Wilayat-Haal And Maqam

Tariqat, Wilayat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


State of heart /haal is achieved by

1.taubah (returning towards Allah )

2.ilm (knowledge of sharia and tariqa)

3.amal/deeds (islah e nafs)

For example -Completion of quran is amal/deed and understanding/meditating/contemplating with quran is haal /state of heart.

Reciting naat/praising prophet ﷺ  in poetry is amal/deed  and understanding naat is haal haal /state of heart.

Salaah is amal and concentration/contemplation(tasawur) is haal /state of heart.

Face towards kaaba (amal) and heart towards rab e kaaba haal /state of heart.

Simplicity is from the heart and show professionalism outside.

living is for gooddeeds  and good deeds are  for ahwal /states of heart

Spiritual status of each individual is different so spiritual technique varies from people to people(state of heart).prophet ﷺ  gave different answers for best islam based the state of heart of that person for ex-best islam is good character,feeding poor ,conveying salaam,being good with wives etc etc .

Allah-owns entire wealth(asar) and actions(afaal) in the creation.

Good deeds are nothing but Allah’s irada/taufiq/guidance (slave uses Allah’s power/qudrat in a pleasing way)

Bad actions are from us because of using Allah’s given power in a wrong way /displeasing way  .

Life /intention/power/knowledge/seeing/speaking/hearing =given to slave .

When we use his given resources then actions must be to please him .

Good islam/husn e islam =leaving those unwanted things /works

Feeling is part of deen .good feeling outside makes you feel good inside also.

Allah is beautiful and loves beauty.

Don’t disclose defects of the people.

Feel illiterate and helpless (say by the grace/fazal of Allah)


Piety /birr=saqawat e nafs/generous  +sofspeaking +sabr

Sakhi/generous=kept more for self and gave little for needy

Jawad =gave more for needy and kept less for self.

Sakhi /generous man =doesnot think about status and his tawakkal /reliance on Allah is high.

Tawakkal =kamil/perfect iman (keep thanking Allah he will give you more)

Increase tawakkal/trust  = increase iman/faith

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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