Prophet Musa (as) And Pharoah-Dawah

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

musa (as) and pharoah 3

20/35….(Pharaoh) said: ‘O Musa (Moses)! Who is the Lord of you both?’

20/36 Musa (Moses) said: ‘Our Lord is He Who brought everything into being (as most suitable), then guided it (according to its potential).’

20/38 (Pharaoh) said: ‘So, what was the fate of former people (who did not believe in your Lord)?’

20/40 (Musa [Moses]) said: ‘The knowledge about them is recorded (and saved) in a Book with My Lord. My Lord does not go wrong, nor does He forget.’…. and sent down water from the sky. …..We bring forth (from the earth) pairs of various kinds of vegetation. Eat and pasture your cattle. Surely, there are signs in it for the wise.

20/42 We created you from this (very soil of the earth), and We shall return you into the same, and shall bring you forth from the very same once more.

20/44 He(pharaoh) said: ‘Musa (Moses), have you come to us to drive us out of our land with your magic? So we shall also bring you magic resembling it. Therefore, settle an appointment between us and yourself (for the contest) which neither we nor you shall violate. (The place of contest) is to be an open and smooth ground.’

20/46….(Musa [Moses]) said: ‘The day of your promise is the Eid (‘Id) Day (the day of Annual Festival), and that (on that day) all the people are to assemble there early in the forenoon.’

20/48 ….. Musa (Moses) said to them(the sorcerers): ‘Woe to you! (Beware!) Do not invent a lie against Allah lest He should eliminate you by torment. And surely, he who fabricates a lie (against Allah) is a failure.’

20/50 …..They said: ‘These two are really magicians who have the intention to drive you out of your land with sorcery, and put an end to your exemplary culture and religion.

20/52… (The magicians) said: ‘O Musa (Moses), either you cast (your thing) or we become the first ones to cast.’

20/54…..(Musa [Moses]) said: ‘Rather you cast down.’ Then the sight was that suddenly their cords and rods, by the effect of their magic, seemed to Musa (Moses) as if they were slithering (on the ground).

20/56…..We said (to Musa [Moses]): ‘Do not fear. Verily, you will have the upper hand. And cast down (this staff) that is in your right hand (on the ground). It will swallow up that (craft) which they have contrived (artificially). Whatever they have wrought is but a deceitful trick of a sorcerer, and wherever a magician may come, he will not be successful.’

20/58….(Pharaoh) said: ‘You have embraced faith in Him before I grant you permission. Surely, he (Musa [Moses]) is also your chief (trainer) who has taught you magic. So, (now) I shall certainly cut off your hands and your feet on the opposite sides and shall certainly crucify you on the palm trunks.

20/62….And certainly We sent Revelation to Musa (Moses): ‘Move out at night taking My servants with you. So, make a dry path in the river (by striking your staff)

20/64. … Then Pharaoh chased them with his troops. So, the (waves of the) river swept over them as much as they covered them up.

20/77… And certainly We sent Revelation to Musa (Moses): ‘Move out at night taking My servants with you. So, make a dry path in the river (by striking your staff)

20/78. ….Then Pharaoh chased them with his troops. So, the (waves of the) river swept over them as much as they covered them up.

20/98…….(O my people! He) Allah alone is your God apart from Whom there is no God. He has encompassed everything in (His) knowledge.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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