
Parents, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Parents of Holy Prophet ﷺ are Mu’mins

Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti writes in his book Masalak al-Hunafa,‘This proof is based on two elements. Firstly, it is proven from authentic Ahadith that from the time of Adam to Abd Allah [the Prophet’s father], the Prophet’s lineage were the best of their people. No one was better than his lineage in any generation.Secondly, it is proven from Ahadith and traditions that from the time of Adam up until the time of Abd Allah, there was no period in which at least some People of Fitra existed, who worshipped Allah, performed Salah for Him and thus through their means and blessings the earth was preserved [from destruction].

….Therefore, it can only be deduced that the forefathers of the Prophet were all monotheists and believers, and were the best of their generations.

“We never punish until We have sent a Messenger.” The Pure Message or a Messenger never reached both of Rasoolullah’s ﷺ parents, so how could they be punished? Yes, without doubt, they believed in the Religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), that is, in One Allah. Yet, as history proves, the Divine Books at that time had been misinterpreted and tampered with by human beings.

why were there names “Abdullah” and “Aaminah”? The meaning of “Abdullah” is “Slave of Allah” and “Aaminah” means “One with Faith.”

“And soon will thy Lord give you (that wherewith) you shall be well pleased.”

Will it please the Almighty Allah to see the parents of Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Moosa (alaihimus salaam) in Paradise and the parents of Rasoolullah ﷺ in Hell?

So how is it possible to refer to bibi aminah (ra) as a disbeliever after she had witnessed all the strange happenings and wonderful experiences during prophet’s birth and childhood?

Abd Allah was a young man known for his patience; he was willing to be sacrificed according to the solemn promise of his father and placed his head forward for it. And when Quraish offered a Fidya of one-hundred camels in its place, he was content. He refrained from pointless play, leisure and sin despite his young age and beauty; when a woman tried to seduce him, he replied, ‘As for the forbidden [that you are enticing me towards, I would rather die.’ Why would he thus be punished in the fire, [in addition to the fact] a prophet’s call did not reach him?’ [Khatam al-Nabiyiin. Imam Muhammad Abu Zuhra. Vol. I, p. 132-4.]

The great Ulama have proven the Iman and Islam of the parents of the Prophet ﷺ in three different ways:-Both of them were on Deen-e-Haneef   following the teachings of Hazrat Ibrahim (as).In their time, they had not received direct invitation of previous Prophets to their Deen. They passed away with Iman, believing in One Allah before the Prophet ﷺ announced his Prophethood.Due to the Du’a of Rasoolullah ﷺ, Allah Ta ala gave life to his parents who were buried in their graves and they brought Iman on him. After Hajjat-ul Widaa, he brought them back to life with the permission of Allah Ta ala. By seeing him and bringing Iman on him, they became Sahaabi-e-Rasool ﷺ. (Fatawa Razviah; Tafseer-e-Na’eemi)

“I have been sent from the best group of the children of Adam, from one group to the next, till I am in that group which I am.” (From Bukhari found in Miskhaat, under the Chapter “Fazaa’il Syedul Mursaleen,” )

In Miskhaat, in the Chapter “Ziarat Quboor,” it is stated that the Prophet ﷺ sought permission from Allah Ta ala to visit the grave of his mother, not to seek her forgiveness. We ask, in all honesty, that if she was a disbeliever, why was he even given permission to visit her grave when it is stated explicitly in the Holy Quran not to even visit the graves of disbelievers? This proves that she was not a disbeliever or else he would not have been given permission to even stand at her grave. As to the question of forgiveness, he was not permitted to ask for their forgiveness because they were not sinners.

A sinner or disbeliever is he upon whom a set of Divine Laws has reached and who intentionally violates it. A set of pure Divine Laws did not reach the parent’s of Rasoolullah ﷺ, yet they believed in One Allah. How then could they be termed as idolaters?

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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