e., ailment) and at the time of fierce fighting (i.e., jihad), trusting allah alone ,friendly and  helping others ,keep asking forgiveness,doing lot of zikrullah,don’t keep worldly desires in your heart, command good and forbid evil, guarding the limits (set) by Allah,remaining in the (company) of those who uphold the truth (ahle haqq=awliya allah),keep away from absurd talk,guarding the private parts ,who are keeep up trusts and pledges,fearing Hereafter ,always thankfull,asking repentance,expecting mercy from allah,reading quran regularly,keeping pateince,fasting regularly,eating halaal,steadyfast in total islam,not taking or giving interest money,Following tolerant, moderate and balanced islam,fight in the way of Allah (to establish peace and safeguard human dignity),always doing zikrullah,not to taunt favours and hurt feelings of others,writing down financial transactions,refering issues to allah and his rasool saws, being kind (and humble) towards the believers (but) strict (and firm) towards the disbelievers.staying away from worldly people,wine,gambling,idols,fighting with muslims,doubts, hypocrisy, nafs,distant hopes,desires/ego,unwanted talk,show off,arrogance,whispering, callinf nick names, making fun of a person,community,finding faults in others,spying ,backbiting and dont make excuses.Don’t compare yourself with pious people ,always say correct and striaght,Keep up the trust of obediance to allah by controlling eyes,ears,tongue,skin,nose and keep intentions clean.Don’t argue with people regarding deen/islamic issue for subduing others .Ask always rasoolallah saws’s mediation in everything,helping islam,thinking world is a testing place for muslims,following your murshid with obediance,Be hard and tough against the disbelievers but kind-hearted and merciful amongst muslims.doing ibadat for allah’s grace and pleasure,Controling your voice especially in front of elders/pious people,enquring about news brought by a wicked person, makeing peace between two brothers, giving direction and guidance to others,thinking good for others.Take care of your own selves. Don’t pray for kaafirs.remain in the (company) of those who uphold the truth (ahle haqq=awliya allah).Warn your family,relatives and friends from the fire of kind, mercifull and supportive to people.Ask mercy from allah not his justice .keep state of fear and hope. Wealth,health,life, children are test for you whether yo will remember allah or not? Safeguard yourselves and your families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones,spread salam and pray for everyones forgiveness.Believers say: ‘We have heard and we (totally) submit to obey.’It is most hateful in the sight of Allah that you should say what you do not do.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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