
Risalat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


18/6-….Will you put your (dear) life at stake with the traumatic grief for them if they do not put faith in this Word (of Allah)?

94/6…..And We have taken off the load (of grief of the Umma [Community]) from you..

53/3-5…he does not speak out of his (own) desire. His speech is nothing but Revelation, which is sent to him.

53/4 …(The Lord) of Mighty Powers (directly) conferred on him (perfect) knowledge,..

…every following hour is a better (source of eminence and exaltation) for you than the preceding one….93/5

…soon your Lord shall bestow upon you (so much) that you will be well-pleased.93/5

94/1-8. …Have We not broadened your breast for you (for the light of knowledge, wisdom and spiritual gnosis)?

Yusuf (Joseph) said: … This (interpretation) is of those branches of knowledge that my Lord has taught me….12/37

105/1. Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with those who had elephants?

Have you not seen how your Lord treated (the people of ‘Ad)?89/6

24/20. And had there not been Allah’s grace and His mercy upon you (for the sake of the Holy Prophet

[blessings and peace be upon him]

, you too would have been destroyed like the former communities)…

53/1- By the bright star (Muhammad

[blessings and peace be upon him]

) when (he ascended during the Ascension Night in the twinkling of an eye and) descended.

34/28-…We have not sent you but as a Bearer of the glad tidings and as a Warner to the entire mankind, but most people do not know.

… Adopt forbearance, always command piousness, and keep aloof from the ignorant.7/199

….you are neither a soothsayer (the one who gives news through the jinn) nor a madman.52/29

…‘If you love Allah, follow me. Allah will then take you as (His) beloved, and forgive you your sins for you…’3/31

… We have sent you as an eyewitness (of the actions and the state of affairs of Umma [Community] to bear testimony on the Day of Reckoning) and as a Bearer of good news and as a Warner,48/8

…We exalted for you your remembrance (by annexing it to Ours everywhere in the world and in the Hereafter).94/4

… Do not regard the calling of the Prophet amongst you like your calling of one another. ..24/63

….We shall bring you as a witness against them all?4/41

….it is not Allah’s Glory to torment them, whilst you are also (present) amongst them…8/33

Nor would Allah torment them whilst they are engaged in supplicating Him for forgiveness.8/33

… Rise and stand (in Prayer) at night but (for) a short while 73/2

…warn your close relatives (of Our torment).26/214

…extend your (merciful, kind and supporting) hand to those believers who follow you. ….26/214-217

these people find written in the Torah and the Injil (Gospel); who enjoins on them virtues and forbids them vices, 7/157

declares wholesome things lawful and impure ones unlawful for them and removes from them their heavy burdens and yokes (i.e., shackles) weighing upon them …. 7/157

…your Lord has not forsaken you. Nor is He displeased …. 93/3

I swear by this city (Mecca), .because you are residing in it.90/1-2

The Bedouins say: ‘We have believed.’ Say: ‘You have not believed. Rather say: We have accepted Islam. And the belief has not yet gone into your hearts.49/14

..Surely, your (sitting for long in this) manner discomforts the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him); and he feels reluctant to (ask) you (to leave), but Allah does not hesitate in (saying) the truth. 33/53

Surely, Allah has bought from the believers their souls and wealth in return for (the promise of) Paradise for them. ….So, (believers,) rejoice over your bargain against which you have sold (your souls and wealth). This is a colossal achievement.9/111

And also seek forgiveness (i.e., intercede) for the believing men and women … 47/19

… So surely Allah is the One Who is his Friend and Helper and Jibril (Gabriel) and the most pious believers and after them (all) angels too are (his) helpers.66/4

..These are the tidings of the unseen which We reveal to you. ….3/44

..when you smote (them with pebbles), it was not you who smote them, but Allah smote,…18/17

Collect alms (Zakat—the Alms-due) from their wealth so that by these (alms) you may purify them (of their sins) and (by this purification of faith and riches) bestow upon them blessing and pray for them….9/103

Surely, your prayer is a (source of) delightful calm for them. 9/103

(O mankind,) he is ardently desirous of your (betterment and guidance. And) he is most (deeply) clement and merciful to the believers.9/128

…Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), and …..(lest) all your actions should come to nothing (including your faith), and you are not even aware (that your faith and all pious works have been wrecked). 49/3

…who recites to them His Revelations, purifies them, and educates them on the Book and Wisdom though, before that, they were in manifest error.3/164

…..whom Allah had favoured and whom you (too) had done a favour….33/37

Surely, Allah and (all) His angels send blessings and greetings on the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). O believers! Invoke blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation of peace abundantly (and fervently).33/56

