
Kissing, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Permissibility of Kissing the Thumbs

It is found as the Sunnat of’ Hadrat Adam (as), Abu Bakr Siddique (ra) and Imam Hasan (ra). Even Imams of the Shafee and Maaliki muzhabs have ruled it to be Mustahab.

Takbeer (lqaamat) is in the likeness of Azaan, and it has even been called Azaan in the Ahadith.

1. Insha-Allah, he will never become blind.

2. It is an excellent cure to remove something problematic to the eyes.

3. The Prophetﷺ will intercede for the one who practices this.

4. Sayyiduna Rasoolullahﷺ will also search for the person who used to perform it and lead him into Jannat.

Allama Shaami (ra) writes discussing the instances of Azaan, “To act upon a weak Hadith in connection to excellence of practice is permissible.” – Raddul-Muhtaar, Vol. 1, Baabul-Azaan .

The practice of Muslims strengthens a weak Hadith, Discussing Talqeen (encouraging the recitation of the Kalima) to the deceased. Imam Nawawi states, “The Hadith about making Talqeen to the deceased does not have a strong Chain of Narration. However, it is strengthened through the practice of the people of Syria and other proofs:’ 23.20 – Kitaabul-Azkaar Refer to the books Noorul-Anwaar, Tanzeeh, etc.

As long as no explicit proof of its prohibition is found, It cannot be stopped.

Muslims deeming something preferable (Mustahab) is sufficient proof for it being so.

However, for certification of Karaahat (i.e. to deem something Makrooh), a specific proof is needed.

Not being Sahih however, doesn’t necessitate that the Ahadith are weak (zaeef) because the rank of Hasan is still sufficient.

It is a rule of Usoole-Fiqh and Usoole-Hadith that if a weak Hadith is narrated through several Chains of Narration, it becomes Hasan.

Even if this Hadith is accepted to be weak still too is a weak Hadith acceptable in excellence of practice.

The practice of Muslims strengthens a weak Hadith

“To act upon a weak Hadith in connection to excellence of practice is permissible.”

“Whatever is accepted to be good by Muslims is good in the sight of Allah(swt)”

It should be understood that they are not criticizing the practice being Mustahab, but are merely refuting the Hadith being Marfoo.

where is the Hadith which proves that this action is Makrooh? In other words, produce a Hadith which states, “Kissing the thumbs is Makrooh,” or “Don’t kiss the thumbs,” (clearly stating)etc.

Whichever permissible way the Prophetﷺ. is respected is a means of reward.

Mulla Ali Qaari (ra) states, “I say that when this Hadith’s attribution (rafaa) is proven through Hadrat Siddique-Akbar (ra) it is sufficient for practice because Rasoolullahﷺ has said) “My Sunnah, as well as that of my Khulafaa, is necessary on you.” – Mauzuaate­Kabeer. This means that the Hadith is Mauqoof Sahih, which is adequate when proving something.

Shah Waliyullah (ra) states, “The path of ijtihaad is open in regard to variant (tasreefi) practices, e.g. doctors making prescriptions.” ­Hawaamia .Shah Waliyullah (ra) himself has written several amals and taweezs in his book, Al-Qawlul-Jameel, etc. From which Ahadith are these amals and taweezs proven from for you?

Allama Shaami (ra) has also written many methods and practices concerning being saved from black-magic, finding a lost object, etc. in his book, Raddul-Muhtaar.

When Sayyidah Haajira (ra) brought her son (Hadrat Ismail ) to the desolate area of Makkah, she ran in search of water between Safaa and Marwa. Why do you run there during Hajj? What water are you in search of? While heading towards the Qurbani, Hadrat Ibrahim (as) stoned the devil at three places. Why do you also throw stones there? Which Shaitaan is deceiving you then?

For a specific need, the Holy Prophetﷺ strutted (rami) in Tawaaf to demonstrate the power of the Muslims to the Disbelievers. Why do you still perform rami in the Tawaaf-e-Qudoom? Where are the Kaafirs who are supposedly looking at you at that point?

Some actions of the Prophets become so accepted that their remembrance is kept alive even through the need that spurred them no longer exist. Likewise is this action of Hadrat Adam (as).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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