Prophet Musa(as) And Speaking To Allah

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Speaking to allah (swt)

28/32…….So when Musa (Moses) completed the appointed term and set out with his wife,

20/10…..When Musa (Moses) saw a fire (on his way back to Egypt from Madyan),

28/32….he saw a fire in the direction of Tur. (That was a flash of absolute beauty which caught his heart and fascinated him.)

27/7……said to his wife: ‘I have seen a fire (or I have perceived a flash of love and liking in the fire). Soon I shall bring you some news from it (for which we have been wandering in deserts and forests since long), or I shall bring (you also from there) some burning brand so that you (too) may feel the burn (of its heat).’

20/10…. ‘Stay here. …….. I find at that fire the guidance (which I am searching for).’

28/32…… a call was made from the right side of (the blessed Tur) valley from a tree (located) in a blessed spot:

20/12………‘O Musa (Moses)! Certainly, I am your Lord, so take off your shoes. Verily, you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.

28/33…….‘O Musa (Moses), verily, I am Allah, the Sustainer of all the worlds.

27/9…..O Musa (Moses)! It is I, Allah (Unveiling My Light), Almighty, All-Wise.

27/8………. ‘Blessed is He Who is (luminously unveiling His veil of Light) in this fire, and (also) he who is around it (in the reflection of the theophanies of Allah’s Light). And Allah is Holy (and Glorified, High above any resemblance and physical manifestation), the Lord of all the worlds.

20/12….And I have chosen you (for My Messengership), so listen to what is being revealed to you with absolute attentiveness.

20/13….Verily, I am Allah. There is no God other than Me. So always worship Me, and establish Prayer for the sake of My remembrance. Certainly, the Last Hour is about to come. I want to keep it secret so that every soul may be rewarded for that (deed) for which it is exerting. So let not someone who (himself) does not believe in it and follows his own lust (of the lower self) prevent you from (focusing on) it, otherwise you (too) will perish.

20/15….And what is this in your right hand, O Musa (Moses)?’ He submitted: ‘This is my staff. I lean on it, and beat down leaves with it for my goats, and in it there are also many other benefits for me.’

20/17….(Allah) said: ‘O Musa (Moses), cast it down (on the ground).’ So he cast it down (on the ground), and suddenly it became a serpent slithering (here and there). Allah said: ‘Catch it and do not fear. We shall transform it to its former state just now.’

27/11….(Allah said:) ‘O Musa (Moses), do not fear. Surely, the Messengers do not fear in My presence. But whoever wrongs, then after doing evil replaces (it) with good, then I am indeed Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

28/34…(The Voice said:) ‘O Musa (Moses), come forth and do not fear. Surely, you are of the secure. Put your hand inside your collar opening. It will come out shining white without any disease. And flex your hand close to your (breast to remove) fear. These two signs from your Lord are for (sending to) Pharaoh and his courtiers (to observe)….

27/12……… (Both these are) of the nine signs (of Allah).

20/19….Musa (Moses) prayed: ‘O my Lord, expand my breast for me. And make my task (as a Messenger) easy for me. And untie the knot from my tongue, That people may understand (easily) what I say. And appoint for me a minister from my family. (That) is Harun (Aaron), my brother. Provide me strength and backup with him. And make him share my task (of Messengership), So that we (both) may amply glorify You, And amply remember You. Surely, You see us well (in the perspective of total scenario).’

28/35….. Musa (Moses) submitted: ‘O Lord, I killed one of them, so I fear they would kill me. And my brother Harun (Aaron) is more communicative and eloquent in speech than I, so send him with me as a helper that he may bear me out. And I (also) fear that they will reject me.’

28/36…..(Allah) said: ‘We shall strengthen your arm with your brother and shall create for both of you dread and dominance (in the hearts of the people and in the impact of your endeavours)…

20/23….(Allah) said: ‘O Musa (Moses), you are granted your every prayer.

20/27…….. Go, both of you, to Pharaoh; surely, he has transgressed all bounds in rebellion. So talk to him politely. He may perhaps accept admonition or fear (My wrath).’

20/28….Both of them submitted: ‘O our Lord, we fear lest he should commit some excess against us, or become (more) rebellious.’

20/29….(Allah) said: ‘Do not fear. I am indeed with you both. ……say: We are (the Messengers) sent by your Lord. So (set free) the Children of Israel (from your slavery and) send them with us. And do not persecute them (anymore). Surely, we have brought you a sign from your Lord. And peace be upon him who follows guidance! Verily, it has been revealed to us that the torment will come upon (every) such person that rejects (the Messenger) and turns away from him.’

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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