Dars e Ahadith-Barakah

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Prophet has said, “There is a Shaitaan named Qareen present with every person, but my Qareen has become a Muslim and now advises me only towards good.” Mishkaat, Baabul-Was ‘wasaa

The Holy Prophet’s chest was opened and a piece of flesh was removed. It was then said, “This is a Shaitaanic piece.”  Mishkaat, Baabu Alaamaatin­Nubuwwah . It is ascertained from these that the nafs of the Noble Messenger(saws) was free from any Shaitaanic effect. His heart was also washed with Zam-Zam water.

The Holy Prophet once said, “Shaitaan runs away from the path Umar travels on.” – Mishkaat, Baabu Munaaqibi Umar (ra)”

Seeking Baraka by Praying where the Prophet  Prayed  

It is also narrated in Sahih Bukhari that Sayyidina Ibn Umar (r), when travelling between Makkah and Madinah, would not pray in the mosques that were built by the people, but would pray at the spots where Nabi Muhammad  prayed. Are mosques not important? Yes they are, but Sayyidina Ibn Umar (r) wished to receive the Baraka of Nabi Muhammad .This was also the practice of Sayyidina Abu Musa al-Ashari as narrated by Nasai.Thus,the Sahabah would searched out the places where Nabi Muhammad  prayed, and they would pray there.

Seeking Baraka through the Blessed Clothes of the Prophet

In Sahih Muslim (Kitab al-Libas vol.3 p.140), it is narrated that Asma’ (ra), the daughter of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r), had the garment of Nabi Muhammad  which she had received from Sayyida Aisha (r). She would take the water with which she washed it and give it to the sick. They would drink it and be cured. The Sahabah had accepted the fact that the water had Baraka and could cure. Were these Sahabah mushriks?

Seeking Baraka through the Blessed Touch of the Prophet   

Tabarani narrates that Sayyidina Abu Mahzura once removed his turban, revealing a long patch of hair on his head. People inquired about this. He explained that Nabi Muhammad  had onced touched him on that part of his head and he could not bring himself to cut that hair.

Seeking Baraka through the Pulpit of the Prophet   

It is narrated in al-Shifa of al-Qadi Iyad that Sayyidina Ibn Umar (r) had put his hands on Nabi Muhammads   minbar (pulpit) and would wipe it over his face. He was clearly looking for Tabarruk. If the Sahabah were clearly in need of Baraka, aren’t we?

Seeking Baraka through a Cup of the Prophet

Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal narrates that the Nabi Muhammad  visited the mother of Anas bin Malik and he drank half a cup of beverage. She cut off and kept the part of the cup that had touched the Nabi Muhammad’s  lips, for purposes of Baraka.

Seeking Baraka through Hairs of the Prophet

In another Sahih Hadith narrated by Tabarani and Abu Ya`la:In a battle between the Muslims and the Romans, Sayyidina Khalid Bin Walid (r) (who had the title of commander of the faithful) was looking for a fez. The Sahabah inquired why he was looking for a fez in the middle of a battle. He replied that he had stuck some hair of  Nabi Muhammad  in it and whenever he would have it in battle he would be victorious. He had lost it and was worried that the kuffar would find it and win the battle.

In Sahih Muslim (Kitab al-Hajj) it is narrated that Nabi Muhammad  distributed his hair amongst the Sahabah on cutting it on Mina. Each Sahabah would take a piece for Baraka.

It is narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari (Kitab al-Libas) that Sayyida Umm Salma would keep the hair of her husband, Nabi Muhammad  in a red glass. Whenever someone was ill she would stroke the hair in water and give it to the person who would then be cured.

Seeking Baraka through the Body of the Prophet

In a Sahih Hadith it is narrated by Abu Dawud, Tabarani and Imam Hakim that during the preparation for the battle of Uhud, one of the Sahabah was standing out of line. Nabi Muhammad  hit him back into line with a stick. The man was unhappy about this and complained to Nabi Muhammad . Nabi Muhammad  gave him leave to exact revenge with like action. The man insisted that Nabi Muhammad  expose his flesh as Nabi Muhammad  had hit him upon his naked skin.Nabi Muhammad  lifted up his shirt and the man quickly kissed Nabi Muhammad  on his stomach. Nabi Muhammad  smiled and asked him to explain his action.The man replied that he may die in the battle and wanted to make sure that he had made physical contact with Nabi Muhammad  at least once in his lifetime.

Respect and Seeking Baraka through the Uncle of the Prophet

It is narrated by Bukhari in (al-Adab al_mufrad p.144) that Sayyidina `Ali (r) used to kiss the hands and feet of Sayyidina Abbas (r).Today it is `Shirk’, but during the time of the holy Sahabah, it was Iman and okay.

Seeking Baraka through the Remains of the Wudu` of the Prophet   

An-Nisa narrated that Nabi Muhammad  gave bay’ah to a group of people. They informed Nabi Muhammad  that they had worshipped idols before, but now that they were Muslim, they desired to build a mosque in that vicinity and requested du`a of Nabi Muhammad . Nabi Muhammad  took wudu` and gave the water to these people, ordering them to destroy the idols and place the water in the mosque for Baraka. They were concerned that the water may dry up before they reached their far destination. Nabi Muhammad  replied that the water would bring purity and would not become less.(check Mishkat al-Masabih No.716).

Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal narrates that the Nabi Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, visited the mother of Anas Bin Malik and he drank half a cup of beverage. She cut off and kept the part of the cup that had touched the Nabi Muhammad’s, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, lips, for purposes of Barakah.

Seeking Baraka through the Well of Prophet Salih’s Camel (as)

It is narrated in Sahih Muslim (Kitab al-Zuhd) that Nabi Muhammad  was travelling with his Sahabah through the land of Thamud (the land of the people of Nabi Salih (as)). While travelling, the Sahabah collected water from the wells in the land. Nabi Muhammad  ordered the Sahabah to throw that water away, as those were the wells of the kuffar in the time of Nabi Salih (as). Nabi Muhammad  then permitted them to drink from a certain well that the camel of Nabi Salih (as) drank out of.Imam Nawawi (Sharh Muslim vol.8 p.118) comments on this Hadith that we should try to derive blessings from things connected to pious people(wa min fawaid hadhal Hadith, at-Tabarruk bi Aathaar as-Saliheen).

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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