Milad-Monday Fasting

Milad, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


The Permissibility of Celebrating Milad-un-Nabi

A Hadith states, “Give gifts to each other. Love will increase through this.” The Jurists state, “When going to the city of the Beloved Prophet ﷺ (i.e. Madina Sharif), give charity to the poor and needy of this city because they are in the service of Rasoolullahﷺ ”

Someone once said to Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar (ra), ”There is no goodness in waste.” He immediately replied, ”To spend in goodness is not waste.”

No Muslim ever regards the Meelad function as being more important than Salaah.

Women sit in Meelad gatherings separate from men with necessary Shari’ Hijab.

In the light of the Holy Quran, Hadith and Fiqh it is not compulsory for woman to cover the face, hands and feet from a Ghair Mahram. (N.B.: It is Mustahab for women to cover the whole face and not Waajib)

Allah(swt) – ordered Hadrat Musa(as), “Make the Bani Israel remember the day in which Allah(swt) descended His blessings on them.,,-Surah Ibrahim, Verse 5 This refers to the day Firaun drowned; the day Manna and Salwa descended, etc. – Khazaainul-Irfaan

Hadrat Hasan (ra) used to pen verses of Naath and poetry, censoring the Kuffaar through it, and used to come before the Holy Prophetﷺ who would then offer the mimbar to him. He once stood on it and proceeded to recite the Naath Sharif, after which the Prophet ﷺ made the following dua for him, “O Allah(swt)! Help Hasan (ra), through Roohul_Quds.” Mishkaat, Vol. 2, Baabus-Sher.

This proves that reciting or speaking the Naath Sharif is such an excellent ibaadat that even a mimbar was presented for Hadrat Hasan (ra) because of it (and that too, in the gathering of the Noble Messenger ﷺ).

We know from this that we’ve been ordered to remember those days in which Allah(swt) blessed His servants with blessings. The Ahadith state, “The Noble Messenger was asked about fasting on Monday. He explained, “I was born on that day and Revelation (of the Holy Quran) began on it as well.” Mishkaat, Kitaabus-Saum, Saumut- Tatawu, Section 1 This establishes that fasting on Monday is Sunnah because this is the day the Holy Prophetﷺ” was born.

Three facts emerge from this,

1. It is Sunnah to hold remembrance.

2. To fix a day and date for remembrance is Sunnah.

3. To make ibaadat on the happiness of the Holy Prophet’s ﷺ birth is Sunnat, irrespective of whether it is physical (i.e. fasting, nafl salaah, etc) or financial (giving out charity, distributing sweetmeats, etc.)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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