Prophet Dawud(as) and Sulaiman(as)-12 Tribes

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dawud (as) and sulaiman(as)


2/247 And their Prophet said to them: ‘Allah has appointed for you Talut (Saul) as a king.’ ………. and has given him more affluent knowledge and vigour; ……

2/248………..And their Prophet said to them: ‘The sign of his kingdom (to be Allah’s bestowal) is that a box, carried by angels, shall come to you from your Lord, containing things for the tranquillity of heart, and some sacred relics left behind by the children of Musa and Harun (Moses and Aaron). Surely, there is a great sign in it for you if you are believers.’

2/250………. So, when Talut (Saul) and his companions in faith crossed the stream, they said: ‘We have no strength today to face Jalut (Goliath) and his forces.’ …. And when they faced Jalut (Goliath) and his forces, they supplicated Allah: ‘O our Lord, grant us plentiful patience and make our steps firm and give us victory over the disbelievers.’

2/250….So they defeated them (the army of Jalut [Goliath]) by Allah’s command and Dawud (David) killed Jalut. ….

38/30….O Dawud! Verily, We have made you (Our) vicegerent in the earth. So judge between the people (or rule) with truth and justice. And do not follow your desire, …

34/10. …… ‘O mountains, join him in chanting melodious tunes (of Our glory and praise).’

34/15……And …to the birds as well (making them subservient). And We made iron soft for him.

34/16…..(And We commanded:) ‘Make wide and full-length coats of mail and care for the measure while joining (their) links (i.e., rings).

2/102. And they (the Jews) pursued that (magic) which the devils used to recite during the reign of Sulayman (Solomon). ….….. They used to teach witchcraft to the people and (also) pursued that (sorcery) which was sent down upon the two angels named Harut and Marut in Babylon. ….they would say: ‘We are merely (for) trial, therefore, do not become disbelievers (by putting faith in it).’ In spite of that they (the Jews) used to learn such (magic) from both of them by which they caused separation between husband and wife.

2/102…Yet they cannot harm anyone by this except under the command of Allah.

38/17. ……And has the news of the contenders reached you when they jumped over the wall and entered the chamber of worship (of Dawud)? When they came inside to Dawud, he felt nervous. They said: ‘Do not feel upset. We are two parties in a dispute. One of us has wronged the other. So judge between us with truth and justice, and do not exceed limits, and lead us towards the right path. Surely, he is my brother; he has ninety-nine ewes and I have only one ewe. Yet he says: ‘Give it (also) to me,’ and he suppresses me in conversation (as well).

38/17….Dawud (David) said: ‘He has done you a wrong in demanding your ewe to add to his own ewes, and it is true that most of the partners wrong one another except those who believe and do pious deeds, and such people are very few.’

38/25……… So he prayed for forgiveness from his Lord and fell down prostrate and turned (to Allah) in repentance. So We granted him forgiveness,…..

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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