Prophet Hud(as)

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


7/65…….And to (the people of) ‘Ad We (sent) their (kinship) brother Hud.

7/66…… ‘O my people, always worship Allah; you have no other God except He. Will you not become Godfearing?’

7/72……. Do you dispute with me over the names (of those idols) which you (yourselves) and your ancestors have (supposedly) named

7/73……and for which Allah has not sent down any authority?

11/50…. You merely invent a lie against Allah (of having a partner). …..Do you not apply your mind?

11/51……And,…seek forgiveness of your Lord (for your sins), then turn towards Him..

7/68……. I am (raised as) a Messenger …..I am communicating to you the messages of my Lord and I am your trustworthy well-wisher.

7/69……Do you wonder that direction and guidance from your Lord has come (on the tongue) of a man from amongst yourselves so that he may warn you ..?

26/128…..Do you build a monument on every high point (merely) for vanity and vain pursuits?

26/130……..And do you erect strongly-built palaces (having pools) with the hope of living (in the world) forever?

26/132……And when you lay hand on someone, you do it like ruthless tyrants.

26/134….. He has helped you with cattle and children, And (also) with gardens and springs.

7/69……… He made you the successors (in the land) after the people of Nuh (Noah) …. So remember the favours of Allah so that you may prosper.’

11/54….. ‘Indeed, I call Allah to witness,………. Surely, I have put my trust in Allah, Who is my Lord (as well as) your Lord. …

11/56……And my Lord will appoint some other people in your place as your successors….

26/127…… ‘Do you not fear (Allah)? Verily, I (have come as) a trustworthy Messenger to you. So fear Allah and obey me.

26/127….And I do not demand of you any wages for this (preaching of the truth). My reward is only with the Lord of all the worlds.

46/24…………. But I can see that you are an ignorant people.’

The chief and the affluent people of ad

7/67………The chiefs and the affluent of his people who disbelieved …said: ‘(O Hud,) we certainly find you (steeped) in foolishness, and we think you are surely one of the liars.’

7/70…… ‘Have you come to us (that) we may worship only One God, Allah, and forsake (all those gods) whom our ancestors used to worship?

7/70…So bring upon us that (torment) you have warned us of, if you are of the truthful.’

11/52…. ‘O Hud, ……We can say nothing except that one of our gods has afflicted you with (mental) disorder.’

26/139………. It is nothing (else) but the habits (and customs) of the ancients (which we cannot abandon).

26/123….(The people of) ‘Ad (too) rejected the Messengers.

46/25……So when they saw that (torment) advancing on their valleys like a cloud, they said: ‘This is the cloud that is going to rain upon us.’ …… They were (destroyed) in such a way that nothing could be seen except their (ruined) house

11/58….And when Our command (of torment) came to pass, (then) We saved Hud and the believers with him because of Our mercy……

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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