“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
1.ZAAT/ESSENCE (you cannot imagine nor understand just say present/hai)
2.SIFFAT/ATTRIBUTES-intellect /heart/ruh/sir/khafi/ahkfa (select wird/wazifa accordingly).
3.ASMA/NAMES- state of nafs(Select accordingly for your needs, some names act on nafs)
4.AFAAL/ACTIONS-act on nafs
5.ASRAR/WEALTH-entire creation
1.quranic ayah +siffat/names/asar
2.heart= attributes/siffate asrar like rahmat/fear/love/neymet/praising/hamd/saqawat/wajd etc etc
3.zikrullah of ism/siffat e elahi.
4. ruh=siffat e asrar/wealth like living/death/presence/ghaib/marifat etc etc
5.zikrullah /quran/sujood if you enjoy kaifiyat in these 3 ,it’s a sign of iman.
Attributes/Sifaaths are 99 names of Allah (Allah is isme azaam-the greatest name)
Start with HuwAllahul lazi la ilaha illa Hu war Or start with Astaqfirulahullazi la ilaha illa Hu war —–Rahmanur (beneficent),Rahimul ( merciful),malikul (the sovereign lord),qudus (the holy)As salamul (source of peace),muminul( the guardian of faith),muhayminul(the protector) ,azizul( the mighty),jabbar(the compeller)Al mutakabbirul(the majestic), kaliqul(the creator),bariul (the evolver),musavirual (fashioner),gaffar ( forgiver)Al qahharul( subduer),Wahabul (the bestower),Razzaqul( the provider),Fattahul (the opener),Alim (the all knowing) Al qabidzul (the constrictor),Basitul (the expander),Khafidul(theabaser), Rafiul (the exalter),Muizz (the honorer) Al muzzillul(the dishonorer),Samiul(the all hearing),Basirul(the seeing),Hakamul (the judge),Adl (the just)Al latiful(subtle one), Kahbirul (the aware),Halimul (the forbearing one),Azimul(the great one),Ghafur (the forgiver and hider of the faults) Ash shakurul(highly greatful),Aliul (the most high), Kabirul (the most great),Hafizul (the preserver),Muqit (the maintener) Al hasibul( the reckoner),Jalilul (the sublime one),Karimul(the generous one),Raqibul (watchful), Mujib(the responsive) Al wasiul(all embracing),Hakimul (the wise),Wadudul (the loving),Majeedul (most glorious one),Baess (the resurrector)Ash shahidul (the witness), Haqqul (the truth),Wakilul (the eternal),Qawiul (the able),Matin (the firm one)Al waliul (the protecting friend),Hamidul (the praiseworthy),Muhsiul (the reckoner),Mubdiul (the originator),Muid (the restorer) Almuhyiul (the giver of life),Mumitul (the creator of death),Hayyul (the alive),Qayyumul(the self subsisting),Wajid (the finder)Al majidul (the nobel),Wahidul (the unique),Ahadul (the one),Samadul (the most strong),Qadir (all forgiving) Al muqtadirul (the powerful),Muqaddimul (the expeditor),Muakhkhirul (the delayer),Awwlu (the first),Akhir (the last) Az zahirul( the manifest),Batinul (the hidden), Waali (the governor),Mutaali (the most exalted),Barr (source of good things) At tawwabur ( acceptor of repentances),Muntaqimul (avenger),Afuwul (the pardoner), Rauful (the compassionate),Malik ul mulk( the eternal owner of sovereignty)Zhul jalali wal ikram(the lord of majesty&bounty),Muqsitul (the equitable),Jameul (the gatherer), Ghaniul (the self sufficient),Mughni (the enricher) Al maneiu (the preventer),Darrul (the distresser),Nafei (the propitious),Nurul (the light),Hadi (the guide) Al badiu(the incomparable), Baqiu (the everlasting),Warrisu(the supreme inheritor),Rashidus(the guide to the right path),Sabur ( the patient)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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