….Invoke blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation of peace abundantly (and fervently).33/56

This (Esteemed) Prophet is nearer to and has a greater claim on the believers than their own souls and his (pure) wives are their mothers. 33/6

…they cannot become true believers until they make you a judge in every dispute …..and submit (to your decision) gladly, with total submission.4/65

…Grant leave whom you please, and ask forgiveness for them from Allah .. …24/62

….Glorious Book which is a clear exposition of everything and is guidance, mercy and glad tidings for the believers.16/89

… accept their allegiance and seek forgiveness for them from Allah. …60/12

…Do not take your fathers (and forefathers) and brothers for friends if they love disbelief more than belief. …9/23

Do people think that they will be released (just) on saying: ‘We have believed,’ and they will not be tried? 29/2

And when you ask them (the pure wives) for something, ask them from behind a curtain. This (regard and nice manner) causes great purity for your hearts and for their hearts. 33/53

19/96  Surely, those who believed and did pious deeds, the Most Kind (Lord) will create love for them in the hearts (of the people).

2/104,105- …do not say: ‘ra‘ina (Pay attention to us),’ but submit (most humbly): ‘unzurna (Bless us with your benevolent gaze),’ and be all ears (towards his gracious discourse).

And Allah especially chooses whom He pleases for His mercy. 2/105

8/24…And bear in mind that Allah intervenes between man and his heart (with a Glory of exclusive nearness)….

24/63…. Do not regard the calling of the Prophet amongst you like your calling of one another.

33/59. O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters and the women of believers that, (whilst going out,) they should draw their veils as coverings over them. It is more likely that this way they may be recognized (as pious, free women), and may not be hurt (considered by mistake as roving slave girls).

… Why do you forbid yourself (taking honey) which Allah has made lawful for you? (How well) you seek to please your wives! And Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.66/1

Allah only intends to remove all the impurity of sins from you, O People of the House (of the Prophet, [even a doubt or trace of shortcoming]) and make you absolutely pure and clean by blessing you with (perfect) purity and wholesomeness.33/33

… It is not you who killed the disbelievers (who initiated war against you) but it is Allah Who killed them,..18/17

Surely, We decreed for you a clear victory …48/1

…this (Islamic law) is My straight path. So follow it and do not follow (other) paths,… enjoined you strictly so that you may become Godfearing.6/153

Unclean women are (particular) for unclean men, ….whilst clean and pious men are exclusively for clean and chaste women. … Forgiveness and bestowal of honour and dignity have been (destined) for them. …24/26

….whomever Allah pleases, He makes him tread the path of guidance (through your mediation)…28/56

And He found you seeking (closeness with your Lord), and (then blessed you with the pleasure of His sight and) freed you of every need (forever). Or And He found you compassionate and benevolent, then (through you) made the destitute non-liable.93/8

9/108. ..Never stand in this (building which has been built in the name of a mosque). But the mosque which has been, from the very first day, founded on the fear of Allah has greater right to be honoured with your standing in it. There are people in it who love to remain purified (both physically and spiritually), and Allah loves those who commit themselves to purity.

and Allah loves those who commit themselves to purity….9/108

48/10 …those who pledge allegiance to you in fact pledge allegiance to Allah alone. Allah’s hand is over their hands (in the form of your hand)…

18/110. …‘I look like you only (by virtue of my visible creation) as a man. (Otherwise just think what congruity you have with me.) It is I to whom the Revelation is transmitted that your God is the One and only God. …

94/5 …And We exalted for you your remembrance (by annexing it to Ours everywhere in the world and in the Hereafter).

..So surely ease (comes) with every hardship.94/5

…So when you are free (from educating the Umma (Community), preaching the Din (Religion) and fighting, and fulfilling your responsibilities), then strive hard (in remembrance and the worship of your Lord), And turn to your Lord earnestly.94/5

96/1. (O Beloved!) Read (commencing) with the Name of Allah, Who has created (everything). He created man from a hanging mass (clinging) like a leech (to the mother’s womb).

Read, and your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught man (reading and writing) by the pen, Who (besides that) taught man (all that) which he did not know…96/1

…Who imparted to (the most eminent of) mankind (the chosen Prophet Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him] without using any pen) the whole knowledge that he was not aware of before.96/1

106/1-3. …So they should worship the Lord of this (Sacred) House (Ka‘ba, to give Him thanks),

111/1-5. Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab and be he perished himself (he has pointed his finger to Our Beloved)! ..

