Purification-Nafs Stations

Purification, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

PURIFICATION OF THE NAFS/Tazkiyay-i-nafs (burning the nafs)/islaah (reformation) of the nafs.: To save nafs from bad habits, e.g., lying, lust, gossip, greed, passion, abusive behavior, etc.


Nafs e ammara-nafs is in our heart/slaves of the desires/wordly affairs/shaitan speaks

Nafs e lawamma-start fighting with nafs/shaitan furious/putting questions in the heart

Nafs e mulhima-nafs is still there/waswasa&hope/shaitan tricks by alternate ways like you have done enough zikr /pray later/why astagfar when I have not done anywrong/munfiqat

Nafs e mutmainna-nafs&shaitan are silent/no resistance in azkar and ibadat/heart is activated & seeby it.

Nafs e radhiyya-entry into touheed/baseerat is created in the heart/see allah everywhere in everything/mushahida and fail e haqiqi is HU.stop listening to nafs&shaitan but shaitan tries to lead you into shirk/gumrahi by manipulating our mushahida.

Nafs e mardhiyya-love conquer everything including nafs&shaitan/heart eye is completely open we start speaking language of  the soul.

Nafs e kamila-nafs is completely purified/perfection and we enter maqam e qalb.

TREATMENT : take a murshid/guide to help you by baith.stop listening to nafs/shaitan( stop thinking when you get bad thoughts and just ignore it) stop questioning and doubting.have faith and trust in allah.be contented and happy .Intention must be to please allah and get near him.should have ikhlaas(sincerely committed) and sidq(being true to self ,to others and to allah) .should surrender to allah totally following shariah and be like a strange traveller on this earth.time on this earth must be used to prepare for the hereafter.namaaz ,zikr(astaqfar and darood o salaam),dua,fasting and recitation of quran is the best way to be on steadyfastness.The heart is strengthened with the light which is made from the continuous Dhikr (remembrance) of the heart.The heat generated by the remembrance of Allah SWT  will burn Lust,Anger ,Tyranny, Desire, Want,Jealousy,greed, pride and arrogance.

ACCUSTOMING THE NAFS -by Nafl Salaat/fasting  in abundance,the nafs is opposed in its desires. If only the ‘I’ (thought of the self) goes, you can enter paradise. the thought of the self, which some say as the ego or nafs, is our first enemy. ego is the betrayal of trust towards allah ,so keep ego out.gnosis is actual feeling. Seeking the aid of Allah Ta’ala to rectify your nafs.take a murshid/guide to help you by baith. make nafs submissive to allah and shariat.Think you are doing with the help of allah /for allah/from allahs given qualities.Request Allah to grant you steadfastness on the Deen.

ABSTINENCE/REFRAINING -keeping the belly without food and drink, guarding the eye from lustful looks, the ear from listening to evil speech about anyone in his absence, the tongue from vain or foul words, the body from following after worldly things and disobedience to God. sleep only when it is overpowered by slumber, speak only when must and eat only when starving.”

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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