Noor o Bashar-Bashariat

Noor O Bashar, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Prophet ﷺ is both Noor(light) and a Human being(unique and perfect)


Belief – A Nabi (Prophet) is that male and human whom Allah (swt) has sent to propagate the commands of the Shariah. – Sharah Aqaaid Therefore, a Nabi cannot be non-human or a woman.

“We did not send before you but those men whom we made revelation (wahi) to”-12/109. This proves that Jin, angels. Women, etc. cannot be Nabis.

A Nabi always hails from a distinguished family and genealogy. They are also given exceptional mannerism (akhlaaq) and are saved from both disreputable actions and a contemptible family background. – Bahare-Shariat.

ilhaam (inspiration) was made to the heart of Hadrat Musa’s (as) mother. This was interpreted by the word’ Auhainaa’ as wahi also means ilhaam (inspiration).

“Your Lord inspired to the heart of the honey bee:, Here, wahi means to inspire to the heart.

Also, not every utterance of the angels is wahi and not every wahi is for purposes of propagation.

Belief – No one can attain Prophetbood through one’s worship or deeds because Propbethood (nabuwwah) is Divinely bestowed.

(6/124)A non-Prophet, whether he is a Ghauth, Qutb or from the Abdaal, cannot equal or exceed any Nabi in distinction.

A Nabi is a human and comes in human form. He is not a Jinn or Angel. This is in relation to the world.

Bashariyat (humanity) commenced from Hadrat Adam (as) because he is known as Abul-Bashr (The Father of Humanity). However, our Rasoolullah ﷺ was already a Prophet before Hadrat Adam (as) was between sand and water (i.e. while he was being created). Rasoolullah ﷺ himself states, ““کنت نبیا و ادم بین الماء و الطین. At that time, he was a Nabi but not a human.

The Holy Prophet ﷺ should be called by saying, ”Ya Rasoolaltah ﷺ,” “Ya Habeebullah ﷺ,” and other expressions of respect and dignity.

“Do not make the calling of the Rasool as how you address each other.” – 24/63.

Do not raise your voices and speak before the Rasool as how you do amongst yourselves, lest your deeds be destroyed and you won’t even be aware of it.” – 49/2.

“And I have not sent you but as Mercy unto the Worlds”. (21/107)

“You are a forewarner and the Haadi(guide) of all nations”

Other Prophets were Prophets for specific nations, but our beloved Prophet ﷺ is the Nabi of all.

Allah (swt) used “Ya Ayuhan ­Nabi ,” “Ya Ayuhar-Rasool ,” and other respected titles. When Allah (swt), as the Rabb, does so, what right do we slaves have to call Sayyiduna Rasoolullah ﷺ merely “man” or “brother”?

The Holy Quran has classified calling the Prophets as men to be the habit of the Kuffaar of Makkah. ‘The Kuffaar said, “You are only a man like us.” 36/15 states “If you follow a man like you, you are definitely hopeless,23/ 34. lowering the status of the Prophets is the habit of Shaitaan. He said, “0 Allah (swt)! You created me from fire and him [Hadrat Adam (as)] from sand: In other words, “I am more excellent than him.” Likewise, saying, “What is the difference between us and the Prophets? We are humans and they too are humans. In fact, we are alive and they are dead,” are all sayings of Iblees.

The Holy Prophet ﷺ is a unique human being and there is no one that is like him, equal or similar to him. He is the most unique amongst the creation of Allah Ta ala.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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