It is all the same for these (evil-fated denigrators of the Holy Prophet

[blessings and peace be upon him]

) whether you seek for them forgiveness or do not seek for them forgiveness, Allah will never forgive them (because they mock you and show you dislike and arrogance). …63/6

These (disbelievers) ask you about the Last Hour: ‘When will it take place?’ Say: ‘Knowledge of it rests with my Lord alone; none but He (Allah) will manifest it at its (appointed) time. ….Say: ‘Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most people do not know (this fact).’7/187

..These are the tidings of the unseen which We reveal to you….3/44

..This (narrative) is of the news of the unseen which We are revealing to you,..12/102

..you were not present with them when they were casting their pens (by way of a draw to determine) which of them should take care of Maryam (Mary)…3/44

..Nor were you with them when they were disputing with one another.3/44

..you were not present with them when they (Yusuf’s [Joseph’s] brothers) were co-working to conclude their conspiracy and were plotting to deceive.12/102

 … These people are showing off to you that they have done a favour to you by embracing Islam. Say: ‘Do not show off your Islam as a favour to me. Instead, Allah is the One Who favours you by guiding you to faith, provided you are true (to belief).’ ..49/18

…believers have attained their goal, Those who become most humble and submissive in their Prayers, …keep away from absurd talk, … pay Zakat (the Alms-due

[and keep purifying their wealth and souls]

),..who guard their private parts (all the time), ….those who are watchful of their trusts and their pledges, 23/1-10

It is they who(humble and submissive in prayer / zakat payers/guard tongue ,private parts,trust and pledges) …inherit the most superior Gardens of Paradise…23/1-11

16/103 – And indeed, We know that they (the disbelievers and the polytheists) say: ‘It is but a human being who teaches him this (Qur’an).’ But the person they point to, turning the matter away from the truth, is the one whose language is non-Arabic and this Qur’an is (in) a clear and unambiguous Arabic language.

48/29 …And those with him are hard and tough against the disbelievers but kind-hearted and merciful amongst themselves. …bowing and prostrating … seek Allah’s grace and pleasure. Their mark is an impression of prostrations on their faces (prominent on the foreheads as light)…

… pledged allegiance to you … sent down an exceptional calmness and tranquillity (into their hearts…48/18

… seek forgiveness (i.e., intercede) for the believing men and women (for that is all they may have in balance for forgiveness). 47/19

O Prophet! … take the oath of allegiance that they will not set up anything as partner with Allah and will not steal, nor will they commit adultery, or kill their children, or bring false blame … or disobey you in (any) matter pertaining to law, then accept their allegiance and seek forgiveness for them from Allah. ..60/12

…(But this exclusive command for lawfulness of number of wives in your respect has been given) so that there remains no difficulty for you (in making elaborate arrangements for the education and training of the women of the Muslim Umma [community]),….33/50

….you make neither the dead (i.e., the disbelievers deprived of the vitality of faith) hear your call nor the deaf (i.e., deprived of hearing the call of truth) whilst they are getting away (from you) turning their backs. Nor can you turn (these) blind (i.e., wanting in insight) from misguidance to the path of guidance. 30/52

…I follow only that (commandment) which is revealed to me.’ 6/50

… warn by means of this (Qur’an) …6/50

…if (one) hundred of you are (steadfast), they will overpower (one) thousand of the (invading) disbelievers …..6/65

… you make only them hear who (accepting your call) believe in Our Revelations…27/80-81

Indeed, those who believe, then disbelieve and then believe again and reject faith once more and then advance further in denying faith, Allah will never (incline to) forgive them, nor guide them to the straight road.4/137

..Do not make friends with those on whom Allah has sent His wrath. …16/13

The believers are only those whose hearts, when Allah is mentioned (before them), are filled with awe (at the very idea of Allah’s Greatness and Might). And when His Revelations are recited to them, they .. increase their faith, and they (maintain) their trust in their Lord alone …… who establish Prayer, and spend (in the cause of Allah) …… For them are (high) ranks with their Lord and forgiveness and an honourable provision.8/2-4

 ( mosque )…founded on the fear of Allah ….who love to remain purified (both physically and spiritually), and Allah loves those who commit themselves to purity. 9/108

Who is better—the one who founds his edifice (i.e., mosque) on the fear of Allah and (His) pleasure and satisfaction, or the one who lays the foundation of his building on the edge of a crumbling precipice? 9/109

he (Satan) says: ‘I feel sick of you. Surely, I fear Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.’59/16

…. Only he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and establishes Prayer and pays Zakat (the Alms-due) and who fears none but Allah can maintain and frequent the mosques of Allah. ..9/17

Nor can the living and the dead be alike. Surely, Allah makes whom He wills hear, …35/22-23

….Indeed, my Helper is Allah, Who has revealed the Book, and He is the One Who also protects and helps the pious. 7/196

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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