
Tariqat, Wilayat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Wilayat/taqwa (Iman(obedience)+ilm(protection)+sulook/islah e nafs(purification)

Wilayat = 1.faraiz/obedience 2.ilm e nafae/protection 3.islah e nafs/purification  4. Nawafil  

Best person=(iman/ilm)Yaqeen–doubts AND (islam/amaal)Deen -desires

People of taqwa(iman+ilm+islah e nafs) are awliya allah.

Taqwa(iman/obedience+ilm/protection+islah e nafs/purification)

Amanat e ruh is taqwa because ruh is from Allah’s wealth/milkiat.

Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).

Allah is the Guardian of the believers…. 2/257

Wali/Qareeb =closer to (Allah is closer to you because of ruh/command-ujoodh/siffats).

Allah created creation to know him (marifat),to test us(whether we come close to him or go away far), for ibadat(obedience).

Allah is free from necessity .reason for knowing him is to check who is closer to him/obedient or not/disobedient .

Obedience/ibadat(ahkirat) brings closesness to Allah and disobedience/ibadat(duniya) takes you away from Allah.

Proportionate Elements/material of this earth are part of human nature (outside/darkness/nasooti/materialistic).

Ruh/spirit/His command is a part of human nature (inside /lightness/malakuti-jabaruti/heavenly/closer to you).  Qurb/nearness is because of ruh/command-ujoodh/siffats.

Nafs/I/waswasa/confusions/bad desires are part of human nature (allied with duniya and shaitan).nafs shows physical entities/shaitanic entities. Nafs will never allow you to realize Allah is closer to you.He is close to us we are not close to him. Allah is closer to us than our own nafs.

Allah is wali/qareeb to everyone but everyone is not Allah’s wali/qareeb.

Taqwa = Allah is qareeb/closer to me, so ashamed of commiting sins(between fear and love= best iman).

In difficult times show patience/sabr and in ease time show gratitude /shukr (call him everytime).

Sense of realization/Qurb/nearness is a spiritual wealth. Nafs will never allow you to realize Allah is closer to you.

Mujahida/struggle(against ills of nafs) and riyazat/practice (Away from uncounciousness/gaflat) are tools for exploring Allah’s wilayat (because wilayat is a precious hidden wealth within us).

Inbuilt Desires =wealth and power (also women and children) 3/14.

Good desires turn into bad when you don’t control them(take you away from Allah) .

To reach Allah  there are 1000’s of ways  don’t blame any work of khair/goodness of others(check iman,ilm,islah e nafs before saying anything against others ,Niyyat is left to Allah.Associate with sunni organizations)

Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).

Taqwa(iman/obedience+ilm/protection+islah e nafs/purification)

1.Avoiding sins/diseases of the heart (being obedient)

2.knowing allah is closer/watching me

3.opposing nafs .

4. Zahir/shariat and baatin/tariqat both must go hand in hand . body and heart must be the same.

Taqwa =Amanat e Ruh

Taqwa=Manners/Adab e Shariat/sunnah of rasoolallah(saws)

Taqwa= iman/obedience+ ilm/protection+ islah e nafs/purification

Taqwa (wilayat)

1.Iman(obedience without reasoning)


3.sulook/islah e nafs(purification)

Taqwa=Allah will protect both zahir and baatin of the slave.

Taqwa=(iman+ilm+islah e nafs)

Taqwa (wilayat)=Iman(obedience without reasoning)+ ilm(protection) + sulook/islah e nafs(purification)

Taqwa =obedience in ibadat/mamulats + avoiding sins /prohibited things.

Amanat e ruh is taqwa because ruh is from Allah’s wealth/milkiat.

Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).

Taqwa =adab e shariat meaning giving preference to farz,wajib,sunnat,nafil,mubah etc (Akham e shariat with respect to adab)

Taqwa=Allah will protect both zahir and baatin of the slave.

Taqwa = Keep away from worldly people/atmosphere ,be with people of ahkirat.

Duniya =anything which takes you away from Allah AND ahkirat/taqwa =anything which brings you closer to Allah.

Taqwa=Being good to others .

Wara =muhasaba e nafs /accountability of nafs (on daily basis)

Wilayat = 1.faraiz/obedience 2.ilm e nafae/protection 3.islah e nafs/purification  4. Nawafil  

1st Iman –taqwa –2nd iman on rasoolallah (saws)

Iman without taqwa =iqrar o tasdeeq (proclamation and verification)

Iman with taqwa(muttaqi)= iman like that of sahaba(ra) ie marifat e rasoolallah(saws)

Not for Sawaab/reward coloring yourself with color of taqwa.

