Qurb-Love Ishq

Qurb, Tariqat

Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem“”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Qurbiat/nearness of Allah taala–love

How to gain Qurbiat/Nearness of Allah Ta’ala ?

You need 4 things 1.knowledge 2.love 3.akhlaaq 4.nawafil (other than fariaz)


“O believers, whosoever among you apostatize(Abandon one’s beliefs or allegiances) from their religion, Allah (swt) will assuredly bring in their stead a people whom He will love and who will love Him” (5/59);

Love is one of the names of His will (iradah), like “satisfaction”, “anger”, “mercy”, etc., and His will is an eternal attribute whereby He wills His actions.

“Poverty” {Faqr) to denote the renunciation of the lover’s personal will in his affirmation of the Beloved’s will.

Allah (swt)loves to meet those who love to meet Him, and dislikes to meet those who dislike to meet Him” The believers love Allah( subhanu wataala) the most.

love is the foundation and principle of the way to God, that all “states” and “stations” are stages of love. love is a feeling (hal), and feelings are never mere words (qal).

The lovers of Allah (swt)are those who devote themselves to death in nearness to Him.

habbat is the core of the heart, where love resides. the heart and the eye are rivals in love.

Excessive love (ishq) cannot possibly arise without the Beloved is subsistent (baqi) and the lover is annihilated (fani/ by negating himself).

The glory of this world is Allah (swt)’s being with them, and the glory of the next world is their being with Allah (swt).

A man performs the command of his beloved more easily in proportion to the strength of love in his heart.

When Allah loves some one all his creation in sky and earth will start loving that servant of Allah ( that servants love is installed in the hearts, by Allah)When Allah hates some one all his creation in sky and earth will start hateing that servant of Allah ( that servants hatred  is installed in the hearts, by Allah)

‘Whoever despises any of My friends has declared war against Me, I do not hesitate in anything as I hesitate to seize the soul of My faithful servant. My servant seeks My favour is more pleasing to Me than the performance of the obligations which I have laid upon him;


Allah  imprisoned the heart in the spirit(lower self/nafs/ego) and the spirit in the soul(upper self/ruh) and the soul in the body; then He mingled reason (‘aql) with them, and sent prophets and gave commands.

The body betook itself to prayer,

the soul attained to love,

the spirit arrived at proximity to God,

the heart found rest in union with Him.

Believers who love Allah (swt) are of two kinds — (1) those who regard the favour and beneficence of Allah (swt) towards them, and are led by that regard to love the Benefactor; (2) those who are so enraptured by love that they reckon all favours ( thinking that his actions were not worthy of Allah (swt)’s acceptance).

ALLAH (SWT)’S LOVE TOWARDS MAN —-1.consists in showing much favour to him, 2.and giving him a recompense in this world and the next, 3.and making him secure from punishment and keeping him safe from sin, 4.and bestowing on him lofty “states” and exalted “stations” 5.and causing him to turn his thoughts away from all that is other than Allah (swt). 6.His good will towards him

MAN’S LOVE TOWARDS ALLAH (SWT) —1.is a quality which manifests itself in the heart of the pious believer, 2.in the form of veneration and magnification, 3.so that he seeks to satisfy his Beloved 4.and becomes impatient and restless in his desire for vision of Him, 5.and cannot rest with anyone except Him, 6.and grows familiar with the remembrance (dhikr) of Him, 7.and abjures the remembrance of everything besides. 8.Repose becomes unlawful to him and rest flees from him. 9.He is cut off from all habits and associations, 10.and renounces sensual passion 11.and turns towards the court of love and submits to the law of love 12.and knows Allah (swt) by His attributes of perfection.

And the Apostle said: “1 heard Gabriel say that Allah (swt) said, ‘Whoever despises any of My friends has declared war against Me, I do not hesitate in anything as I hesitate to seize the soul of My faithful servant who dislikes death and whom I dislike to hurt, but he cannot escape therefrom; and no means whereby My servant seeks My favour is more pleasing to Me than the performance of the obligations which I have laid upon him; and My servant continuously seeks My favour by works of supererogation until I love him, and when I love him I am his hearing and his sight and his hand and his helper.” And the Apostle also said, “Allah (swt) loves to meet those who love to meet Him, and dislikes to meet those who dislike to meet Him”; and again, “When Allah (swt) loves a man He says to Gabriel, ‘0 Gabriel, I love such and such a one, so do thou love him’; then Gabriel loves him and says to the dwellers in Heaven, ‘Allah (swt) loves such and such a one,’ and they love him too; then he bestows on him favour in the earth, so that he is loved by the inhabitants of the earth; and as it happens with regard to love, so does it happen with regard to hate.”

INTENTION- intention should be to surrender totally to divine will and to gain Allah’s pleasure/raza(with affirmation from heart). Will, the act and the power, is solely from Allah.

just ignore waswasa/bad thoughts when they arise at the first instance itself.dont disclose it to others keep secreat your ibadah .dont show off.Be in wadhu everytime and fight against nafs/ego/ carnal desires . be away from the world except for genuine needs. display good manners.

keep reciting sunnah suplications/dua like for eating,drinking,sleeping ,awakeing,sneezing ,going to toilet,going to market etc. atleast say bismillah before starting any act.Follow sunnah and keep patience.best ibadah is 5times namaz with jamaat( if you miss jamaat make sure you offer it immediately or atleast cover up with qaza ) 

Give lot of charity and keep reading qaza namaz regularly.complete 1 quran every month with dua at the end of it .Lot of darood o salam and astaqfar .Fasting- on 13th 14th and 15th every Islamic month and also every Monday and Thursday of the week.Visit graveyard every Thursday or Friday .Do lot of essale sawab.

Each Act or Tasbih or Du’a  should begin and terminate with the recital of Durood Shareef and one who wishes for the acceptance of his Du’as should use the Wasila of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Salla Allahu ta’ala alyhi wa Sallam).

If some spiritual condition occurs in your heart or some amazing knowledge enters the heart, don’t get excited our aim is to gain Allah’s raza/pleasure (ignore the fantacies) have trust in Allah and present your needs to Him only. Request Allah to grant you steadfastness on the Deen.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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