Prophet Ibrahim (as) And Fate Of Kuffar

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


37/95….. Ibrahim …said: ‘I am not well (so cannot accompany you to the festival).’ At that they turned their backs on him and left (for the festival).

37/100…..Ibrahim went up to their gods (idols) quietly and said to them: ‘Do you not eat? What is the matter with you that you do not speak?’ Then Ibrahim  began striking (and breaking) them with full force.

21/57……Then Ibrahim  broke those (idols) into pieces except the biggest (idol) so that they might turn to it. They said: ‘Who has done this to our gods? Surely, he is of the wrongdoers.’ (Some of the) people said: ‘We have heard of a young man who speaks of them (with denial and disgust). He is known as Ibrahim.’ They said: ‘Bring him before the people so that they may see (him).’ (When Ibrahim came) they said: ‘O Ibrahim, is it you who have done this to our gods?’

21/63……(Ibrahim) said: ‘Nay, this biggest (idol) of them would have done this. So ask these (very idols) if they can speak.’ Then they turned to their own (reflections) and said: ‘Surely, you yourselves have become the wrongdoers (by worshipping these helpless idols incapable of doing anything).’ Then they were turned upside down upon their heads (i.e., their thinking reverted and they said: ‘Ibrahim, surely you yourself know that they do not speak.’

21/65….(Ibrahim) said: ‘Then do you worship apart from Allah these (idols) which can neither bring you any benefit, nor do you any harm? Fie on you and (also) on these (idols) that you worship apart from Allah! Do you not then have sense?’

37/101………. Ibrahim said (to them): ‘Do you worship these (inanimate stones) which you yourselves carve out, Whilst Allah has created you and (all) your doings?’

2/258. ……..When Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘My Lord is He Who gives life and (also) causes death,’ (the king-namrod) said (in reply): ‘I (too) give life and cause death.’ Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘Surely, Allah causes the sun to rise in the east; bring it up from the west.’ So, the infidel was stunned. …

29/24…. So the people of Ibrahim  had no answer except that they said: ‘Kill him or burn him.’ Then Allah delivered him from the fire (of Nimrod). Surely, there are signs in this incident for those who have believed.

21/68…..They said: ‘Burn him and help your (ruined) gods if you have to do (something).’ We said: ‘O fire, be cool and become absolute safety for Ibrahim (Abraham).’

37/102..They said: ‘Raise for him a building (to burn him), then cast him into the blazing fire (in it).’ So they attempted to play a trick against Ibrahim, but We humiliated them (when the fire eventually turned into a flower garden).


29/25…..Then, on the Day of Resurrection, (each) one of you will deny (the friendship of) the other and (each) one of you will curse the other. And Hell is your abode and there will be no helper for you.

26/95…And (on that Day) Paradise will be brought closer to the Godfearing (and self-protecting). And Hell will be uncovered before the misguided.

26/100…And it will be said to them: ‘Where are those (idols) which you used to worship, Besides Allah? Can they help you, or can they help themselves (to protect themselves from Hell)?’ So into Hell will be thrown headlong (the idols as well as) the people who lost the straight road. And all the troops of Iblis (too will be hurled into Hell).

26/103…Those (misguided people) will say whilst disputing amongst themselves (in the Hell): ‘By Allah, we were in manifest error, When we held you equal to the Lord of all the worlds. And no other than (these) evildoers led us astray.

26/104…So we do not have any intercessor (Today). Nor do we have any passionate friend. Alas! If once we could have (a chance to) return (to the world), we would become believers.’. …..

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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