“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Reciting Durood, Naath, the Kalima, Tasbeeh or Tahleel, loudly or silently while carrying or walking in front of the janaazah is permissible and beneficial to the deceased and those present.
The Holy Quran states, “Those who make Allah’sﷻ remembrance (Zikr) standing, sitting and while lying on their sides.” 3/191 ( because a human is generally not free from these positions)
1. There is permission to make Allah’s ﷻ Zikr (remembrance) in every condition.
2. We are permitted to make it in any method, loudly or softly.
“There are some angels of Allahﷻ who travel the roads in search of people making Zikr. When they find such people, they proclaim to one another, “Come. Let us complete our objective.” They then cover the reciters with their wings.” – Mishkaat, Kitaabud-Daawaat, Baabu Zikrullah
Thus, if people make Zikrullah while carrying the deceased, they will travel to the graveyard under the shade of the angels’ wings, allowing even the deceased to enter his grave in this condition.
“What are the gardens of Jannat?” –“Groups of Zikr.”
If Zikrullah is made while taking the janaazah, the deceased remains in the garden of Jannah until the grave.
“Shaitaan clings to the heart of a person. When he makes the Zikr of Allahﷻ, the wretch moves away.” – Ibid
Imam Abul-Ghani Nablusi(ra)presents his research on this, “Some Mashaaikh have ruled making loud Zikr in front and behind the janaazah to be permissible so that encouragement in reciting the Kalima (Talqeen) is made to the deceased and those walking with, and so that love for the world and negligence, including the hardness from the hearts of the negligent, is removed.” – Hadiqa Nadiya Sharah Tareeqah Muhammadia
The Sahaaba (ra)state that when they used to go to the graveyard to bury someone and there was a delay in the preparation of the grave, “.. they used to sit silently as if there were birds on their heads.” – Mishkaat, Baabu Dafnil-Mayyit
The Shariah has given general permission to Muslims to recite the Kalima whenever they wish to.
The general Muslim public shouldn’t be stopped from these actions – not from saying Takbeer nor from reading Nafl Salaah because their inclination towards good deeds is less.”
The Shariah wants people to reflect because of the janaazah. Previously ,the people attending the janaazah paid so much attention to death that it was hard for them to even speak. Their mouths were completely sealed. But today .. seen people laughing and joking while with the janaazah.”
Taking a wage for performing namaaz, teaching the Quran, etc (which were Haraam in previous times but is permitted today). Likewise, placing sheets on the graves of the Saints is permissible due to the need of today’s times, as well as making dua in the month of Ramadaan on the completion of the Holy Quran. Writing the names and the amount of Rukus and Ayats for each Surah was not prevalent in the previous times but, taking into account its benefit to the general public, it has been classified as permissible.
It should be bared in mind that the initial jamaat is given special attention in Musjids. There are many rules of Shariah that apply to this. Tawaaf is stopped in Makkah Sharif only for the first jamaat. After it is completed, Tawaaf begins. There is so much noise due to the Tawaaf and duas that a person can’t hear anything without being spoken to in his ear.
The Fuqahaa have explained that making Zikr while walking on the roads is permissible. Yes, to make loud Zikr in a place which is made for impure things and dirt is prohibited, e.g. the toilet or a dumpsite(do it within yourself)
the Kuffar scream out the names of idols and we make the Zikr of Allahﷻ. Where is the likeness between us? The Kuffaar sacrifice animals on the names of idols and we sacrifice animals on the name of Allahﷻ. They go to the Ganges and bring water from it and we go to Makkah and bring back water from the well of Zum-Zum. Is this counted as similarity with them? Also, to have a likeness in that which has become the religious or cultural recognition of the Kuffaar is what is impermissible, not every action.
The Zikr of Allahﷻ is a means of happiness for Muslims and a means of sadness for the Kuffaar. Muslims attain consolation from Zikr. Yes, the Kuffaar become scared by it. Let them remain so, because Kaafirs become afraid from even the Azaan! So, should the Azaan be stopped because of them?
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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