
Jinn, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The jinn 4

Because jinn can see us while we cannot see them, the Prophet (saws) taught us many ways to protect ourselves from their harm.

1.Always say bismillah (for any work/activity you do). Always say Tawooz(auzbillahi minshshaitan nir rajeem) and Bismillah (come under allah’s protection by reciting tawooz and bismillah)

2.Before having sexual intercourse, we should say: “Bismillah, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytina wa jannibish-shaytina ma razaqtana.” In the name of Allah. O Allah! Spare us from Satan and repel Satan from what you provide us with.Then, if a child is conceived, Satan will never harm him.

3.Before entering the toilet: “Allahumma inni a’uthu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba’ith.” O Allah! I seek refuge with you from male and female devils. (Bukhari and Muslim) say gufranak when coming out.

4. Reciting Ayat al Kursi (2/255) at bedtime ensures that no devil comes close to you until the morning. (Bukhari). Keep reciting Surah Al-Baqarah ,surat Al-Falaq ,An-Nas and surah jinn (starting 5 ayats)

5.Zikrullah(remembrance of allah) and Tawakkal(trust in allah)  provides immunity from the Shaytan.

If you don’t have remembrance and tawakkal –Allah(swt) Says: “If anyone withdraws himself from the remembrance of (Allah) Most Gracious, We appoint for him an evil one, to be an intimate companion to him his comrade.” [43/36]

“No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.” [16/99]

6.Gain knowledge —- Strength of faith and religion in general will also prevent jinn from harming a person, so much so that if they were to fight, the one who has faith would win.

“A single scholar of religion is more formidable against Satan than a thousand devout.” (Tirmidhi)

7.Thoughts are of 3 types –

Thought of goodness which you cannot resist is from allah .

Thoughts of deceptions mainly in form of alternatives ideas(parallel/postponement/imagnery thoughts) is from shaitan/jinn. we recognise them as evil is itself a sign of faith.

Thoughts totally amounting to evil/bad against sharia are from nafs( for eg-like not offering namaz or some responsibility is from our nafs whereas shaiyateen just tries to postpone the things with parallel/alternatives thoughts)

Just ignore waswasas . The Qareen is the Jinn companion which is assigned to every human being. It is this Jinn which whispers to our base desires and constantly tries to divert us from righteousness.

“And say: My Lord! I seek refuge in Thee from suggestions of the evil ones. And I seek refuge in Thee, my Lord, lest they be present with me.” (Al-Mu’minun: 97-98)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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