Dars e Ahadith-Barakah Ruqya

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Imam Muslim writes:”Asma’ had a gown of the Prophetﷺ. Sick people used to come to Asma’ and she used to dip the gown in the water. She would then take the gown out and give some of the water for the sick to drink for tabarruk”[Muslim, Kitab al-Labas]

Imam al-Bukhari writes:”The Prophet ﷺ had a large piece of cloth. A person came to the Prophet ﷺ and asked if he could have the cloth. The Prophet ﷺ gave him the cloth. People asked the individual, ‘Why did you take the cloth, when the Prophet ﷺ liked wearing it?’ The individual replied: ‘I am not going to wear the cloth but when I die I want to be buried in this cloth as it is blessed.’ When the person died he was buried in the cloth”[Bukhari, Kitab al-Labas and Kitab al-Janais]

Imam al-Bukhari writes:”Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) asked ‘A’isha ﷺ if he could be buried next to where Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) and the Prophet ﷺ were buried. She allowed him to be buried there. Umar said: ‘This is more valuable to me than anything on earth’ “[Bukhari, Kitab al-Janaiz]

The Holy Prophet ﷺ said ‘ The example of all the Prophets before me and of myself is like a man has built a very strong and well decorated house in one corner wall of which a space has been left vacant for one brick; people roam about in the house to see it and admire the construction but all of them say why did not the builder put a brick in that space also which would have completed the construction. I am that last brick (of the palace of prophethood). In some versions he said ‘I have filled up that vacant space and thus completed the palace of Prophethood’. (Narrated By Bukhari, Muslim and Tirmizi From Jabir Bin Abdullah Ansari. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal and Tirmizi From Ubai Bin Ka’b. Imam Muslim and Ahmad Bin Hanbal from Abu Saeed Khudri).

Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal recorded that Anas Bin Malik said that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: ‘Messengership and Prophethood have come to an end, and there will be no More Messengers or Prophets. This worried the people, then he said: But there will be Al-Mubashshirat. They said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, whar are Al-Mubashshirat’ He said, the dreams of a Muslim man, and they are one of the parts of Prophethood’. Tirmizi also records this Hadith. 

Abu Hurairah said that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: ‘I have been given preference over the other Prophets in six ways: I have been given the ability to speak concisely; I have been aided by fear (cast into the hearts of my enemies); the spoils of war have been made permissible for me; the entire earth has been made a Masjid and a means of purification for me; I have been sent to all of mankind; and the Prophets end with me’. This was recorded by Musim, Tirmizi and Ibn Majah; At-Tirmizi said, ‘It is Hasan Sahih’.

Jubayr Bin Mut’im, may Allah be pleased with him, said that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: I have several names: I am Muhammad
ﷺ, and I am Ahmad ﷺ, I am Al-Mahi (the eradicator) through whom Allah will erase disbelief; I am Al-Hashir (the gatherer) at whose feet mankind will gather; and I am Al-Aqib (the final one) after whom there will be no Prophet. Narrated By Bukhari and Muslim.

Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write:”Amr ibn Shu’aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that ‘Rasulu’llahﷺ taught my father and grandfather a du’a which we would read before going to sleep, to protect us from fear and anguish.We told our elder children to recite this du’a before going to sleep as well.But for those children who were not yet literate, we would write it and then put it around their necks”[Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal vol.2; Abu Dawud, in ‘Chapter of Medicine’; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under Sura al-Mu’minun, verse 97; and Qadi Shawkani, Fath al-Qadir, under the same verse]

It is Permissible to Read Du’a and Blow Upon the Sick

Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim write:”When a person who was sick or in some distress they would go to the Prophet ﷺ who would then place his hand on the area of pain and recite a du’a’ and then blow onto him”[Bukhari; Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]

Imam Muslim writes:”When the Prophet ﷺ was ill for the last time, Angel Jibril  came and recited du’a’ and blew on to the Prophet ﷺ”[Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]

Imam Muslim writes:” ‘A’isha ﷺ relates that when the Prophet ﷺ was ill for the last time, she recited Sura al-Falaq and Sura an-Nas and then blew on to the Prophet’s ﷺ hands. The Prophet then blew this onto his own face and body because his hands had more blessing then ‘A’isha’s “[Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]

Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Masud (ra) that the Prophet said: Make use of the two cures i.e. the honey and Quran [Sunnan Ibn Majah Volume No.2, Hadith No. 3531]

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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