Taqwa (closeness to Allah) =anything which takes you closer to Allah for eg; zikr,namaz ,roza ,hajj,zakat,sadaqa,fulfilling responsibility ,helping others ,calling towards good, being part of people’s sadness, helping humanity,feeling pain/being sorry  for others,shukr ,sabr,raza,tawkkal ,avoiding sins,soft spoken ,respecting others,making others happy etc etc

Khair/goodness brings closeness to allah and shar/badness takes you away from allah.

Faraiz =doing good/distinguishing good from bad .

Taqwa=Anything which is good(ibadat/mamulat) + avoiding which is bad

Taqwa=Khair/goodness brings closeness to allah and shar/badness takes you away from allah.

Nafs/lower self taste the death , ruh/higher self goes to Allah, body/physical dissolves in the earth ,heart/spiritual settles in alam e barzack/hashr. Jannah =for purified people.

In sleep =ruh is taken back and returned back on awaking.

Taqwa/purification of ruh= returning ruh as it was before in front of Allah.

Amanat e ruh is taqwa because ruh is from Allah’s wealth/milkiat.

Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).

To reach Allah  there are 1000’s of ways  don’t blame any work of khair/goodness of others(check iman,ilm,islah e nafs before saying anything against others ,Niyyat is left to Allah.Associate with sunni organizations)

Keep away from worldly people/atmosphere ,be with people of ahkirat/taqwa.

Duniya =anything which takes you away from Allah AND ahkirat/taqwa =anything which brings you closer to Allah.

To reach Allah  there are 1000’s of ways  don’t blame any work of khair/goodness of others(check iman,ilm,islah e nafs before saying anything against others ,Niyyat is left to Allah.Associate with sunni organizations)

Amanat e ruh is taqwa because ruh is from Allah’s wealth/milkiat.

Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).

Taqwa =Amanat e Ruh

Taqwa=Manners/Adab e Shariat/sunnah of rasoolallah(saws)

Taqwa= iman/obedience+ ilm/protection+ islah e nafs/purification

Faraiz/responsibility =doing good/distinguishing good from bad .

Taqwa=Anything which is good(ibadat/mamulat) + avoiding which is bad

Taqwa=Khair/goodness brings closeness to allah and shar/badness takes you away from allah.

Taqwa=manners in life/Adab e Zindagi.

Taqwa/Darood o Salaam =Wazifa/solution for all problems.

Rizq means everything food,amaal,ilm,health,character etc .

Taqwa =greatest karamat/miracle .

Taqwa= spiritual hunger (nafs free from desires and  heart is free from duniya )

Amaal/deeds =subject to changes AND Taqwa =remains constant without changes(allah is watching me or 24/7 allah’s remembrance) .

Best person=(iman/ilm)Yaqeen–doubts AND (islam/amaal)Deen -desires

Taqwa=Heart free from ghaflat -Body free from sins-Nafs free from desires -ahklaq free from bad character 

Taqwa/Ibadat =allah is watching me (24/7)

Taqwa= safeguarding senses .

Taqwa = tawakkal when not rewarded, raza when rewarded, sabr when taken away (never question allah” why”- Happy with the decisions of allah).

Taqwa =zaahir not opposing allah’s ahkam and baatin is not subject to ghaflat/heedlessness.

Taqwa =islah e niyyat (Khyalat/thoughts-Iradat/intentions-afaal/actions-amaal/deeds-adaat/numbers).

Taqwa = amaal + adab (Reward/acceptance depends on khushu o khuzu (adab e ibadat))

Factors on which amaals’ acceptance depends on 1.adab/manners 2.iqlas e niyyat 3.application of sunnah 4.taqwa

How much is your Khushu o kuzoo ? that much of your ibadat is accepted.

Taqwa= Hayath,ilm,irada,qudrath,basarath,samaath,kalaam negation of these qualities is a must.

Ruh e taqwa/Isteqamat e taqwa =iman/obedience+ ilm/protection+ islah e nafs/purification

Kamal e taqwa =spiritual hunger (nafs free from desires and  heart is free from duniya )

Since man has reflection of wujud/siffath/afaal/asaar of Allah by which he is created and sustained ,man must be thankful /gratitude  to Allah.(the kalma way living)

Each act has to be followed as per the will of the almighty,which becomes the worship to Allah through Allah to Allah for Allah.

Everything is in Allah’s knowledge so creator cannot be creation and creation cannot be creator and also creation cannot exist without creator.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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