
Masoom, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


By not making the Sajda, Shaitaan became a criminal who disobeyed Allah(swt) and attained punishment. Hadrat Adam (as), on the other hand, was not a sinner by eating the wheat nor was he punished. This is because Shaitaan didn’t intentionally reject performing the Sajda alone. In thinking that the command of Allah(swt) was wrong, he also debated with Him. It’s as if his punishment was being exiled to the earth, where he would remain vile and disgraced until Qiyaamat. Regarding Hadrat Adam (as), the Holy Quran announced several times that he had forgotten the order and did not intend committing sin(115/20)

Shaitaan has been made responsible for this incident, not Hadrat Adam (as), because it was said that he was deceived and consequently made a mistake. The deception occurred in the following way: Allah(swt) told Hadrat Adam (as) not to go near the tree, so Shaitaan said, “You haven’t been stopped from eating from it, only from going near it. So don’t. I’ll bring it to you to eat.” He continued, “This tree’s product is beneficial for you. I am your well-wisher.” Shaitaan said this swearing an oath on Allah(swt). Hadrat Adam (as) thought that no one would swear a false oath on Allah(swt)’s name and that the prohibition of “Don’t go near it” was a Tanzeehi prohibition. So, there was a difference in action and practice.

Now remains the question of his descent to the earth. It must be remembered that Allah(swt) originally created Hadrat Adam (as) for this very purpose (to be His successor (Khalifa) on earth)(30/2).He kept Hadrat Adam (as) in Jannat for a few days so that, after seeing the buildings and gardens there, Hadrat Adam (as) could prepare the same on earth. So, Jannat was similar to a training-school for him, and a person isn’t kept in training forever.

You may ask, “Then why was he sent crying to earth?” The answer is that the angels completed every act of worship (ibaadat) except weeping and crying. Through this quality of yearning in humans, they are more excellent than the angels. Jannat was only an excuse. Allah(swt), in fact, wanted Hadrat Adam (as) to cry in His love. This secret will only be understood by he who is aware of the relish of affection.

Allah(swt) said to Shaitaan, “Ukhruj Minhaa,” yet said to Hadrat Adam (as) “اھبطوا منھا جمیعا” In the second verse, Hadrat Adam (as) is told that he is being sent to earth for some time. Then he, together with millions of his offspring, will return to the holy paradise.

The spiritual elders have said that we (humans) have taken Hadrat Adam out of Jannat because the souls of Kaafirs and sinners were present in his spine and were yet to be born. Due to them being unworthy of jannat, Hadrat Adam was ordered to leave these wretches on earth and, after that, return to where he belongs. Mirqaat, Baabul-Imaan bil-Qudoom & Roohul-Bayaan under 2/36

when Shaitaan came to the earth, he entered a foreign land, unlike the advent of Hadrat Adam (as) who was a creation of both body and soul. His body was made on earth from sand and, as a result, this earth was his bodily source and home. Shaitaan was made from fire, and so earth was a foreign place for him.

If coming to the earth was a punishment for Hadrat Adam (as) he would not have been made the Khalifa here, the crown of Prophethood wouldn’t have been placed on his head and the Prophets and Friends of Allah(swt) (especially the leader of all, Sayyiduna Muhammadur-Rasoolullah) wouldn’t have been born from his line.

Actually, the seemingly apparent mistakes of the great are blessings for the insignificant. The world and all of its blessings are all through the Sadaqah of this mistake. The grain of wheat was termed wrong for Hadrat Adam (as) but was made food for his children.

When Allah(swt) has proclaimed several times that Hadrat Adam (as) forgot, to try and establish sin is to create contradiction in the Holy Quran.

“Shaitaan caused Adam (as) and Hawa (ra) to stumble.” Deviance is one thing and making someone stumble is another thing altogether.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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