Ruh-Nafs Battle

Ruh, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Human=balanced proportion of chemical/materialistic world (-ve ) and ruh/noor from divine world .(+ve )

Ibadat =spiritual /ruhaniat +  insaniyat/humanity

Momin’s ruh loves to meet Allah AND sinner’s ruh loves duniya.

Nafs =me  AND  ruh =he (filled with Allah’s love)

Ruh=angelic /celestial(malakuti) AND  nafs =nasooti (lowest of creation).

Ruh=huzoori/presenting yourself infront of Allah.Ruh always wants to leave body/cage and reach alam e arwah/lahoot/hahoot/jabroot (celestial world)

Allah =Rab of angels and ruh

Ruh =king(marifat e elahi)

Heart =battle ground for nafs and ruh (to conquer it)



Status/dignity is in the ruh(the king).


Nafs= actual servant of ruh but in association with duniya it became servant of duniya/desires.

Nafs follows ruh (if there is no duniya in your heart)

Heart starts seeing celestial world (alam e bala) when nafs is subdued by ruh (ie by removal duniya/desires from the heart)

Ruh is for qurb e elahi (love+knowledge)

Ruh e deen =ahklaq e hasana(seerat e rasoolﷺ )

Ahklaq e elahiﷻ =ahklaq e Mustaphaﷺ

Character/ahklaq is from soul and action is a movement.

Body/Jism e deen =arkaan e islam (pillars of islam)

Soul/Ruh e deen =ahklaq e hasana (good character)

Human =Zaahir and baatin (ie afaal/actions) + faiz e ruh (noor –a living entity)

Human =body is from alaam e shahadat +ruh is from alaam e arwah/bala/angelic world(ruh enclosed inside mud)

Khalq=zaahir (mud/soil)

Khuluq=baatin (heart/ruh)

Body/jism=sperm +blood (both are impure ie why jism is dark)+ nafs (disease of heart like ghibat,takabbur,hirs,anger etc etc)

Ruh =heavenly /spiritual/noor ie light (no disease of heart-angelic world)

Alaam e malakut (Angelic world) has ruh/soul.

Ruh =angelic in nature  AND jism =wordly in nature.

You see insan/body but arsh/ruh is walking because ruh is from Allah’s command/amr.

Amal/deed and haal/state of heart  both are exposed to celestial world .

Ruh free from disease of heart  /nafs  filled with diseases of heart  fight over heart

If ruh occupies heart =angelic AND  if nafs occupies heart =hywani/animal instinct.

Sharia helps in islah e nafs and haqiqat/marifat gives profitable ilm (haqiqat=hidden ie ruh).

Jism =is waste , impure and materialistic (without ruh)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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