Prophet Salih(as) And The Torment

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Salih(as) 1

27/46….Then they became two parties disputing with each other.

7/78….(chiefs and the rich of his people) asked the poor and the downtrodden who had accepted faith: ‘Are you sure that Salih has been really sent from his Lord (as His Messenger)?’ ….They said: ‘We surely believe in whatever he has been sent with.’ …….The arrogant said: ‘No doubt we strongly deny (that) which you have believed in.’

 27/48…They said: ‘You have caused us misfortune, and so have your companions.’

27/50… (These 9 prominent leaders of thamud) said: ‘Vow amongst yourselves by swearing in the Name of Allah that we will certainly launch a murder attack against Salih and his family at night, and will then tell their heirs that we were not present on the occasion of their murder. And surely, we are telling the truth.’


54/27…..Indeed, We are going to send a she-camel for them to test them. So, (O Salih,) wait for their (end) and continue observing patience.

54/28…And make it known to them that water has been divided between them (and the she-camel). Everyone will be served with the share of water by turn.

11/65….And, O my people, this is a (peculiarly created) she-camel of Allah, (which is) a sign for you. So leave her free to graze in Allah’s earth, …..

26/149….(Salih) said: ‘(That sign) is this she-camel. A time for water is (appointed) for her, and on an appointed day is your turn for water. And do not touch her with evil (intention), or the torment of a (gravely) terrible day will seize you.’

54/30…So they called one of their companions (named Qidar). He attacked (the she-camel with a sword) and hamstrung her.

11/67…Salih said: ‘(Now) luxuriate in your abodes (only) for three days. This is a promise which will (never) become untrue.’

11/68…. We saved Salih and the believers with him through Our mercy …

11/68……And a dreadful blast overtook the wrongdoers. So morning found them (dead), lying prone in their homes, As if they had never dwelled there.

26/141….(The people of) Thamud (also) rejected the Messengers.

7/78…..So they killed the she-camel (by hamstringing) and rebelled against the command of their Lord and said: ‘O Salih! Bring upon us that (torment) you have threatened us with if you are (truly) from amongst the Messengers.’

7/79…..So (the torment of) a high-scale earthquake seized them, and, in the morning, they lay (dead) in their homes with faces down upon the ground.

7/79…. (Salih) turned away from them, saying: ‘O my people, verily I delivered the message of my Lord to you and gave you advice (as well) but you do not like the counsellors.’

27/52….So these are their houses lying ruined, for they committed oppression and injustice. No doubt there is a sign (of warning) in it for those who have knowledge…

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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