Prophet Yaqoob(as) And Yousuf(as)-Zulekha

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Yaqoob(as) and yousuf(as) 2

12/30…….And some women of (the elite class in) the city began to say: ‘The wife of ‘Aziz seeks to seduce her slave-boy for her purpose. …….’ So when she (Zulaykha) heard their deceitful talk, she sent for them and arranged a meeting for them. (She placed fruit before them) and gave each one of them a knife and requested (Yusuf): ‘Walk out before them 

12/32……they began to exalt (the charm of his ecstatic beauty) and (in a dazed state) cut their hands (instead of the fruits served to them).

12/34……… …This is not a human being; he must be some exalted angel (i.e., an embodiment of light descending from the transcendent realm of divinity)!’

12/36….And if (even now) he does not do what I bid him, he will surely be put into prison and will certainly be disgraced.’

12/38….. Yusuf (Joseph) submitted: ‘O my Lord! The prison is far dearer to me than what these women are inviting me to. …

12/40……..(Say:) Are many separate gods better or One Allah, Who dominates and controls all? (In fact) you worship none besides Allah except a few names which you and your forefathers have forged (on your own). Allah has not sent down any authority for them.

12/43……..Judgment rests with Allah alone. He alone has commanded that you worship none but Him. This is the straight path (true Din [Religion]), but most people do not know.

12/47……O my two companions of the prison! (The interpretation of the dream of) one of you (is that he) will serve wine to his master (the king), and as for the other, (who has seen bread on his head,) he will be crucified and then birds will pick at his head.

12/50… …And Yusuf (Joseph) said to the one whom he believed to be released: ‘Mention me to your king (he may thus recall that another innocent one is also lying in imprisonment).’ But Satan made him forget to mention (him) to his king, and consequently, Yusuf (Joseph) remained in prison for several years.’

12/54……And (one day) the king said: ‘I have beheld (in a dream) seven fat cows whom seven lean cows are devouring, and (I have beheld) seven green ears of corn and (seven) others dry. O courtiers! Explain to me the implication of my dream if you know the interpretation of dreams.’ They said: ‘These are confused dreams, and we do not know the interpretation of confused dreams.’ And one of the two prisoners, who had been released and (now) after a long time remembered (his promise to Yusuf [Joseph]), said: ‘I shall tell you its interpretation; so send me (to Yusuf [Joseph]).’

12/60..…. Yusuf (Joseph) said: ‘You will cultivate as usual, consecutively for seven years. So whatever you reap, keep it (in storage), leaving the grains in their ears except a small quantity (to thresh) for your (yearly) consumption. Then after this, there will come seven hard years (of drought) which will consume that (store) which you will have laid up for these years except a small quantity (which will fall surplus and) which you will keep in reserve. Then, following this, will come a year during which people will be blessed with (plenty of) rain, and (the yield of fruits will be such as) they will press juices (of fruits that year).’ And (hearing this interpretation) the king said: ‘Bring Yusuf (Joseph) to me (immediately).’

12/65….. The king (called all the women including Zulaykha and) asked: ‘What happened to you when you (all) attempted to seduce Yusuf (Joseph) to turn him away from righteousness? (Explain what that affair was.) They all (unanimously) uttered: ‘Allah save us! We have not noticed any evil in Yusuf (Joseph).’

12/68………and surely Allah lets not the plots of those who betray trusts prove successful. And I do not (claim) absolution of my self. Certainly, the self commands much evil except the one on whom my Lord bestows mercy.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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