Khawarij And Help

Khawarij, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Khawarij and help

Allah sees/hears etc etc and also makes his creation see/hear etc etc .

Allah is the actual helper and also create helpers among his creation .

Allah is the actual owner and also create owners  among his creation .

Asking help means keeping tawakkal/trust on allah.

1.using available means

2.presenting amaal/deeds in dua


Allah helps those who help a muslim brother(hadith)

When allah wants to guide someone towards good ,makes him/her means for fulfulling needs of others(hadith)

Help is not restricted to dead/alive  or presence/absence or seen/unseen or distance/direction etc etc

Actual helper allah alone and others(pious) are just reflection of his help.

Khawarij use to fit verses revealed on idols to muslims.

Ayah for idol =cannot create a fly and helpless when a fly takes away something .

With allah’s permission/help pious can create, heal ,give life etc etc etc ….

5/110…….and when by My command you made out of clay some (figure) looking like a bird, then you would breathe into it and by My command it would become a bird;

5/110…..and when you healed the blind and the leper (i.e., victims of leprosy) by My command;

5/110……and when you raised up the dead (standing, bringing them back to life from the grave) by My command;

5/110……. those who disbelieved amongst them said: ‘This is nothing but sheer magic.’

Duniya(jail for a momin) is like a grain infront of alam e barzack so after death you gain more powers than those powers which were their in this duniya.

Ibadat and asking help(means) is different (iyaka nabudu WAW iyaka nastaheen)

Khawarij(worst people) use to direct Ayah refering idolatry towards pious people.

Ayah refering to idolatry must not be directed towards pious people.

Ya rasoolallah madad/help ,ya ali madad/help,ya awliya madad (ra) is not shirk .they are our helpers (ambiya,angels and pious people). 

When allah wants to guide someone towards good ,makes him/her means for fulfulling needs of others.

Because of pious people residing in the area difficulties of around 100 houses are removed .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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