Darood o Salaam-Rewards

Darood O Salam, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


If a believer sends salâm upon the Prophet ﷺthe reward is much higher in rank and degree.Muslims who pay salâm upon the Prophet will be given a reply and have the same returned to them by Almighty Allah and the angels.

The reward of a reply is the love of the Prophet for his Ummah. Through a reply a believer obtains spiritual attachment, nearness and proximity known as qurbat.

In sending salât, the reward is fixed by Allah (SWT). A Muslim will receive his tenfold reward or expiation of ten sins. In the case of sending peace and blessings, a Muslim receives manifold blessings in return.

However sending salâm is an opportunity to send a direct address upon him creating a direct link with him. Out of his love and compassion Prophet Muhammad has made it incumbent upon himself to reply.

The Noble Prophet has guaranteed the intercession for those who send salutations if they ask Allah (SWT) for it.

In fact both of them(salat and salaam) should be sent according to the commandment.

Abû Talhah (RA) narrated assigning it to his father: Allah’s Messenger came one day with a gleaming countenance and said, “Jibrîl came to me and said, “(Verily your Lord says,) “Muhammad! Does it not please you that one amongst your Ummah should invoke blessings on you and I should bless him ten times and one amongst your Ummah should send greetings of peace to you and I should send ten greetings of peace upon him. Nasâ’î, Sunan, b. of sahw, 3: 50.

When you hear the mu’adhdhin, repeat what he says, then invoke blessings on me for every one who invokes blessings on me once, will receive ten blessings from Allah. Then ask Allah for the wasîlah to be granted to me. It is a position in paradise that may not be granted to any but one of Allah’s servants, and I dearly hope that I will be that servant. Whoever asks Allah for the wasîlah for me, my intercession is guaranteed for him.( Muslim, as-Sahîh, b. of salât (prayer) ch.7 (1: 288-9 # 384); Abû Dâwûd, Sunan, b. of salât (prayer) 1: 144 (# 523);

There is no Muslim who invokes blessings upon me (salutes me), but Allah returns to me my soul till I respond to him in return.- Abû Dâwûd, Sunan, b. of manâsik (rituals of hajj), (2: 218 # 2041); Ahmad bin Hambal, Musnad, 2:527.

There is no Muslim in the east and the west who salutes me, but I and the angels of my Lord answer him.-Abû Nu‘aym Asbahânî, Hilyat-ul-awliyâ’ wa tabaqât-ul-asfiyâ’,6: 349.

‘Abd-ur-Rahmân bin ‘Awf (RA) narrates that the Prophet ﷺsaid: I met Jibril who said: I give you good news that Allah has said, “Whosoever asks for peace for you,

I ask for peace for him, whosoever blesses you, I bless him.”– Muhammad Hâkim transmitted it in al-Mustadrak (1:222-3) and Dhahabî also confirmed it; Bayhaqî in Sunan-ul-kubrâ (2:371 & 9:286); Qâdî ‘Iyâd in ash-Shifâ, 2:650.

There are three imporant words in this verse, namely:

1) Yusalluna they send blessings

2) Sallim salute

3) Taslim respect

Yusallûna—–it means worship or du‘â’, prayer,sense of nearness and proximity

Then he (Muhammad) approached, came closer and was at the distance of two bow-lengths or (even) nearer. Qur’an (an-Najm) 53/8-9.

And Allah and His Messenger have greater right, that he should be gratified. Qur’an (at-Tawbah) 9/62.

yusallûna signifies a worshipper wanting correction of his inner and outer self by prayers and other worships.

Sallimû—-Believers are also being asked to salute. It is not sufficient just to send simple salât upon the Prophet but to salute him too, acknowledging his high rank and status.
 the command of salât and salâm is the magnification of Divine remembrance.


Taslîmâ—Reverence and respect for the holy Prophet must never be absent in any matters peraining to him.


When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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