Imam Mehdi(as)-End Times

Imam Mehdi(as), Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Imam mehdi’s (as) 2

…. A comet with a bright tail will appear from the east before the appearance of Imām Mahdī.” Suyūtī in al-Hāwī lil-fatāwā (2:82)

…. before the appearance of Mahdī there will be lunar eclipse twice in the month of Ramadān.” Suyūtī in al-Hāwī lil-fatāwā (2:82)

Mahdī will come and there will be a turban on his head. There will be an announcer who will proclaim: this is Mahdī, Allāh’s caliph, so follow and obey him.” Suyūtī in al-Hāwī lil-fatāwā (2:61);

…At a time when the world will be subject to chaos and turmoil, roads will be cut off and people will attack one another, no elderly will show love to the younger and no youngster will respect the elderly ….. Suyūtī in al-Hāwī lil-fatāwā (2:66,67); Tabarānī, al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (3:57, 58 # 2675)

In (the month of) Muharram, an announcer will call out from the heaven: beware! Surely, (be informed that) such a person has been chosen by Allāh, so listen to him and obey him during the year of uproar and turmoil.” Ibn Hammād in al-Fitan (1:226,338#630,980); Suyūtī in al-Hāwī lil-fatāwā (2:76)

 “‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Amr (RA) narrates: people will perform the pilgrimage together and will gather at ‘Arafāt without the Imām. So at Minā during their descent a revolt will pounce upon them like a dog (due to which) the tribes will pounce on one another. They will kill one another until the valley begins to flow within blood. (In this worried state) they will go to the best person amongst them to seek his refuge while he will be crying with his face touching the ka‘bah as (the narrator says) I am looking at his tears. So they will request him: please come! We want to take an oath of loyalty on your hand. He will say: it is very sad that you have broken so many promises and have shed so much blood. So, unwillingly, he will accept their oath. So when you find that person, you should take the oath on his hand because he will be Mahdī on earth as well as Mahdī in the heavens.” Hākim in al-Mustadrak (4:503,504#8537)

People exactly equal in number to the Companions of Badr (ie 313) will take the oath of allegiance on the hand of a person from my Ummah (Mahdī) between the Black Stone and the Station of Ibrāhīm (maqām Ibrāhīm). Hākim in al-Mustadrak (4:431 # 8328)

Later on, the saints of Iraq and the abdāl (Substitutes) of Syria will also come to him (to give the oath of allegiance).” Hākim in al-Mustadrak (4:431 # 8328)

Imam mehdi (as) and isa (as)

….The Arabs will be in small number, and most of these will be in the Sacred House and their Imām will be a highly pious person (named Mahdī). Ibn Mājah bk. of fitan  4:446,447 (#4077).

When their Imām will come forward for Dawn prayer, at that time ‘Īsā will descend (from the heaven). The Imām will retreat and give way to him so that ‘Īsā can lead people in the prayer. ‘Īsā placing his hand between the Imām’s shoulders will say: step forward and lead the prayer because the iqāmah was said for you. Then their Imām (Mahdī) will lead the prayer.” Ibn Mājah bk. of fitan  4:446,447 (#4077).

what will be the state (of your joy) at the time when ‘Īsā ibn Maryam will descend (from the heavens) and your Imām will be from among you.” Bukhārī bk of ambiyā’ (prophets) 3:1272 (#3265);

Explanation: ‘Īsā (as) will not be the Imām but a member of the Ummah.

… ‘Īsā (as) will descend after Mahdī and will offer (one) prayer behind him.” Ibn Hammād in al-Fitan (1:373#1103); Suyūtī in al-Hāwī lil-fatāwā (2:78)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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