Ijtihad-Fahm e Deen

Ijtihad, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Personal reasoning (ijtihad)

Bukhari and Muslim relate that Rifa’a ibn Rafi said, “When we were praying behind the Prophet () and he raised his head from bowing and said , “Allah hears whoever praises Him”, a man behind him said, “Our Lord, Yours is the praise, abundantly, wholesomely, and blessedly therein.” When he rose to leave, the Prophet () asked “who said it”, and when the man replied that it was he, the Prophet () said, “I saw thirty-odd angels each striving to be the one to write it.”

Ibn Hajar says in Fath al-Bari that the hadith indicates the permissibility of initiating new expressions of dhikr in the prayer other than the ones related through hadith texts, as long as they do not contradict those conveyed by the hadith [since the above words were a mere enhancement and addendum to the known, sunna dhikr].

Bukhari relates from Abu Said al-Khudri that one man heard another reciting al-Ikhlas (surah 112) over and over again, so when morning came he went to the Prophet () and sarcastically mentioned it to him. The Prophet () said, “By Him in whose hand is my soul, it equals one-third of the Qur’an.”

Daraqutni recorded another version of this hadith in which the man said, “I have a neighbor who prays at night and does not recite anything but al-Ikhlas.”

Bukhari relates from Aisha (ra) that the Prophet () dispatched a man at the head of a military expedition who recited the Qur’an for his companions at prayer, finishing each recital with al-Ikhlas (Qur’an 112). When they returned, they mentioned this to the Prophet (), who told them, “Ask him why he does this”, and when they asked him, the man replied, “because it describes the All-merciful, and I love to recite it.” The Prophet () said to them, “Tell him Allah loves him.”

….Illustrates his sunna regarding his acceptance of various forms of obedience and acts of worship.

….Shows he did not consider the like of this to be a reprehensible innovation (bida)

….Prayer, which is the most important of bodily acts of worship, and of which the Prophet () said, “Pray as you have seen me pray”, despite which he accepted the above examples of personal reasoning .

…As long as it is within the general category of being called for by Sacred Law. This is the sunna of the Prophet and his way .

….For the acts the Prophet () used to do regularly are superior, though his confirming the like of this

…Islamic scholars infer from it that every act for which there is evidence in Sacred Law that it is called for and which does not oppose an unequivocal primary text or entail harmful consequences is not included in the category of reprehensible innovation (bida), but rather is of the sunna, even if there should exist something whose performance is superior to it.
Fahm e deen /understanding deen



3.Quran /sunnah and its derivatives



When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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