Noor o Bashar-First Creation

Noor O Bashar, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Prophet ﷺ is both Noor(light) and a Human being(unique and perfect)

Concept of noor

Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari (ra) reports: I asked: “O Prophet of Allah ﷺ, What did the Almighty Allah first create?” The Prophet ﷺ replied: “Allah first created my Noor (Light) of His Noor. This Noor travelled about according to the Will of Allah. At that time, there was no Heaven, Hell, Lawh (Divine Tablet), Pen, Earth, Skies, Sun, Moon, Jinn or Human Beings. When He decided to create, He divided that Noor into four parts. From one part He created the Pen, from the second, the Lawh and from the third, he made the Arsh (Throne).”He divided the fourth part into a further four parts. From one, He created those Angels who carry the Arsh, from the second, the Kursi (Divine Chair) and from the third, He created the Angels.”He again divided the remaining parts into a further four parts. From one, He created the skies. The second was used in creating the planets. From the third, Heaven and Earth were created.”Once again, He divided the fourth part into a further four parts. From one part He created the power with which the believers see. From the second, He created in the hearts of the Believers the Noor of Marifat. From the third, He created in the tongues of the Believers, Noor, so that they can read the Kalima of Tauheed”. (Dalaa’il-un-Nubuwwat, Imam Baihaqi)

This astonishing Hadith Shareef proves that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah is the life of this world and everything in it. When he is the life of this world, then everything that happens in it is clear to him and nothing is concealed from him. Who then can deny that he is not Noor (light)?

The first thing which Allah created was my light, and every other creation was created from my light.”Noor here refers to the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). the Holy Prophet () is the center of creation, that Allah created the light of the Holy Prophet () and from that light He created the whole universe.  I exist because of the Light Of Allah and everything came into existence due to my light  .

Allah is indivisible, so the meaning in the Hadith is ‘due to’ (sababbiya), not from the light, but because of the light. Noor means existence.

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (ra) When Allah’s (ﷻ ) Messenger was asked since how long he is the Prophet of Allah ( ), he replied, ‘When Adam (AS) had not yet had his spirit joined to his body. (Tirmidhi).

(Bukhari wo Muslim) – Prophet Mohammad ﷺ said ‘Allah ( ) gives and I distribute’. He is not saying, “I will distribute till I am alive and after me someone else (Nauzubillahi) will distribute”.

The being and existence of the Holy Prophet is even before that of human beings, but when he came into this world he came in the garb of a human being.The Sahaba of the Holy Prophet lived with him and observed him with his wives and children. They saw him eating, drinking, talking, etc. but still accepted him to be Noor.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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