Qurb Ahklaq-Treatment

Qurb, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Qurbiat/nearness of allah taala–akhlaaq

How to gain Qurbiat/Nearness of Allah Ta’ala ?

You need 4 things 1.knowledge 2.love 3.akhlaaq 4.nawafil (other than fariaz)


REMEDY for Unnecessary Talking /Unrestrained Glances /Keeping Bad Company

Dhikr of Allah ta’Ala, recitation of the Noble Qur’an, seeking Allah’s forgiveness, making du’as, darood ,praying at night.

THE REMEDY FOR Taqwaa-To abstain from sins.

THE REMEDY for hirs-Reduce expenditure. This will diminish concern and yearning for more earnings.

THE REMEDY for Tamaa’– is mujaahidah– to accustom oneself to oppose the desires of the lowly nafs so that the carnal and material desires of the lowly nafs are subordinated to the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.

THE REMEDY for falsehood-When speaking, be careful. Do not speak without thinking. Ponder before you speak and be firm in confronting and curbing the urge to speak what is false. Resort to Taubah in abundance.

THE REMEDY for  Hasad -is by praising much the person against whom jealousy is directed. Honour them and meet him or her with respect and humility.

THE REMEDY for bukhl-Remembrance of maut (death) in abundance expels the love of wealth from the heart.

THE REMEDY for riyaa– is the expulsion from the heart of the desire for fame and name(love for name, fame and glory). Execute your acts of lbaadat in solitude. Execute specific act of Ibaadat in abundance. Within a short while the riyaa will be dispelled and by force of habit the Ibaadat will become sincere.

THE REMEDY for ujub/vanity-Always regard virtues to be the bestowal of Allah Ta’ala+fear the possibility of the gifts being snatched away+Ponder about your faults.

THE REMEDY for takabbur– by reflecting on the Splendour, Glory and Majesty of Allah Ta’ala. This reflection will produce in one a realization of one’s own lowly position. humble yourself in the presence of those whom you regard as your inferior. Be respectful to them so that you become imbued with humility.

THE REMEDY for HIQD (MALICE, AVARICE) – to overlook the fault of the one for whom Hiqd is entertained and to associate with him irrespective of the difficulty one may experience in the adoption of such a big-hearted attitude.

THE REMEDY for hubb-e-jaah-Meditate on the futility of hubb-e-jaah. Neither the one who honours nor the one who is honoured will remain. All will perish. It is therefore childish to be delighted over such a transitory and illusionary attribute. Contemplating in this way will eliminate this malady.

THE REMEDY for hubb e duniya-Remember maut (death) in abundance / do not involve yourself in distant and remote hopes. In this way the love of the world will be eliminated from the heart. “Die before your death.” This Hadith means that one has to inculcate the attribute of the dead in one even before death, and that attribute is the lack of worldly love.

DYING BEFORE DEATH (This is the life which Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam desired for his Ummah).These attributes which are in the perfect state in the dying man(as is the position at the time of maut) are:

Taubah (repentance)-to emerge from all evil

zuhd, (abstention)- to shun the world and everything in it

Qanaa’at (contentment)- abstention from lowly desires– to be contented

tawakkul (trust in Allah)- to shun all abnormal worldly agencies

Azlat (solitude)- to sever all ties with creation

Tawajju I’lallaah (attention directed to Allah Ta’ala)-only Allah Ta’ala attention
sabr (patience)- to shun pleasures

Ridhaa (pleased with Allah)- to abstain from pleasing the nafs

Zikr (remembrance of Allah)- to submit in entirety to Allah Ta’ala

muraaqabah (meditation)-the body is on earth, but the rooh should be directed to the Aakhirah, and be in communion with Allah Ta’ala.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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