Prophet Ibrahim (as) And Issac(as)

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


2/124…. Allah said: ‘I am going to make you the leader of mankind.’ He submitted: ‘And from my children as well?’ Allah said: ‘(Yes, but) My promise does not apply to the transgressors.’

22/26. And (recall) when We fixed for Ibrahim the site of the House of Allah (for the construction of the Ka‘ba and ordained him:) ‘Do not associate with Me anything and keep My House (after its construction) purified and clean for those who circumambulate it and those who stand and those who kneel and prostrate themselves in Prayer.

2/125…. (commanded:) ‘Make the place, where Ibrahim (Abraham) stood, a place of Prayer.’

2/125…And We urged Ibrahim and Isma‘il: ‘Purify (and cleanse) My House for those who circumambulate it and those who go into retreat and those who kneel down and prostrate themselves.’

2/126… Ibrahim prayed: ‘O my Lord, make it a city of peace and bless its residents who believe in Allah and the Last Day with a variety of fruits.’

2/127..And (recall) when Ibrahim and Isma‘il were raising the foundations of the Ka‘ba (praying:) ‘O our Lord, accept this (humble service) from us. …. O our Lord! Make both of us submissive to Your command; and raise out of our future generations an Umma (Community) exclusively obedient to You; and teach us our ways of worship (and Pilgrimage) and turn to us (with mercy and forgiveness). …..

2/127………O our Lord! Raise up from amongst them the (Last and the Exalted) Messenger (Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]), who shall recite to them Your Revelations, and teach them the Book and wisdom (logic and good judgment, making them gnostics of the divine secret), and purify and sanctify (their hearts and ill-commanding selves).

14/35 ….Ibrahim submitted: ‘O my Lord, make this city (Mecca) a land of peace and keep me and my children from idol-worship. O my Lord! These (idols) have led many people astray. So whoever follows me will belong to me, and whoever disobeys me, then indeed You are Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

14/36…O our Lord! Verily, I have settled my offspring (Isma‘il [Ishmael]) in the barren valley (of Mecca) in the close vicinity of Your Sacred House, O our Lord, so that they may establish Prayer.

14/39….So make the hearts of the people incline towards them with love and fondness, and provide for them (all kinds of) fruits as sustenance so that they may remain grateful.

14/41…… O my Lord! Make me and my children the ones who establish Prayer; O my Lord, and grant my prayer. O my Lord! Forgive me and (forgive) my parents and all the believers as well on the Day when reckoning (and accountability) will be held.’


19/54-55. …… Isma‘il (Ishmael) in (this) Book. ……. he used to enjoin on his family Prayer and Zakat (the Alms-due), and (held) the station of mardiyya in the presence of his Lord (i.e., his Lord was well-pleased with him).

37/104…..Then Ibrahim said: ‘(Migrating,) I am going to my Lord. He will certainly guide me.’ (He migrated to Syria). (Reaching the sacred land, he prayed:) ‘O my Lord, bless me with (a son,) one of the pious.’ So We gave him the good news of a very forbearing son (Isma‘il [Ishmael]).

37/105…Then when (Isma‘il [Ishmael]) reached (the age of) the ability to run about with him, Ibrahim said: ‘O my son, I have seen in a dream that I am sacrificing you. So think, what is your opinion?’

37/107..Isma‘il (Ishmael) said: ‘O my father, do that (immediately) which you are being commanded. If Allah wills, you will find me amongst the patient (and steadfast).’

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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