Prophet Musa (as) And Bani Isreal-Cow

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

musa (as) and bani isreal 5

20/66…. O Children of Israel! (Realize!) Certainly, We delivered you from your enemy, and gave you the promise of (coming to) the right of (Mount) Tur, and (there) We sent down to you the manna and the quails. …. ‘Eat of the pure things that We have provided for you, and do not exceed limits in that, or My wrath will become inevitable for you.

20/68………..And, O Musa (Moses), why did you hasten (in coming to Tur ahead of) your people?

20/70…..(Musa [Moses]) submitted: ‘They too are coming behind me, and I have hastened to appear before Your presence (possessed by love and ecstasy) in order that You may be pleased, O my Lord!’

20/72…….(Allah) said: ‘We have indeed put your people to trial after you (came away) and Samiri has led them astray.’

20/74……….So, Musa (Moses) returned to his people, angered and grieved, (and) said: ‘O my people, did your Lord not give you a fair promise? Had a long time lapsed on you in (the fulfilment of) the promise? (Or) did you wish that the wrath of your Lord should come due (and befall) you? So you have violated (your) promise to me.’

20/76….They said: ‘We have not violated our promise to you of our own will, but (what happened is that) we were loaded with the heavy burden of the ornaments of the people, so we cast them (into the fire); then similarly, Samiri (too) cast them away.’

20/78……… Then he (Samiri) moulded (out of the molten ornaments) a statue of a calf for them which produced a sound like that of a cow.

20/80…..Then they said: ‘This is your Lord and the Lord of Musa (Moses too). So he (Samiri) forgot (at this point).’ Well, did they not see (even this much) that this (calf) could not answer them a word, nor had it any power to cause them any loss or profit?

20/84……Earlier, Harun (Aaron also) had said to them, (warning): ‘O people, you have undergone a trial by virtue of this (calf), whilst your Lord is (not this,) but surely (He) the Most Kind One. So follow me and obey my command.’

20/86………They said: ‘We shall hold fast to its (worship) until Musa (Moses) comes back to us.’

20/88……Musa (Moses) said: ‘O Harun (Aaron), when you saw them erring, what stopped you, …Did you disobey me?’

20/90…. (Harun [Aaron]) said: ‘O son of my mother, seize me not by my beard or my head. (In being harsh) I feared you would say: You have created division amongst the Children of Israel and have not safeguarded my word.’

20/92………. (Musa [Moses]) said: ‘Samiri, (tell me,) what is the matter with you?’

20/94…He said: ‘I saw what these people had not seen. I took a handful (of dust) from the footstep of the angel (that visited you); then I cast it (into the model of the calf), and this way my (lower) self made (it) attractive to me.’

20/96…….Musa (Moses) said: ‘So (get out from here and) go away. There is for you a lifelong (punishment) that you will keep saying (to everyone): Touch (me) not, (touch me not).

20/97…..And look at this (self-made) god of yours to which you held fast (in worship). We will surely burn it and scatter (its dust) well over the river.

20/98…….(O my people! He) Allah alone is your God apart from Whom there is no God. He has encompassed everything in (His) knowledge.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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